Holiday giving: What Nucor and its employees gave the West Seattle Food Bank this holiday season

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
Today was one of the happiest days of the holiday season at the West Seattle Food Bank – the day that visitors from Nucor bring food and money donated by the steel mill and its employees. The food, for example, totaled more than a ton, unloaded with volunteer help as usual:

Along with the food came checks totaling $21,575, including more than $15,000 from Nucor itself.

The money means WSFB can buy more food, to add to what it’s been getting from food drives and regular donors.

We’re told the WS Food Bank is doing OK on holiday turkeys for Christmas, thanks to donors, but overall, the need all around, all year long, is always great – so your donations are always welcome. And spot food drives are still under way – be sure to bring a can (or two!) for the collection bin at West Seattle Lights/Helmstetler Family Christmas Spectacular, and for the mini-food drive at the Menashe Family Lights tomorrow night while “Santa Al” visits, 6 to 10 pm.

5 Replies to "Holiday giving: What Nucor and its employees gave the West Seattle Food Bank this holiday season"

  • JayDee December 19, 2014 (8:03 pm)

    Kudos and Thanks to the Employees of Nucor, who are generous and thoughtful of the community that surrounds them. I took a tour once, and the price of the tour was a donation, which was earmarked for charity.

  • Pete December 19, 2014 (8:17 pm)

    The good folks at Nucor continue to amaze us year after year. On behalf of the board, staff and most importantly our clients thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Holly December 19, 2014 (8:54 pm)


  • waytogomo December 19, 2014 (11:33 pm)

    Way to go Nucor! Very thoughtful and generous!

  • Bonnie December 20, 2014 (8:11 am)

    That is wonderful! I have been told by my employer (also another non profit) that Nucor is one of the best community supporters here in West Seattle. We are happy to have them here.

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