CAT FOUND, HIT BY CAR: Is he yours? – January 14, 2017 1:18 pm

I was driving south on Avalon near Genesee this morning and the person in front of me ran over a cat. I stopped, gathered him up and brought him to Lien animal clinic, who is taking care of him now. He has no microchip and is not neutered but he seemed well cared for. Animal shelter has been contacted. They are keeping me updated on him – he’s stable and is going to be okay (I think!) He’s white with black markings on him. I know it’s a long shot but if you know this cat call Lien animal clinic 206-932-1133🐱 also shoutout to Lien – SO great and so helpful!!!!

2 Replies to "CAT FOUND, HIT BY CAR: Is he yours?"

  • Shyann January 14, 2017 (2:03 pm)

    Follow up from Lien – kitty is still doing well. His markings are actually black and with white. He has white on his face with a black moustache and black ears. His body is basically black with white paws and some white on the hind end. We estimate that he is approx. 1-2 years old and is an un-neutered male kitty with no microchip or collar. Seattle Animal Shelter has been notified and we are doing the 72 hour hold that is required for stray kitties, here at Lien, giving the owner time to claim him. After 72 hours, he will be eligible for adoption and the other good samaritan who assisted this poster, is interested in adopting. If this sounds like your kitty, please call 932-1133. Since there is no ID on kitty, any calls will be screened. The caller will need to provide proof of ownership +/or a very detailed description of this cat. 

    • Janet January 14, 2017 (3:07 pm)

      Thank you for the update! I’ve been thinking about him all day. You guys are the best! ❤

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