month : 06/2007 191 results

Road-work alert — and we’re not talking Cali

June 5, 2007 4:40 pm
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 |   Transportation

New paving alert just out from the city for tomorrow and Friday, 9 am-4 pm each day, in the vicinity of West Marginal/Chelan.

Gas-siphoning spree

June 5, 2007 4:38 pm
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 |   Crime

A WSB reader wrote with this alert for everybody else out there — gas-siphoners were at work sometime overnight in the 46th/Brandon vicinity. Even with prices dropping, guess it’s still a temptation … if you don’t have a garage, a lock-equipped gas cap might not be a bad investment.

Speaking of affordable housing

Which we have been, extensively … Here’s an ad for a single-family home in WS, less than $300K — with a furnace that runs on biodiesel, even! Open house this weekend but you gotta wonder if it’ll last that long. (And here’s one even cheaper.)

A rummage sale to remember

June 5, 2007 11:49 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS & Sports

rollergirlslogo.jpgPut “Rat City Rollergirls” and “rummage sale” in the same sentence and you just know it’s gonna be something good. Not only are they having one at the Alki Bathhouse this Sunday, but right this very moment (or any time between now and then) you are invited to donate items for it … the dropoff address (in White Center) is in this LJ post.

Markets in the mist

This Times article about a shelved QFC project in North Seattle got us thinking, again, about the pending supermarket projects here in WS. We dug back to last July to revisit this P-I article that included developers’ hopes that both the 4100 Alaska project (reportedly with QFC) hancocketc.jpgand the Fauntleroy Place project at the Schuck’s/Hancock corner (left), with Whole Foods, would both have begun construction by now. In reality – 4100 Alaska has gone through demolition, but the rest of the pre-construction process isn’t done yet; the next Design Review Board meeting about it is one week from Thursday. And Fauntleroy Place is still making its way through the city-permitting process; its website now says construction is expected to start by “mid-2007” (late summer/early fall was mentioned in this Herald story a few months ago).

Second candidate for WS school-board seat

Last weekend, we mentioned the jump-started campaign of Steve Sundquist for the WS-district Seattle School Board seat that Irene Stewart is relinquishing. The online campaign-filings list (which will be updated all week till the filing deadline Friday afternoon) now shows Sundquist has a challenger, Dan Dempsey. Can’t find an official campaign site for him but this appears to be a site he maintains. Meantime, the other WS-centered political position we’ll be voting for this year is King County Council District 8; incumbent Dow Constantine appears not to have filed papers as of this evening but had a campaign kickoff lunch today, so it’s a good bet he’ll be back on the ballot.

Live at West 5

Just saw channel 7 in The Junction outside West 5 to present coverage of tonight’s City Council nightlife-ordinance hearing; the story’s not on their website as of this writing, but you can read about what happened (minus the WS angle) at the P-I site. Also at Slog, where Skylark gets a shoutout.

Two for tomorrow

June 4, 2007 4:23 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do

We’ve mentioned both of these before but now they’re almost here, both happening tomorrow night, and in a time frame that easily facilitates a visit to both:

“NEIGHBORS IN BUSINESS” OPEN HOUSE: It’s your one-stop-shopping chance to find out more about dozens of businesses in the West Seattle and White Center area. Reps from more than 40 local businesses will gather at the Brockey Conference Center of South Seattle Community College (which really is in WS; here’s a handy campus map) from 5-8 pm tomorrow. Door prizes and food, too!

CHIEF SEALTH IB ACCREDITATION CELEBRATION: If you drop by “Neighbors in Business” early enough, you can make it over to this event at Camp Long from 7-9 pm tomorrow. It’s a community celebration of Chief Sealth High School’s accreditation for the prestigious International Baccalaureate program, with music by the Sealth mariachi band, and dessert.

Delridge (coffee) drinks update

Progress on two in-the-works coffee shops within a mile of each other on Delridge: First, the coffee-shop-in-progress at 5605 Delridge now has a name on its awning – “Pacino’s Coffee.” Second, at 4800 Delridge, exterior work is mostly done (photo below) at the sister shop to Bubbles on Alki; a WSB reader tells us she stopped in recently and heard they hope to open by month’s end, offering savory treats (crepes, sandwiches) as well as coffee & bubble tea.


WS Gas Price Watch: Getting closer to $3

June 4, 2007 11:31 am
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 |   Gas prices | Transportation

admcalichev.jpgAt least two WS gas stations are down below $3.20 this morning: Admiral/Cali Chevron (left) at $3.17/regular, and Delridge Arco, which had a worker out changing the signs (all four of them; tough job to have to switch numbers on up to twelve displays every time there’s a price change!) to $3.19/regular as of about half an hour ago.

U-turners beware

There is a problem with people making illegal U-turns on Harbor Island near the “low bridge,” according to the P-I traffic troubleshooting column. (We had trouble placing the location so here’s a better map.) If this is something you do regularly, you’ll want to know that the city says, in the P-I column, it’ll be changing the curbing again soon to try to stop the U-turners.

No sunset, but …

… an hour or so after that evening cloudburst, this oddly creased cloud formation turned up in the eastern sky (view from Westwood). Can’t find any clue as to its meteorological backstory.


On again, now off again

June 3, 2007 7:49 pm
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 |   West Seattle beaches | WS culture/arts

Just 3 weeks ago, we mentioned it looked like Seattle Music Fest at Alki would return this year; its website indicated dates were set. Now (thanks to reader e-mail for the tip), it’s suddenly off again (though the SMF website insists dates are set for 2008). However, fans of live outdoor music should still get a treat during Summer Fest in The Junction in mid-July (in fact, tomorrow is when they’re supposed to start notifying acts accepted for the festival).

Another big condo conversion, plus apartments 4 sale

If you haven’t checked out the comments on our post below – note that readers have revealed a brand-new, huge condo conversion in the works at the Graham Street Apartments just north of Morgan Junction, on the southeast corner of Cali/Graham. As first posted by Sue, here’s the property sale record (almost $9 million) finalized just a few days ago; here’s the condo conversion application noted on the city site.

Meantime, for those joining us in keeping track, here are a few of the other “multifamily” buildings currently listed for sale in WS, with links to the listings:

West Aires, 6001 Cali, $2.2 million

Riviera West, 7100 Cali, listed as “pending,” with “condo declarations in place,” $1.9 million (next to SeventyOne)

Apartment/commercial building on Cali, south edge of The Junction, (with some units described as “condo quality”), $1.3 million

5000 Fauntleroy, “pending,” $1.2 million

Teardown-to-townhomes: Who gets the boot

We usually find out about impending teardowns-to-townhomes by watching the city permit process. Today, though, we’ve got one that came to our attention from the people who are getting the boot before the backhoe shows up: the current renters of a doomed brick duplex along Fauntleroy, a couple who moved here from back east last year, and like so many of us, fell madly in love with WS. They aren’t ready to buy; one of them is in grad school. But now they’re on notice they’ve got to be out by the end of this month. There’s one instructive thing about their story; first, here’s a photo they kindly sent of their soon-to-be-ex-duplex …


The tenants note in their e-mail to us: “We rent through a property management company and didn’t know, till now, who the owner was — it’s Soleil Development.” (Which has other WS projects, including this one.) We checked property records for their address; Soleil technically didn’t take ownership till last winter, after these tenants moved in; but before their arrival last August, it was purchased last June by Dan Duffus, Soleil’s owner. So perhaps it would be worthwhile for would-be renters to use this site to check who owns their prospective new home; if it’s a development company, or someone you can easily see in search engines is linked to one, know you might not live there for long.

Lucky (sun)break

What a surprise to wake up to sunshine. Honestly, when we filed the post below, late last night, this page insisted we’d wake up to clouds and showers. Now it says “mostly sunny” all day. Glad they were wrong!

Just in case it was the last nice sunset we have for a while

June 2, 2007 11:20 pm
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 |   West Seattle beaches

Might have been; the forecast doesn’t look too promising. (Photo taken @ Lowman.)


WS Gas Price Watch: Still the champ

admiralchev601.jpgFor a whopping two days now, Admiral/Cali Chevron (left) has held the title of lowest posted regular gas price in WS – $3.21/gallon. According to AAA’s price tracker, that’s not only below the current Seattle average, it’s even a bit below the average price one year ago today.

Trip back in time

June 2, 2007 6:30 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle history

Rhonda @ Beach Drive Blog tips us to a must-go event (for us WS history fans, anyway) tomorrow: memories of Luna Park, at the former site of Luna Park. Conveniently, this will be happening during low-tide time, when what remains of the LP pilings can further fuel your imagination. (Here’s the Luna Park history link from our WS History page.)

Reflective mood

June 2, 2007 12:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle beaches

-2 low tide bottoming out at Alki right about now, and it’ll be replicated just after 1 tomorrow afternoon. Caught this group & their reflection as the tide was on its way out.


Off to the races

As the Times points out this morning, election season is about to begin. You’ve probably already noticed sundquistsign.jpgthat one candidate has gotten a jump on things by blanketing West Seattle with yard signs (photo at right) even before officially filing to run. Steve Sundquist is the first declared candidate for the WS (District 6) school board seat that Irene Stewart is giving up. We don’t know much about him yet (here’s his site if you want to peruse for yourself), but we’ll miss Stewart, who we thought was doing a decent job in a difficult (to say the least) situation. As for when we’ll start voting – the primary is now earlier than ever – August 21.

From fluff ‘n’ fold, to Fluffy’s food?

The city permit files say a pet-food store is in the works for Westwood Village. We can’t find a center blueprint to match WV “suite numbers” to specific stores, so we can’t tell if that’s what’s going into the laundromat space (below) that just emptied out north of QFC, but crews are certainly working fast and furious to convert it into something. Also, the permit files mention progress on the WV in-the-works Taco Del Mar.


So close and yet so far

One of the things we adore about West Seattle is that downtown is so close … yet it can be “out of sight, out of mind” until and unless you choose to stop for a view like this:
