West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
Today was one of the happiest days of the holiday season at the West Seattle Food Bank – the day that visitors from Nucor bring food and money donated by the steel mill and its employees. The food, for example, totaled more than a ton, unloaded with volunteer help as usual:
Along with the food came checks totaling $21,575, including more than $15,000 from Nucor itself.
The money means WSFB can buy more food, to add to what it’s been getting from food drives and regular donors.
We’re told the WS Food Bank is doing OK on holiday turkeys for Christmas, thanks to donors, but overall, the need all around, all year long, is always great – so your donations are always welcome. And spot food drives are still under way – be sure to bring a can (or two!) for the collection bin at West Seattle Lights/Helmstetler Family Christmas Spectacular, and for the mini-food drive at the Menashe Family Lights tomorrow night while “Santa Al” visits, 6 to 10 pm.
Thanks to everyone who’s been telling us about this one – a crash is blocking the right lane of southbound 99 before the exit to the westbound West Seattle Bridge. The most recent update suggests traffic is backed up to the stadiums, so if you have to head toward West Seattle, you might consider an alternate route, or waiting a while. (Note that we don’t have a camera on this, so we won’t know immediately when it’s clear.)
Holiday-shopping procrastinator? (We are.) More than a few of your independent local West Seattle businesses are offering extra/special hours in these last few days before Christmas. Here’s what we’ve heard from stores so far – mostly sponsors, but we’re happy to share news from any local indie store with extra hours/etc. until Christmas – e-mail us, and look for updates this weekend!
*Thunder Road Guitars (3916 California SW) is adding extra hours in the days leading up to Christmas – 12-5 pm Sunday and 11 am-5 pm Monday. Offering “beginner instruments for the aspiring rocker” this holiday season for the first time, too.
*Click! Design That Fits is open until 8 tonight, and will be open Christmas Eve 10 am-5 pm for your last-last-minute shopping.
*Emerald Water Anglers (42nd/Oregon) has some extras this weekend – Santa will be “in the store tomorrow (Saturday) from 11-2 for DIY images, and donations are going to Wild Steelhead Coalition.” Then on Sunday, Edie is in-store with bluegrass 3-6 pm, “bring in a beverage and hang out a bit while you shop.” EWA has lots of outdoor merchandise, not only for, well, anglers.
*Curious Kidstuff (4740 California SW) – West Seattle’s only all-toy store is open until 7 pm tonight; other hours on the website.
*Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village) – Open until 6 tonight, added noon-4 pm Sunday.
*VAIN (4513 California SW) – This new addition to the WSB sponsor team is not only a salon, it’s also a shop for art and accessories. Open tonight until 8.
*JF Henry Cooking and Dining (4445 California SW) – Open until 6 tonight. Some of their hottest new items are listed here.
*Alki Surf Shop (2622 Alki SW) – Open until 6 tonight, noon-6 both days this weekend. Note the local-logo merch!
*Junction True Value (44th/Edmunds) – open until 7 pm tonight, gift ideas and hours online.
*CAPERS (4525 California SW) – Open daily through Christmas Eve (latest info here). Help fill all the wishes for the Hickman House domestic-violence shelter giving tree (above)!
*Atomic Boys – Open until 6 tonight, 10-6 tomorrow, plus 10-5 this Sunday and 10-2 Christmas Eve.
*Easy Street Records (California/Alaska) – Saturday 4-8 pm, come get your photo taken with Cocoa Cris Cringle during his annual visit – details on the ESR website. (added) ESR will be open 9 am-5 pm on Christmas Eve, with the café open its usual 7 am-3 pm schedule that day too.
*The Beer Junction (4511 California SW) – Will be open Christmas Eve, 10 am-7 pm.
(added) Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way) – Open regular hours until Christmas Eve – on that day, open 10 am-3 pm.
West Seattle Cellars (6026 California SW) – 11 am-7 pm daily through Christmas Eve, except for Sunday (noon-5 pm).
(back to original text) WHAT’S UP WITH YOUR SHOP IN THE FINAL DAYS OF SHOPPING SEASON? Let us know for our updates over the next few days, and for the shopping section of the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.
You might recall that the Albertsons/Safeway deal was expected to result in some stores being shed. Today, the Haggen chain announced it would pick up more than 100 Albertsons and Safeway stores in the West, expanding its holdings from 18 stores to 164. We asked Haggen for the full list, to see if any are in West Seattle/White Center. Answer: No; the two closest stores that will become Haggen stores are south of West Seattle/White Center – the two Albertsons in Burien, 12725 1st Ave. S. and 15840 1st Ave. S.
As promised, we went back to check on the footbridge over Longfellow Creek at SW Yancy in North Delridge (map), damaged when a driver went through the dead end, onto the bridge, through its railing, and into the creek early this morning (WSB coverage here). The “closed” sign was posted by Seattle Parks, which has responsibility for the area; we talked with regional manager Carol Baker, who tells us that Parks carpenters went out for a look at it earlier today but won’t be able to thoroughly assess the damage and plan for repairs until next week.
ADDED MONDAY: We finally have police confirmation of an arrest in connection with this – a 40-year-old man suspected of DUI. (The footbridge is still closed off – we’ll be checking on Tuesday to see if there’s a repair plan yet.)
SDOT announced today that the ‘Fauntleroy Boulevard’ project proposed for Fauntleroy Way between 35th and Alaska is at 60 percent design, but still isn’t scheduled for construction until and unless funding is found, so there’s no chance work would start any sooner than fall 2016. Here’s the official update:
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is continuing design work for the Fauntleroy Boulevard Project, an improvement project along Fauntleroy Way SW between SW Alaska Street and 35th Avenue SW.
We recently reached the 60% design stage, and we anticipate completing project design work in spring 2015. The project is not currently funded for construction. In order to advance the project into construction, the Seattle City Council would need to allocate construction funding. If construction funding is secured, the earliest construction would begin is fall 2016.
We have been meeting one-on-one with area business and property owners and members of community organizations since early design work began in the summer of 2014. The 60% design reflects changes to meet specific business access needs raised during the outreach process.
We compared the cross-section above with the one that was circulated when the project was at 30 percent design three months ago – no major differences that we can see. We have a followup question out asking for elaboration on the “changes” SDOT says it made, and will add whatever we find out.
Still plenty of time for you to add those in need to your holiday-gift list, as did students at Holy Rosary School. We were there on Thursday as they presented their donations at the altar of Holy Rosary Church, where students held signs showing the donations’ destinations:
That was a prelude to deliveries to be made by some of the 8th graders along with HRS principal George Hofbauer, who was in the church to receive some of the donations:
Here’s the school’s list of who and where the students’ gifts are going:
WestSide Baby, St. Vincent de Paul (canned goods and money), Seattle Animal Shelter, St. James Kitchen (canned goods and money), Chief Seattle Club, High Point Community Center (adopt-a-family), Holy Rosary Giving Tree. (We also are sending money to schools we help support in Uganda.)
P.S. Looking for holiday-help ideas? See the list in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide!
You probably recognize that as the opening sequence from “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” which happens to be our favorite holiday-related show of all time. Yes, we know, it was on TV earlier this month, and you can find it online any time – but tonight, you can watch it in the company of friends in West Seattle. That’s just part of what’s on the highlights list, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and Event Calendar:
JEWELRY SHOW: 11 am-6 pm today, the designs of Mary Powers are featured at HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor), and part of the proceeds benefit charity. Details in our calendar listing. (41st/Alaska)
HOLIDAY MOVIE NIGHT: Doors open 6 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club: “Children’s short at 6:15 and the main movie at 7. Free admission. Volunteers will be selling popcorn, candy, and other movie fare. Bring blankets and pillows or sit in our chairs. This is an all-ages event. Bring your friends, family and neighbors. Double feature!” “Charlie Brown Christmas” opens, and the second feature hint is as follows: “In this 2011 PG (97 minutes) feature, Santa’s clumsy son Arthur gets put on a mission with St. Nick’s father to give out a present they misplaced to a young girl in less than 2 hours.” (12th/Holden)
WEST SEATTLE TLC’S HANUKKAH PARTY: 6 pm; e-mail the WS Torah Learning Center for party location and details – westseattletlc@gmail.com
KOL HANESHAMAH’S HANUKKAH DINNER/PARTY: Local progressive synagogue Kol HaNeshamah plans a Hanukkah party and dinner, 6:30 pm: Community dinner, blessings, and sing-along. (6115 SW Hinds)
BOBCAT BOB: 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), Bob “Bobcat Bob” Rice will entertain you, live. (5612 California SW)
‘FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS’: Northwest Boychoir‘s traditional holiday favorite at Holy Rosary Church, 7:30 pm, “showcasing the 90-member combined chorus of the Northwest Boychoir and Vocalpoint! Seattle.” Reserved seating; call 206-524-3234 to see what’s available for the performance. (42nd/Genesee)
BLUE HOLIDAY: “A service of comfort and remembrance” at 7:30 pm, for those finding the holiday season “a painful time,” Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation. (7141 California SW)
MORE HOLIDAY SERVICES FOR THIS WEEKEND AND NEXT WEEK … are listed in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide. (Still time to add more if yours is missing -please e-mail info ASAP to editor@westseattleblog.com)
‘JUDY’S SCARY LITTLE CHRISTMAS’: This retro holiday production continues tonight at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. 7:30 pm. Buy tickets online here. (4711 California SW)
FRED TALKS, ROUND 2: Tonight it’s the second edition of FRED Talks at Kol HaNeshamah, 8-10 pm: “Join us for ‘Gelty Pleasures,’ an evening of specialty chocolate, cocktails/mocktails, and stories of miracles profound and humorous. While last month’s talk was more formal, this month’s evening event promises to be more intimate. Mixologist and 1996 Bartender of the Year Mike Hecklinger will mix up sumptuous samples of cocktails and mocktails; Amateur chocolatier Jerry Hoffmeister will share his trials and tribulations in creating truffles; Rabbi Anson Laytner will warm up the crowd with a Hanukkah story; then FRED attendees will have an opportunity to share their own ‘miracle’ stories. Suggested donation is $18 for adults, $12 for seniors and students.” (6115 SW Hinds)
FRIDAY NIGHTLIFE … more listings on our calendar!
That 475-foot stretch of seawall at Emma Schmitz Overlook along Beach Drive is set for replacement in the next few years – but the city and federal agencies working on it are looking for public comment right now. Beach Drive Blog has been following the plans for the project, and this morning, the official news release from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has arrived:
The U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, has partnered with the City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department to design and implement a coastal storm damage reduction project under Section 103 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1962, as amended. The public comment period for this project runs through Dec. 31.
Emma Schmitz Overlook is located at 4503 Beach Drive SW, south of Alki Point in Seattle. The site includes a seawall built around 1927 that has deteriorated over time. Currently coastal storms and erosion threaten public infrastructure located in and around the seawall, including a 54-inch King County sewer main, a major public arterial, city park property and other underground utilities. The recommended plan includes construction of a soldier pile seawall parallel to the shoreline throughout the study area. The new seawall would be a few feet higher and seaward of the existing seawall. This would provide protection against damages caused by coastal storm events that occur in Puget Sound.
(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
It’s the final Friday of fall – with winter officially arriving at 3:03 pm Sunday. It’s also the last day of school before a two-week break; Seattle Public Schools students get out one hour early today.
(WSB photos by Tracy Record)
2:18 AM: Police have been on both sides of Longfellow Creek at SW Yancy for about an hour now, after a pickup truck went into the creek, crashing through the wooden railing at the dead end on the west side, right by the West Seattle Health Club parking lot.
Two people were in the truck, and one was treated for facial injuries.
A tow truck was on scene to get the truck out of the creek, which looked to be a challenge in terms of preventing further damage to the bridge. We’ll be going back to check.
3:51 AM: Just back from our return trip to check:
And … it's out. pic.twitter.com/92j1kBE2za
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) December 19, 2014
ADDED MONDAY: We finally have police confirmation of an arrest in connection with this – a 40-year-old man suspected of DUI.