A WSB reader with kids @ Lafayette Elementary across from the store’s south lot forwarded us this e-mail bulletin from the school, complete with handy phone number if anyone wants to call the store’s manager to ask whassup with all this. Full e-mail text, plus a photo of something interesting we spotted in that same lot this morning, after the jump:
It has been brought to our attention that the W.S. Safeway (across from Lafayette) is now ticketing those people who are not shopping at Safeway. This includes those who are just dropping off or picking up students from Lafayette. A few of our parents have already gotten tickets. Safeway has not only posted signs, but they have also hired parking lot monitors.
We just thought you should be aware. Any questions or comments should be directed to Steve Rudd, Safeway Manager (206) 937-5112
(Now, our photo from midday today, with the school in the background at left, Safeway in the background at right:)