If you use Delridge to get onto the WS Bridge, one of your neighbors has a request for you … they say it much better than we could (especially since that’s not our route), so here’s the whole e-mail, after the “jump”:
I live near South Seattle Community College and travel each day down Delridge and onto the West Seattle Bridge on my way to work. I”ve lived here (a long time). Ever since the bus-only lane was created, Delridge Way commuters have had a tough time. The problem is not the bus lane but rather the insistence of folks coming down off the hill that they need to move over to the far right lane (to get ready to go north on 99) at the earliest possible moment. This means that they are crossing two lanes just at the point that everyone coming down Delridge is simply trying to get onto the bridge. The result is that Delridge on-ramp traffic simply stops whenever one or two folks choose that moment to wait to get into the right lane line. Moving over at that point not only snarls traffic for the Delridgers, but is simply unnecessary. The whole mess could be solved if drivers coming down the hill from upper West Seattle would simply wait a bit to change lanes, even a hundred yards or so. The bus lane doesn’t start until just past the top of the bridge, more than a quarter-mile beyond the meager Delridge ramp. When folks actually drive in the lane until to top of the bridge and split off right and left while moving rather than stopping and waiting, things work out surprisingly well.