UPDATE: Another Alki police search

10:48 PM: Thanks for the tips about police back on Alki, searching around 61st/62nd/Admiral and vicinity. We just talked to a sergeant who tells us they are looking for an assault suspect who has at least one warrant out for his arrest. Photo at right.

The suspect is 25, 5’6″, khaki shorts and a hoodie. Call 911 if you see him. The victim was not seriously hurt.

PS – This is not related to last night’s search (as we reported earlier, four people were taken into custody).

11:28 PM: No new info so far (but we’ll still be monitoring for a while, and will follow up tomorrow too).

4 Replies to "UPDATE: Another Alki police search"

  • Anna July 24, 2017 (10:56 pm)

    The cops said they were looking for a white guy with a blue shirt and khaki shorts. They were over at 63rd and Beach Drive. 

    • WSB July 24, 2017 (11:18 pm)

      We have since added a photo provided by a sergeant we found at 63rd/Admiral.

  • Leigh July 24, 2017 (11:47 pm)

    Lots of action in our alley (63rd) tonight with cops and dogs running back and forth behind our house. Double checking doors are locked. Can’t wait for fall on Alki, getting tired of all this crap

    • Adrienne July 25, 2017 (12:36 pm)

      I couldn’t agree more! Come home to punks peeing on my garden and constant trash pickup. Looking forward to having our neighborhood back!

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