In West Seattle Crime Watch today:
16TH SW GUNFIRE: We heard a scanner mention of possible gunfire reported around 2 am, but nothing further, including a location. So we followed up today and learned from police that one 9mm shell casing was found in the 5200 block of 16th SW. Witnesses reported two cars stopped in the street, southbound. No victim(s) reported.
Two followups:
ALKI STOLEN-CAR SUSPECTS: Last night we reported on an extensive search that started when a stolen car was spotted at 61st and Alki. We learned today that the car was stolen from Federal Way; after police caught up with it, five people fled, and a foot pursuit began, followed by a search that included K-9 Zeff (SPD Blotter explains that part of the story – photo at right). As mentioned by a commenter, one juvenile was found first; then, police confirm, three other teens were taken into custody overnight. They were to be questioned by the Major Crimes Task Force.
HANDCUFFED ESCAPEE: On Saturday night, we reported on a police search centered near 26th SW and SW Brandon, involving a handcuffed man who got away from an ambulance crew. We’ve confirmed that he has been found – while riding in a car on 35th SW – and already had a warrant out for his arrest in a drug case.