ALERT: Water-safety warning after Harbor Avenue facility malfunction leads to 58,000-gallon overflow into Duwamish River

Stay out of the water near the west mouth of the Duwamish River. That’s the health alert from Public Health Seattle and King County because of a combined-sewer overflow reported by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division:

As rainfall hit the region, the King County Wastewater Treatment Division had an unpermitted overflow of combined wastewater and stormwater near the Duwamish West Waterway on Wednesday night, Sept. 25.

At around 7:50 p.m., the Harbor Avenue Regulator Station at 3432 Harbor Ave. SW in West Seattle malfunctioned and released a mixture of stormwater and wastewater from a <strong>combined sewer overflow (CSO) outfall near Chelan Avenue Southwest, an industrial area by the Port of Seattle’s Terminal 5. CSO outfalls are specific relief points into nearby bodies of water to prevent backups into homes and businesses. The regulator station, which controls flow between sewer lines, has resumed normal operations. We are looking into the cause of the equipment malfunction.

The overflow stopped within 12 minutes as levels in the system went down. Early estimates show approximately 58,000 gallons of combined flow were released into the Duwamish Waterway. This water typically contains about 90% stormwater and 10% wastewater.

We reported the overflow to the Washington State Department of Ecology and are notifying nearby businesses. We are also working with Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) and are following its guidance. As a precaution, PHSKC advises the public to avoid contact with the water in the Duwamish West Waterway and Elliott Bay (east of Jack Block Park View Point) for seven days (until Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 8:05 p.m.).

A county document (page 10) explains what the regulator station does: “The Harbor Avenue regulator station regulates flow from the north and northeast areas of West Seattle into Delridge trunk. Wastewater flows directly through the station into the trunk. High flows can also be sent to West Seattle pump station.”

11 Replies to "ALERT: Water-safety warning after Harbor Avenue facility malfunction leads to 58,000-gallon overflow into Duwamish River"

  • mygoodness September 26, 2024 (6:43 pm)

    heartbreaking. As if the plants and animals that try to survive in the area haven’t dealt with enough.

  • Ron Foust September 26, 2024 (7:40 pm)

    After all those upgrades… Really…

    • WSB September 26, 2024 (8:10 pm)

      Some upgrades are yet to be done. This area is in fact part of the Mouth of the Duwamish project.

  • heyalki September 27, 2024 (5:41 am)

    This happens all the time how is it an accident? 

  • Nadmiral September 27, 2024 (9:37 am)

    We were at Alki Beach yesterday around 2 o’clock and noticed what looked like exhaust or fog spewing northward at Duwamish head. Wonder if that was related? It was gigantic…. almost looked like a huge fire/smoke type movement over the water northbound. 

    • WSB September 27, 2024 (10:12 am)

      No, this would not generate something in the air, and it was not near Duwamish Head.

  • KT September 27, 2024 (9:44 am)

    Can you imagine what the state would do if these fairly frequent overflows were coming from a private business rather than King County?

  • gatewood88 September 27, 2024 (10:15 am)

    why is this still happening at such frequency? we didn’t get that much precipitation.. nothing like what we will get during the winter… it’s unacceptable.. particularly since this is salmon season… our government MUST do better.

  • Greg September 27, 2024 (10:29 am)

    The river is tidally influenced more than 11 miles up river. So that means the sewage is flowing up river as well.   As I look at my window, people are actually fishing in it right now.  Why doesn’t King County take this into account?

  • wetone September 27, 2024 (1:49 pm)

    Should make all those salmon being netted in river taste extra special ;) Hopefully someone will be held accountable…….. 

    • Niko September 27, 2024 (3:47 pm)

      No one will be! It’ll be the usual “nobody’s fault” No one will be fired and they’ll just get some fine that moves taxpayer funds from one government agency to another

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