Pagliacci says it’s true

Two days after e-mailing the guys at Pagliacci, we just got this reply:

Thank you for inquiring about our delivery area. We have indeed
expanded our delivery service area in an effort to reach more of our
customers. Our new border to the south is Holden Street and to the
east is 27th.

Thank you,

Jeff Woodruff
Director of Operations
Pagliacci Pizza

3 Replies to "Pagliacci says it's true"

  • Agen March 7, 2007 (4:30 pm)

    Glad to hear they’re expanding their zone – but I’m still stymied for Pags pizza as it’s not big enough to get into the heart of the Delridge ‘hood (I’m at 25th). C’mon – we’re good people down here, too!

  • Southerner March 7, 2007 (9:25 pm)

    Good for them, but not for me. I live a few blocks south of Holden in the 35th avenue corridor. Bummer. Maybe in a few years we can convince them to expand more.

  • Josh S. March 7, 2007 (9:51 pm)

    missed it by two blocks – 30th & Thistle. Guess I’ll try Garlic Jims.

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