Viaduct video

If you haven’t seen the latest semi-satirical video by the pro-tunnel camp, it’s here. Nowhere near as good as the classic “Committee to Save Big Ugly Things” video, in our opinion. But the link did lead us to videos we’d been looking for — the official animated renderings of Replacement-A-Duct and Original Tunnel, first released last fall. P.S. Turns out there is an actual NO/NO group. Here’s their rather grabby logo/slogan:


3 Replies to "Viaduct video"

  • j February 12, 2007 (2:25 pm)

    WSB, where are you guys on the vote? No/No? Yes/No? Yes/Maybe? Our survey totals such that they are show West Seattleites shaking out as No/Nos, surprisingly enough.

  • Administrator February 12, 2007 (3:28 pm)

    we are no/no until and unless someone convinces us otherwise.

  • Ryan February 20, 2007 (7:00 am)

    Somehow I missed that you already posted about this. There are a thousand reasons why I should’ve noticed. A billion, even.

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