West Seattle police 1917 results

Happening now on Alki: #blackbrunchseattle anti-racism demonstration

We’ve been asked why police are out on Alki. Scanner traffic mentioned they were called because of “protesters.” Checking Twitter, we found out it’s the walking anti-racism demonstration that goes by the hashtag #blackbrunchseattle. Social-media clips show participants staging brief demonstrations inside restaurants, and then moving on; recognizable visuals included Cactus, Duke’s, and Alki Café, shown in this brief video clip that was tweeted:

Another tweet says there are 11 participants and six police cars. A few have tweeted photos of the SPD presence.

Following the hashtag shows past demonstrations in other Seattle neighborhoods including Capitol Hill, and one today on the East Coast in Princeton, NJ.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Shoplifting-turned-robbery suspect arrested at Admiral Safeway; plus, 12-foot-long ‘shipment’ stolen

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight:

SHOPLIFT TURNED ROBBERY: Thanks to the people who texted/tweeted to ask about a big police response plus a fire engine at Admiral Safeway a few hours ago. The police were all gone by the time we got there but we’ve since obtained some information from Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams. He says a loss-prevention officer tried to stop a shoplifting suspect who fought, punched, and kicked the officer, which turned it into a robbery. The suspect was arrested, with the help of citizens who held him down until police arrived and made the arrest. Lt. Williams says the loss-prevention officer’s injuries were minor.

12-FOOT-LONG, 100-POUND ‘SHIPMENT’ STOLEN: From the inbox, a reader report about a theft that would have been very noticeable if you happened to witness the stolen item being carried:

My partner and I had a shipment in front of our townhouse on 5950 California Ave. SW. … 12 feet long and 100 pounds.. This is of no commercial value to anyone else except that we tracked it all the way from Florida and it’s going to delay … two weeks on a very special birthday present. … I just don’t believe will be able to install this custom shade for friend that has some mobility issues so we made a shade that’s remote control from his smart phone. … We’re friends with everyone in the neighborhood and when (the thief/thieves) realize it’s of no value to them and that it’s not anything special other than a woven sheet of fabric for outside use – again it’s 12′ and would require two very conspicuous people between midnight and 5 AM walking around alleyways between Juneau and Raymond and Thriftway…

Seen it? Let police know.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglars take bicycle, computers

Two reader reports start off today’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:

Isaac and Andrea sent that photo of a bicycle they would like you to keep an eye out for:

Last night, Friday the 6th, someone broke into our detached garage and made off with one of our bicycles. It is a distinctive bike: it is a red Diamond Back with white lettering with a black Kona fork. It is a hybrid style bike with two bar grips that I added onto the handlebars. Also has one splashguard on the rear tire. Serial no. DAP12/E003705. We have called the police and will be filing a report ASAP. This was directly across from Highland Park Playfield on 12th & Cloverdale. Please keep your eyes open. This bike has a lot of sentimental value to us and we would love to see it returned.

BUSINESS BURGLARY: Michael von Kempf, proprietor of Ultrafab Computers in Fauntleroy, e-mailed to say his shop at 45th and Wildwood was broken into recently, with the burglar(s) stealing four laptops belonging to customers. He adds, “As a one-man show, I service a large number of West Seattle residents and businesses. This break-in has come at a very bad time.” (We’ve followed up to ask if there are any identifying features that people might look for.)


iPHONE STOLEN? In the WSB Forums, there’s a post about an iPhone found in Arbor Heights, and the finder suspects it was stolen. Check it out here.

SIDE NOTE: SPD had another SeaStat crime-trends briefing this past week. Only one of the slides had Southwest Precinct info of note, sixth page in the slide deck, looking at robberies citywide – January/February in this area (West Seattle/South Park) was double what it was last year, 25 compared to 12. In the first week of March, though, the rate has dropped back down – two are on the map for the past week.

REMINDER: Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole returns to West Seattle on Wednesday to “continue the conversation” – details here.

‘Continuing the conversation’: Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole to return to West Seattle next week

Just announced by the organizers of last month’s disruption-shortened West Seattle community conversation with Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole (WSB coverage here, with video): She’ll be back to “continue the conversation” next Wednesday (March 11th). When we spoke with Chief O’Toole right after her February 3rd visit, she promised to return for a second try at West Seattle Q/A, and that’s what this is intended to be. The meeting is set for 6:30-8:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle in The Junction (California/Oregon), co-sponsored again by the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network and Southwest Precinct Advisory Council (flyer here).

Followup: Southwest Precinct bicycle patrol gets official approval

(WSB file photo)
For more than a few months, two Southwest Precinct officers have been riding bicycles whenever possible, to patrol areas including Roxhill Park, Lincoln Park, and The Junction, as well as the Westwood area after the wave of robberies targeting students. It’s an experiment by precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske, who has said repeatedly – as noted in our community-group coverage dating back to last spring – that it’s worked out so well, he was trying to get more officers on bicycles throughout the area. And he’s finally received official approval to do just that, he told community activists who posted to the South Park community mailing list, and we subsequently confirmed it with him.

Capt. Wilske says he expects to have the bicycle patrol set up within a month or so, as a few details remain to be worked out. He says, “We will have a total of 6 officers, with a maximum staffing of 4 per day (2 in Frank sector, 2 in William sector and 2 off duty). I have to admit I am pretty excited about this, I think it is going to be good for the officers and great for the neighborhoods.” He told the South Park advocates something we’ve heard him tell local groups: “My experience from being a bicycle officer myself is that this style of patrolling is one of the most effective ways to deal with street-level crime, and makes the officer approachable to those folks who may not want to call 9-1-1 but will walk up to an officer and talk to them.

P.S. If you aren’t familiar with the West Seattle/South Park sectors, here’s the newest map.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Teen attacked in Westwood

(WSB photo)
1:39 PM: Thanks for the tip about the police search in Westwood. Officers were out with a K-9, looking for suspects in an attack that left someone hurt. Very few details so far, according to our check with SPD public affairs – they’re not sure if it was also a robbery, and it’s not clear exactly where the man was assaulted; the Seattle Fire medical response was to 30th/Cloverdale (map). The only description available so far is “five or six males, Hispanic and black, last seen headed southbound on 30th SW.” We’re checking with SFD to see if we can find out whether the victim had to be hospitalized.

4:40 PM UPDATE: SFD tells us that the victim was a 16-year-old boy, treated for “multiple scratches and abrasions over his body, after (saying) he was assaulted and forced to jump into blackberry bushes,” and taken to Highline Hospital in stable condition.

West Seattle Crime Watch: About the police search on Alki

Thanks to everyone who texted/messaged about a big police response on Alki, centered at 62nd SW/Alki SW. We just arrived and have confirmed with police what one neighbor told us – there was a report of a burglary in progress in an apartment/condo. No one in custody so far; no other details yet.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Case of the non-starter; stolen car found

Two car crimes start West Seattle Crime Watch today:

NON-STARTER: The photo is from “astounded & fuming“:

I live in the 5600 block of California ave SW and sometime between 6 pm and 8 pm Sunday evening someone broke into my Honda Civic, popped the hood and unbolted my distributor assembly, and stole it out of my car, which was parked in alley parking behind my building. It explains why my car wouldn’t start this morning!

STOLEN CAMARO FOUND: Just as we were about to publish a reader report about a stolen Camaro, we heard scanner traffic suggesting police were getting alerts to its whereabouts via the LoJack system. Shortly thereafter, police found it parked/ditched in High Point, not far from where it had been stolen overnight.

FROM THE ‘IN CASE YOU WONDERED’ FILE: Big but brief police response drew some attention this afternoon at Fauntleroy/35th/Avalon, even a few passes from a TV helicopter. Over before we arrived, so we asked SPD media relations: Officers thought they had spotted the suspect in a robbery outside West Seattle last week. But it wasn’t the person they were looking for.

BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS TOMORROW NIGHT: Next chance to hear from and talk with local police comes as part of tomorrow night’s monthly meeting of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network. This agenda preview just arrived:

What can you do to help prevent property crimes? Why are thieves taking even inexpensive items from your yard or garage? CPT officer Erin Nicholson will be there to talk about prevention and answer your questions about these types of crimes that you can pass on to your Block Watch Groups.

SW Precinct commander Captain Steve Wilske will provide an update on recent events in West Seattle and South Park. Please join us to review and/or learn tips and techniques that will make your home and property less-desirable targets for criminals.

The meeting’s at 6:30 pm Tuesday at the precinct (Webster/Delridge), all welcome.

From reader reports and police files: Tonight’s 30th/Genesee gunshot; car and home break-ins; shoplift-turned-robbery; more

Eight reports to share. First:

(From Jordan via Twitter)
30TH/GENESEE INCIDENT TONIGHT: A big police response converged in this area after a report of gunfire. No one was reported to have been shot; we did hear, via scanner, an officer report finding one shell casing. Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams, responding to our inquiry about the circumstances, says it’s related to a recent assault; tonight “the victim fired a ‘warning’ shot up in the air to convince suspect to get away.” The investigation is still in progress. *

At mid-afternoon:

TRUCK VS. GARAGE: Thanks to Rob for the photo from 13th and Thistle earlier this afternoon. He saw the pickup truck hit the garage and says no one was hurt. Unlike last night’s crashes, in this one, the driver apparently stayed at the scene.

Reader report from overnight:

CAR BREAK-INS: Tori e-mailed:

We just wanted to let the West Seattle community know that both of our cars were broken into last night at 38th Ave SW & SW Oregon. They attempted to steal the car but were unable to, and instead, messed up the car and rendered it un-drivable. This is the third time this month that our cars, and other cars on our block, have been targeted. We are hoping that by letting the blog know, others in this area can be aware of car thieves and keep valuables out of their cars.

Another reader report, with photo:

BREAK-IN DAMAGE: Greg sent the photo to go along with his report of a burglary on Thursday:

My house near 35th and Charleston was broken into (Thursday) while I was at work. Burglars bashed in the front door, did some good damage to it. Electronics stolen, not much else, so feel lucky it was only that. I called the police and they dusted the house for prints.

Some incidents that aren’t as recent, but are detailed in police reports we just obtained:

STOLEN CAR IN CRASH BEFORE OWNERS KNEW IT WAS GONE: Early last Tuesday morning, police investigated a hit-run crash at 17th and Barton. The vehicle was registered to an Upper Alki couple who didn’t even know it had been stolen; it was still in the driveway when they went to bed several hours earlier. Police delivered the bad news that their vehicle was not drivable and had been towed.

ANOTHER SHOPLIFT-TURNED-ROBBERY: Another case of shoplifting that turned to robbery when the theft turned to violence. This one happened around 7 pm February 11th, according to a report we obtained this week as part of our ongoing public-disclosure requests. Employees at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) told police a man and woman tried to steal food from the deli and candy from a Valentine’s Day display. They were intercepted while trying to leave without paying; they gave back the deli food but the woman denied having the candy hidden in her purse, even though the man yelled at her to give it back so they could leave. She refused and hit a store employee on the wrist, leaving a bruise, then swore at the store employees. Both suspects then bolted. She was described as Hispanic, early 20s, thin, 5-5, bright pink jacket and jeans; he was described as black, 30s, medium build, scruffy facial hair, 5-10, in dark clothing. Video surveillance was being checked.

CAR PROWL IN SUPERMARKET LOT: Same location as the previous item, but this happened around 10:30 am February 10th. Someone broke into a car while its owner was in Thriftway for a few minutes. A backpack and pair of pants were taken. Store surveillance caught the incident and it turned out one person seen on the video had been in the nearby cell-phone store, “trying to activate a stolen cellphone,” and his identity was known. Cross-referencing jail records, we note someone with the same name spent a day and a half in jail this past week in connection with an apparently unrelated case involving a stolen car. We don’t yet know the status of the case involving the car prowl.

ITEMS FOUND: Maybe someone will be able to find the owner here, as “HelperMonkey” did with the items noted in a recent roundup. In this case, a neighbor in the 8800 block of 37th SW in Upper Fauntleroy found “property on the street that she suspected was associated with a crime,” per a report, which says police retrieved the items, described as wires, old clothing, and food, plus a debit card in the name of Ana S—–a. Police were not able to find anyone by that name. If you know Ana, have her contact police.

P.S. – NEXT CRIME PREVENTION/SAFETY MEETING … is this Tuesday (February 24th), when the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets at the SW Precinct (Webster/Delridge), 6:30 pm, all welcome. The agenda’s still being finalized but police will have a presence there as always, so bring questions/concerns, and take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen/start a block watch.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police search in Puget Ridge area

February 22, 2015 2:30 am
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Just in case you are wondering about a police search in the Puget Ridge/Highland Park area – it follows two reports that might or might not be related. All we have right now is scanner information – first, dispatchers reported multiple calls from people who thought they heard possible gunshots in the Puget Ridge area (18th/Graham was mentioned). Police headed that way to look for any evidence of gunfire. (So far, we haven’t heard any indication they found it.) Then came word, in the same general area, of a vehicle fleeing police, and shortly thereafter, word of a hit-run crash near 18th/Holden involving a possibly stolen car, with people getting out of the car and fleeing. Police took one into custody and were looking for up to 5 others.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Local stats at citywide briefing

Last night at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting – as reported here afterward – SPD Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske noted that burglary and auto theft are down in this area. Above, one of the slides shown at today’s every-other-week SeaStat crime-stats briefing at SPD HQ shows the exact numbers.

Also from today’s slide deck (which you can see in full here), a closer look at the recent robberies that victimized local students:

Slightly closer look at the two maps – the blue boxes represent incidents, the pink/red ones just show geographical reference points:

As Capt. Wilske said last night, no new incidents have been reported since last week – of course, keep in mind that school was out the first two days of this week – and extra police patrols are continuing TFN.

@ West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Updates on WS robberies, South Park homicide, more

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The Southwest Precinct‘s commander says extra staffing to protect students – “double the staff on first watch” – will continue “for the foreseeable future.”

That was part of what Capt. Steve Wilske had to say at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. Other measures taken to try to stop the string of robbery/grabbing incidents include instant alerts that he is getting in the case of any crime in which the victim is a juvenile. Updates in the meeting included not only the recent incidents but also last weekend’s South Park homicide plus overall local crime trends:

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Followup: How police found the second suspect arrested for recent crimes against students

A brand-new update on SPD Blotter reveals new details of the robbery-case arrest reported here over the weekend after an update was sent to local community-group leaders. Posted this afternoon by SPD Blotter’s Jonah Spangenthal-Lee:

Detectives say a 15-year-old student tried to rob two teens, stole a package from a West Seattle home, and then climbed out of the wreck of a stolen getaway car before rushing back to his high school earlier this month.

Police arrested the teen Friday evening for the string of West Seattle crimes on February 2nd. Around 9 AM, the suspect stepped out of a silver minivan in the 6900 block of 34th Ave SW and began following two 17-year-olds on the street. The suspect repeatedly demanded the pair of victims hand over their cellphones. When the teens refused to give up their phones, the suspect punched both boys in the face. The victims ran away and reported the incident to police.

About four hours after the attack, detectives believe the suspect stole a package of luggage off the porch in the 7100 block of 28th Ave SW, just a few blocks from the scene of the suspect’s attempted robbery. Witnesses described seeing the suspects speeding away from the scene of the theft in a silver minivan. Officers later found the empty minivan crashed into a parked car.

Police impounded the van and contacted the owner, who had reported it stolen. Detectives later searched the van and found cellphones and the luggage stolen from the 7100 block of 28th Avenue.

Detectives were able to tie one of the phones to the 15-year-old, and his 17-year-old victims were able to pick him out of a photo lineup. While police were at the suspect’s school investigating the case, security staff said they had seen the suspect running back onto campus shortly after police had found the crashed minivan nearby.

Update: Helicopter over High Point, police search on ground

10:44 PM: Thanks for the tips – the Guardian One helicopter is in West Seattle now, in the High Point area, over Graham/Lanham. Not sure yet what it’s about – they seem to be focused on a vehicle – we’ll add what we find out.

10:55 PM: Officers are searching on the ground, too – one tells us this involves “stolen property.”

(Police at the Calugas Apartments in High Point)
11:01 PM: Guardian One appears to have moved on. We’ve heard on the scanner multiple times that this involves law enforcement from Mercer Island as well as SPD. Not sure how much more we’ll find out tonight.

11:06 PM: Guardian One’s Twitter account confirms:

11:32 PM: Photos added.

Update: Police search after hit-run driver damages cars on Delridge


(WSB photo: Delridge north of Juneau. Most seriously damaged car at right, pushed up onto planting strip)
6:20 AM: Thanks for the tips about a police search under way in the 5900 block of Delridge Way and vicinity, including a K-9 team. They’re looking for a driver reported to have fled after a hit-run crash that damaged several cars. No description so far.

6:41 AM: A suspect has reportedly been found and is getting medical treatment.

Update: Police search after ‘lewd conduct’ reported near Chief Sealth IHS

11:16 AM: Thanks for the tips about the helicopters. A police search is under way in the Chief Sealth International High School vicinity after, per SPD, a man “reportedly exposed himself (near Sealth) … and ran off.” Police add that they are “evaluating conflicting witness statements.” Earlier this morning, a significant police presence was visible in the area, following the three incidents reported by students yesterday. No description available yet, so we don’t know if this incident matches any aspect of the “flasher” report a few blocks east of Sealth on January 26th.

11:47 AM UPDATE: Just as we were on the phone with police seeking more details, they tweeted this:

There is some partial description info, Det. Drew Fowler told us: White man, 20s, gray shirt, black boots.

Update: SWAT standoff ends in Admiral apartment building; man found dead

(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)
11:25 PM: We’ve found out a bit about the sizable police presence, including SWAT officers, at an apartment building in Admiral, near California/College. (Thank you to those who texted/e-mailed about it.) Police on the scene tell WSB’s Christopher Boffoli that a man is barricaded inside an apartment. More as we get it.

11:55 PM: No change in the situation. We’re told police have been on the scene for more than two hours. Police confirmed to Christopher that this began with a domestic-violence incident earlier in the evening. The Seattle Fire 911 log shows an aid (lower-level medical) response to the area at 9:12 pm. Aside from the police presence outside the building on SW College, Christopher tells us there are no traffic effects.

12:51 AM: Now an assault-with-weapons response has been dispatched, and scanner traffic indicates a possible shooting victim.

Christopher reports hearing what could have been gunshots.

12:58 AM: Per radio, police and fire are going in.

1:09 AM: Christopher reports that the SWAT team is leaving and medics (above) have left without a patient.

1:58 AM: Still trying to find out how this ended. SW Precinct Lt. Alan Williams told us he can only say “there is no threat to anyone in the area at this time.” More information, we’re told, will come through SPD Public Affairs.

3:42 AM: Adding photos taken while the situation was still unfolding. Above, SWAT officers staged on the other side of California, though the incident did NOT involve businesses there. Below, at the building, the SWAT officers entered and exited over the course of a few hours; residents were not evacuated.

7:27 AM: Though we’re still awaiting an official police statement, sources including neighbors confirm the man was found dead. One neighbor says some residents were in fact evacuated for a time.

8:14 AM: SPD Det. Patrick Michaud confirms that police found the man dead of “a self-inflicted gunshot wound.” The victim in the original domestic-violence report was already out of the apartment when police first arrived around 8:30 pm, Det. Michaud confirms, and was taken to a hospital for treatment.

9:35 AM: One more detail from police, according to Det. Drew Fowler: “Police never made contact with the man until we made entry and located the deceased.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: As we always do in reports involving suicide, we want to mention the Crisis Clinic‘s 24-hour hotline: 206-461-3222. The state’s Domestic Violence Hotline is 800-562-6025.

Guardian One’s third West Seattle/White Center visit of the night

9:56 PM: Guardian One is in the area for the third time tonight. This time we’ve heard it’s a call near 20th/Delridge but don’t have details yet. Earlier, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office Air Support Twitter timeline, the helicopter assisted with calls described as a hit-run search in West Seattle and a robbery search in White Center.

10:44 PM: We couldn’t find any police activity in that area but Guardian One’s subsequent tweet says it was helping with “a robbery north of White Center.” Fragments of scanner traffic lead us to believe it was a store robbery, not a street robbery, but we’re still trying to confirm with police. No helicopter visible in the area (or anywhere else as we drove back north along 16th, and then onto Delridge, from there).

ADDED EARLY SATURDAY: Delridge 7-11, per comment.

VIDEO: 1st West Seattle ‘community conversation’ with Police Chief O’Toole cut short after shoutdown

(From left, Pete Spalding of the SW Precinct Advisory Council; Chief Kathleen O’Toole; Capt. Steve Wilske; Deb Greer of the WS Block Watch Captains’ Network)

7:44 PM: Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole‘s first “community conversation” in West Seattle was cut short after a woman concerned about police-brutality shouted down the chief and others before the meeting was an hour old.

Those who had come to hear Chief O’Toole talk about West Seattle community crime issues tried in turn to get the protester to stop so they could ask their questions, but after a few minutes of semi-chaos, host Pete Spalding announced the meeting was over. Some community members moved ahead to the front of the room to try to get the chief to answer their questions in a one-on-one type of situation, which continued for at least 15 minutes after the meeting’s official end, and is continuing even as we publish the first version of this.

We’ll add video of the truncated meeting a bit later. (9:54 PM: Here’s the link; 10:12 PM, it’s embedded below – note that our camera was fixed/pointed to the front of the room, so the shouting is off-camera:)

Below, our notes as it unfolded.

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Tomorrow night: Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole in West Seattle

February 2, 2015 2:42 pm
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We’ve included reminders in almost every West Seattle Crime Watch report since the original announcement two weeks ago, but in case you’ve missed them – Tomorrow’s the night that Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole comes to West Seattle for her first community conversation. It’s co-sponsored by the Southwest Precinct Advisory Committee, and the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network, which published this reminder earlier today. 6:30 pm Tuesday in the precinct meeting room (off its public parking lot along Webster, just west of Delridge). No presentation – just your questions and her answers, promise organizers.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car, bike, flag, diapers; police’s advice on preventing/deterring car prowls

The most recent reader reports – if you have information on these or any other cases, call 911:

STOLEN CAR: Federico‘s black Dodge Caliber, ANK8969, was taken overnight near California/Brandon.

(added) POSSIBLY STOLEN CAR, FOUND: Nicole reported it to police, but wanted to make note of it here too – a white 4-door Nissan Sentra, plate 035ZWO, at 35th/Henderson for more than 3 days, “contents are ransacked, bag of mail on the floor, body damage to passenger side, spare tire on front passenger side.”

(back to original roundup) STOLEN BICYCLE: Colton reports this was stolen near California/Hinds:

And a PS: “Only thing that’s different on the bike is that it now has a black seat post.”

STOLEN FLAG: On the eve of the big game, no less! Steve reports, “Sometime last night someone came up to our brightly lit driveway and stole my Seahawks flag that has been flying all season. The pole was in the neighbor’s yard…but no flag.”

CAR PROWLS: Emily reports, “Last night on the 1600 block of SW Massachusetts/Bonair/Sunset Avenue, two unlocked cars were gone through. Gloves and a flashlight were stolen, and an ignition was broken.” … Not far away, Melani reports, a trailer hitched to a truck was broken into … on the corner of Massachusetts and 44th.” Taken: Work tools, some heavy-duty, including a chop saw. … Earlier this week near 18th/Elmgrove, Alison reports, car prowlers took “two big boxes of diapers, about 250.”

(added) ANOTHER CAR PROWL: Just after we published this roundup, we got this from Russell, so we’re adding:

I just reported a theft from my truck parked on 41st Avenue SW near SW Monroe Street. The theft occurred between 10 pm last night (Jan. 30) and 8am this morning (Jan. 31). Most of my tools were left in place, however, a very expensive metering device was taken. It was in a black Pelican hard case. The meter is a GEM 2000 Gas Analyzer manufactured by Landtec North America. Serial number: 11456. Also taken was an aluminum clipboard with field notes in it, which I retrieved from a guy on 26th Avenue SW who called me to say it was in his front yard (my business card was inside), between the West Seattle Golf Course and Delridge Playfield. I filed the report with Officer N. Meyst, Incident #15-35175.

ADVICE FOR PREVENTING/DETERRING CAR PROWLS: From SPD’s Southwest/South Precincts Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon (who also discussed some of this at last week’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network meeting):

POLICE CHIEF HERE TUESDAY: Another reminder – 6:30 pm Tuesday at the SW Precinct (Webster/Delridge), you’re invited to Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole‘s first local “community conversation.”

@ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network: Taking care of 35th/Morgan; personal-safety advice you can use anywhere…

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Lessons on staying safe and updates on crime/safety concerns were offered at the first West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting of the year on Tuesday night.

More than two dozen people were at the meeting, not counting WSBWCN leaders Deb Greer and Karen Berge and four Seattle Police reps including precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske, Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon, and Community Police Team Officers Jon Flores and Erin Nicholson.

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See the new map as Seattle Police redraws beat boundaries

Seattle Police announced today that the department has redrawn patrol-sector boundaries, among other changes – here’s the official announcement. From it, above, that’s the new map of sectors/beats in the Southwest Precinct (West Seattle and South Park); compare it to the old one below:

From the SPD Blotter post that contains the announcement, as linked above:

SPD’s five precincts’ beats will also more closely reflect Seattle’s census tracts, to match officer allocation to the recent growth and shifts in Seattle’s many neighborhoods. Beat realignments are a common practice for law enforcement agencies throughout the country, allowing police departments to account for city growth and population density changes. The last time SPD redrew its boundaries was in 2008. Now, six years later, the department has again taken the opportunity to reevaluate and meet the needs of each of Seattle’s neighborhoods.

We don’t have detailed information on the boundary changes, but on first look, the ones we notice seem to involve the William sector in western WS. Meantime, aside from the maps, we don’t have specifics yet about exactly what that means to you, but we’re asking for more details and will add anything we find out.

P.S. If you didn’t read the full announcement, SPD also is taking Tweets by Beat and crime maps down until next week, to align the automated information with these changes. That means the incident list you see atop our Crime Watch page will be unavailable. It also means your tips are more important now than ever, since the tweets and maps are a key way we try to make sure we haven’t missed anything major – editor@westseattleblog.com or 206-293-6302 any time – thank you.