West Seattle politics 2182 results

Election Day: Drop off or mail your ballot by tonight

checkbox.jpgHaven’t voted yet? Technically today’s election is the primary – but two major ballot measures, and the judicial races (as explained here), will be settled today, so don’t just let the day slide by without having your say. The ballot-dropoff van – which is drive-up/ride-up/walk-up – will be set up along the West Seattle Stadium driveway till 8 tonight. Or, if you’re mailing your ballot, make sure it’ll be postmarked today. Last-minute research? Here’s the official pamphlet.

Election 2012: Ballot dropoff van’s debut day in West Seattle

West Seattle hasn’t had a ballot-dropoff box since 2009, but the county is trying something new this election season by bringing a ballot-dropoff van here. We first mentioned the plan a month ago, and today was the first of four days you can use it to vote without a postage stamp. Richard, Kaleigh, and Ted staffed the van near the entrance to the West Seattle Stadium parking lot starting at 10 am today; they’re there till 5 pm, then the van’s back 10-5 tomorrow, 10-5 Monday, and 7 am-8 pm on Tuesday (which is Election Day, and therefore your deadline to get the ballot to a dropoff spot or a mailbox).

Haven’t mailed your ballot? Dropoff van in West Seattle tomorrow

August 2, 2012 2:54 pm
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Next Tuesday is Primary Election Day – which means you have to get your ballot in the mail by Tuesday night. But you can save the money for a stamp, and be sure you’ve delivered it directly to King County Elections, checkbox.jpgby using the “ballot dropoff van” that will be stationed in West Seattle tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. We first reported the plan in early July, and it’s time now for a reminder. You can drop your ballot(s) off at the van at West Seattle Stadium (turn east off 35th just south of Avalon) 10 am-5 pm tomorrow, Saturday, and Monday, or 7 am-8 pm on Tuesday. Lots more election info on the county website. Remember that while this is technically a primary election, there are some issues and races that will be decided in this vote – including county Prop 1 (for a new juvenile/family justice center) and city Prop 1, the library levy.

Arena proposal: City Councilmembers’ concerns; County Council approval

FIRST REPORT, 11:26 AM: With the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce board taking a stand against the SODO location proposed for a new Seattle sports arena (as first reported here last week), it’s higher on the radar here – so here’s a new development: Less than 3 hours before the King County Council holds a public hearing on the possible county investment in the plan, the Seattle City Council has announced it’s “in discussions” with would-be arena investor Chris Hansen, and has gone public with a four-page letter to him, signed by 8 councilmembers (all except Bruce Harrell). You can see the letter here; the concerns it outlines include the ones on which the WSCoC and Port of Seattle have focused:

… In particular, transportation issues must be addressed and freight mobility impacts mitigated to protect the city’s vital maritime and industrial job sectors. …

The letter spends even more time on concerns about “ongoing financial exposure” to the city and a “balance of public and private benefits.” But it also makes a point that “it would be unfortunate if the project were to founder now …”

Meantime, in advance of the public hearing and expected County Council vote this afternoon, West Seattle’s County Councilmember Joe McDermott co-authored an essay explaining why he believes they have “done (their) due diligence”; read it here. (If and when there is a vote, we’ll add that update to this story.)

6:46 PM: The County Council’s vote was yes. Read about it on their site.

West Seattle Chamber of Commerce opposes SODO location for arena; letter sent to City, County Councils

As the Seattle City Council and King County Council consider whether to approve the proposal for an arena in SODO, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce has gone on record as opposed to the proposed location – NOT to the idea of an arena, but to the proposal for putting it in SODO. The Chamber has just sent this letter to both:

Honorable Members of King County and Seattle City Councils

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce (WSCC) has taken a position in opposition to the proposed Sodo location of Arenaco’s sports and entertainment complex. Our Chamber feels that the proposed sports and entertainment complex is a type of use that is incompatible in our marine, industrial and warehouse neighborhood.

WSCC is chiefly concerned about the impact such a facility would have on congestion in Sodo. Sodo is the main artery feeding West Seattle. Many goods needed by West Seattle businesses originate in Sodo warehouses or arrive via truck through Sodo. This is also true for goods and/or freight originating in West Seattle, much of it must go to or through Sodo.

WSCC wishes to emphasize that freight mobility is not simply an issue for marine cargo, it’s an issue for freight movements of all sizes and destinations. Freight sitting idle in a congested Sodo is costly to local businesses large and small.

The letter continues after the jump:Read More

Automated gunfire detector? Part of West Seattle on recommendation list

This afternoon at 2 pm, the City Council’s Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology Committee, chaired by Councilmember Bruce Harrell, looks at a high-tech solution to a recurring problem: How to tell when reports of gunshots are really gunshots – and how to find out about gunfire if no one reports it. The committee will see a presentation for a system called ShotSpotter, which involves acoustic sensors – a media advisory for today’s meeting summarizes it this way:

How will the Automated Gunfire Locating System work? When gunfire occurs outdoors, acoustic sensors will activate instantly and software will triangulate and identify the exact location of the gunfire. A gunfire and acoustic expert analyzes and validates the audio data and routes the alert to the police dispatch center. Within minutes, the police will receive critical information and arrive at the exact location of the gunfire knowing how many shots were fired, the original shooter’s position, speed and direction of travel (if shooter moved) and exact time of gunfire.

The company’s PowerPoint is online as part of the committee agenda, so we took a look, and noticed the map above – labeling part of West Seattle as an area recommended for the sensors, because it’s one of three areas in the city that together represent 55 percent of the shots/shootings/weapons calls (the West Seattle area mentioned is described as representing 8 percent of the calls), while only comprising 18 percent of the city’s acreage. Today’s meeting is a briefing – no specific proposal is up for a vote; too soon for that, and note that the slide deck says the cost of this is $40,000-$60,000/square mile annually – but if you’re interested in watching, Seattle Channel will have it live, on cable 21 and online at seattlechannel.org.

ADDED EARLY FRIDAY: Our partners at The Seattle Times covered the hearing; here’s their report.

Update: Helicopters, traffic, SSCC event, all part of Bidens’ visit

(PHOTO UPDATE: Dr. Biden with SSCC president Gary Oertli; photo by Nick Adams for WSB)
FIRST REPORT, 4:01 PM: As noted here this morning, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden are in Seattle this afternoon/evening for events – he’s headlining a fundraiser downtown for U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell; she’s participating in an education roundtable hosted by South Seattle Community College at their Boeing Field aviation facility. That’s why you’re seeing helicopter(s) over eastern West Seattle (thanks for the texts). And the motorcade is temporarily closing I-5 – you can expect that in the other direction around 7 pm, according to SPD.

4:28 PM UPDATE: The event with Dr. Biden is under way; we’ve substituted a new photo atop this update. More coverage to come!

6:59 PM UPDATE: One more round of eastbound bridge backup as the vice president heads back to the airport (thanks to Neil for the photo). We’ll have a separate story with more on the SSCC-hosted event in a bit.

Speaking of elections: Council OK’s $290 million seawall levy

You might remember that video from 2009 – WSDOT’s version of how a big quake could bring down the Alaskan Way Viaduct and the downtown Seattle seawall. The Viaduct’s fate has since been settled, but the seawall’s has not …till now. Months after that video went public, not long after taking office in early 2010, Mayor McGinn proposed a $241 million property-tax levy to pay most of the cost of replacing the Elliott Bay seawall (we covered the announcement downtown). That proposal died. Now a new one is expected to go to Seattle voters in November – a $290 million bond measure that got preliminary City Council approval today (here’s the news release), with final approval expected next week. That’s not the full cost – the news release says the city’s already set aside $30 million, and the county would chip in $30 million more. One more number: If your house is worth $360,000, the city says the new seawall will cost you $59 a year. If the current schedule proceeds, it would be done by 2016 – when the tunnel’s supposed to be done, too.

Election 2012: West Seattle ballot-dropoff service returns, sort of

checkbox.jpgThe August 7th election is five weeks from tomorrow – including not only the primary, but also two local levies (Seattle libraries and the King County youth justice/family law center) and we have just learned that, for those who would rather not put their ballots in the mail, there WILL be some ballot-dropoff service in West Seattle for the first time since 2009.

We checked with King County Elections after hearing that Burien had received a new dropbox and wondering if West Seattle and/or White Center would get one too. Kim Van Ekstrom‘s reply: No, BUT: “A new temporary service for returning your ballot will be added for the 2012 fall elections. We will employ 3 vans that will park in temporary locations. The vans will be parked and staffed by people accepting ballots at the following locations, on the following dates and times: Friday, Saturday, and Monday prior to Election Day 10 am – 5 pm, and on Election Day, 7 am – 8 pm.” West Seattle Stadium is one of the three dropoff-van locations.

If you’re interested in where else you will find either accessible-voting service or ballot dropoffs around King County, here’s an advance look at all of that information, which Van Ekstrom says will be updated soon on the Elections website:Read More

Update: West Seattle’s Constantine, Cody, McDermott on health-care ruling

You’ve probably heard already that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld most of of President Obama’s health-care law (here’s what it means for our state). The first West Seattle politician to comment is King County Executive Dow Constantine – his statement, ahead (10:25 AM UPDATE – we also have heard from West Seattle’s State Rep. Eileen Cody and County Councilmember Joe McDermott, and are adding their statements after Constantine’s):Read More

Got a question for Council President Clark? Ask her here, Thursday

June 12, 2012 10:46 am
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This Thursday, Seattle City Council President Sally Clark is the guest speaker at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly lunch – and you don’t have to be a member to attend, Chamber president Dave Montoure reminds us. So he’s issuing an invitation to anybody interested – not just to come listen, but to ask questions during the Q/A section of lunch. Want to ask about development? Job creation? Transportation? Or? Be at The Kenney (WSB sponsor; 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW), 11:30 am-1 pm this Thursday. If you’re a Chamber member, the cost for lunch is $25; if not, $35, and everyone has to RSVP – you can do it online or call the Chamber office at 206-932-5685.

Stunt planned at Seafair Pirates Landing? Mystery CL ad

If an ad that just appeared on Craigslist in Seattle is for real, someone appears to be planning a political protest of sorts during this year’s Seafair Pirates Landing, coming up July 7th on Alki. Thanks to Diane for spotting the ad; it offers T-shirts (“sure to be a collectors item”) and $20 to each of up to 125 people who will be hired for: “Holding a sign and/or passing out info sheets requesting that the laws of the state of Washington and the City of Seattle should apply to all.” The ad also says organizers are “expecting national TV coverage.” We’ve sent a note to the blind-box address in the ad, which also includes an ad for a mail drop in Lake City. While we continue poking around for clues and awaiting a possible reply, thought we would throw it out to you – know what this is about? If you don’t want to leave a comment, you’re also welcome to e-mail editor@westseattleblog.com.

Election 2012: Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon kicks off (unopposed) campaign

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
34th District State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon had ample reason to smile tonight. Not only did other local political leaders including King County Executive Dow Constantine turn out for his re-election campaign kickoff at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center tonight, Rep. Fitzgibbon, a Burien Democrat, is running unopposed, since no one else filed for the position. (Our area’s senior State Rep. Eileen Cody does have an opponent this time around, Vashon Democrat William Giammarese; the primary this year is August 7th, and the general election is November 6th.)

Video: Health, money, White House among topics at Rep. McDermott’s ‘Coffee with Your Congressman’

The U.S. Supreme Court will uphold President Obama’s health-care plan, 6-3. That prediction today from U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott during a “Coffee with Your Congressman” Q/A session attended by more than 50 people at Dubsea Coffee in White Center’s Greenbridge neighborhood. Rep. McDermott wore a White Center Spring Clean T-shirt in honor of the big event that’s keeping hundreds of volunteers busy in WC right now, including some at Greenbridge Plaza right outside Dubsea. Other topics included the foreclosure crisis, the upcoming presidential election – the president “should be stronger,” Rep. McDermott said, while adding that he has in many aspects been “a very good president.” The congressmember is up for re-election this fall too. We’ll add more toplines plus video of the entire hourlong event later; he had a similar event at West Seattle’s C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) a year ago.

3:25 PM: Video added. Audio quality fluctuates since this event was in a busy working coffeehouse and Rep. McDermott roved a bit.

Video: Sen. Murray at South Seattle Community College Civics Week

A high-ranking guest helped wrap up South Seattle Community College‘s Civics Week today, a week focused on both student-government elections and participation in the larger political/civic scene. U.S. Senator Patty Murray came to the West Seattle campus this morning – her second appearance there in 7 months (here’s our report from last October) – for a rally about the fight in D.C. over raising interest on student loans. In our 14-minute video of today’s speeches, you hear from SSCC president Gary Oertli, former SSCC president and current system chancellor Jill Wakefield, United Student Association president Dante Obcena, USA VP & legislative liaison Tysen Hillquist, before a few minutes by the senator:

Sen. Murray has long been active on veterans’ issues as well, as college president Oertli noted in his introduction. After the speech, Sen. Murray talked with local activist and U.S. Army veteran Dorsol Plants:

As you heard the senator say if you viewed the video, the bill to keep student-loan rates from rising sharply is currently tied up in a Republicans vs. Democrats fight, with the former trying to keep it from coming up for a vote.

Election 2012: Initiative 103 ‘meetup’ in West Seattle

Much of the time, you don’t find out much about an initiative till signature gatherers show up on corners and outside businesses, asking you to take a look and consider signing. The group behind proposed Seattle Initiative 103 – meant as a counter to the so-called “corporate personhood” ruling – is organizing meetups in neighborhoods around the city, and sent word of one set for May 21st in West Seattle – read on:Read More

West Seattle politics: 34th District Democrats’ endorsements

Though we’re still three months away from the primary election, six months away from the general, it was endorsement time tonight at the monthly meeting of the 34th District Democrats, our area’s biggest political group. We recorded the meeting on video and will add that here later, for those interested; if you just want to cut to the chase, read on for the list of who won what, including the group’s vote not to endorse the only West Seattleite running for statewide office:Read More

Transportation questions dominate mayor’s West Seattle Town Hall

Mayor McGinn has just wrapped up a two-hour visit to West Seattle, starting with a walking tour that began at Mountain to Sound Outfitters in The Triangle…

… and then moving on to an hour-long Town Hall Q/A session at the Senior Center of West Seattle. We’ll be adding more photos, but first, here’s our as-it-happened highlights from the Q and A:

QUESTION: Dick Hurley said he’s lived in West Seattle more than 30 years and sees lots of transportation expenditures “while my alley has fallen apart – it’s so bad that cars will bottom out, just in my alley.” He wondered why Local Improvement Districts to fix things like that are no longer available.

MAYOR: “It’s news to me … I’ve always thought we should make it easier to form those, because if people want to tax themselves, we should make it easier to form one.” He talked about his history in the Greenwood neighborhood and getting sidewalks put in to alleviate pedestrian challenges. He went on to acknowledge that the city has been neglecting road problems, though he is “blowing away pothole records set by previous administrations” – though he would just as soon not have the potholes there in need of filling. And he wishes he could find more funding for street and right-of-way improvements/repairs: “That’s what makes this special down here, how it feels on the street.”

QUESTION: From Sam with Standup America: “I spoke to you at another town hall last week about the salary gap” – he meant the mayor’s salary: “You’re talking about money you can’t get for roadways, but you’re giving yourself an annual increase … Why do you think it’s right that your income continually grows while (others’ income doesn’t)?” An audience member asks where Sam lives; “Capitol Hill” he replies.

Much more ahead, including news of a major paving project for Delridge Way:Read More

How should the city spend its money? Speak up in May

April 25, 2012 10:49 am
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We KNOW you have something to say about how the city should spend its money. So even though none of these meetings is in West Seattle, we’re sharing the heads-up about a three-meeting invite from the City Council for the first round of community conversation in the process of hashing out the next budget:

Join the Seattle City Council for one of three conversations in May about the City budget and community priorities. Participants will engage City Councilmembers and neighbors in conversation centered on five thought-provoking questions about the future of our City.

North Seattle
Monday, May 7, 2012, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
North Seattle Community College, 9600 College Way North, College Center, Room 1161

Central Seattle
Monday, May 14, 2012, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Seattle Central Community College, 1701 Broadway, Broadway Edison Building, Room BE1110

South Seattle
Monday, May 21, 2012, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
New Holly Gathering Hall, 7054 32nd Ave South

All sorts of city budget background is available via this council webpage.

Mayor McGinn returning to West Seattle for another Town Hall

He was here last month for a Town Hall at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (WSB coverage here), and now Mayor McGinn is returning to West Seattle for another one in two weeks, according to an e-mail announcement this afternoon. It invites anyone interested in Q/A with the mayor to come to the Senior Center of West Seattle, 5-6 pm Thursday, May 3rd.

Election 2012: Democrats caucus in West Seattle, despite the sun

Of all the volunteers who helped make this afternoon’s Democratic precinct caucuses happen around West Seattle and beyond, they might have had the best job – hanging out in the sunshine to help people find their way into the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria. Inside, it was a little lonely – one woman asked the check-in-table volunteers, “Am I the only one?” She wasn’t the only one there – we counted more than 30 before the caucusing officially began at 1:30 pm – but she might have been the only one from her precinct. Each precinct had a table, and some tables were empty. But that made it a convivial gathering – Chris Porter rallied everyone around as he read the introduction and rules:

As is usual for caucuses, this was the first step in a process that could lead a determined delegate all the way to the Democratic National Convention in September in Charlottesville. Unlike 2008, when the caucuses were packed because the party hadn’t settled on its nominee yet – today was more about trying to rally the party to look ahead to November, including a pitch for support, monetary and volunteer. “What a difference four years makes,” someone observed, looking around. The bright side of low turnout: High odds of getting elected as a delegate; Porter extolled the virtues of moving on to higher-level caucuses and making an impact on the party platform.

Things were buzzing at our second stop, West Seattle High School:

Most balloon-festooned tables had lively conversations going on – the official business part of the caucus was scheduled to “start no sooner than 1:30, and end no sooner than 2:00,” per the rules. 34th District Democrats chair Tim Nuse was circulating; former State House candidate Mike Heavey told us he had counted about 100 people on hand, and our informal count tended to agree. And while at Sealth, we’d seen just one candidate sign – for President Obama – as well as an advocacy table (for marriage equality), WSHS had campaign signs galore, not just Obama/Biden, but also for governor candidate Jay Inslee and U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott. WSHS also is where West Seattle Republicans caucused on a gray day six weeks ago (WSB coverage here), with a packed house, but that was their sole spot for the entire peninsula (today the D’s also caucused at Madison Middle School, West Seattle Elementary, and Highland Park Elementary). Next step for the Dems: The district caucuses on April 28th.

Video: 34th District Democrats’ candidate forums, surprise visits, caucus preview…

“If someone [still] doesn’t know the caucuses are happening, we can’t help them at this point,” said 34th District Democrats chair Tim Nuse at Wednesday night’s monthly meeting, mentioning an awareness-raising campaign that he said has included 7,000 door-knocks, thousands of phone calls (including 10,000 robocalls Wednesday with a message from King County Executive Dow Constantine), and paid ads (including one here on WSB).

That would be the Democratic precinct caucuses – happening this Sunday at 1 pm at locations all around the district (if you’re a Democrat, find your location here). Even though the presidential candidate is not up for debate, the 34th DDs say there is much to talk about and many reasons to attend yours. But after that pep talk, last night’s meeting at The Hall at Fauntleroy moved on to many ways of looking ahead to August and November, including a surprise speech by our area’s Congressmmember, and three mini-campaign-forums – we’ve got them all on video, ahead:Read More

Election 2012: Local Democrats caucusing this Sunday

checkbox.jpgIf you missed the mentions before – yes, Democrats are caucusing in our state, even though, as the 34th District Democrats‘ website puts it, “there is no mystery as to who our candidate will be.” The 34th DDs’ website explains why. Next Sunday (April 15th) is the day, 1 pm the time, multiple gathering places; if you are a Democrat, you can find yours by using this lookup. (Here’s our coverage of the local Republican caucuses last month.)