LOST CAT: Where’s Budungus? – February 11, 2018 9:25 am

Budungus 6/7 years old.
Timid/ Shy / Sweet
Gray / White / Tabby
Missing from West Seattle on 2/10/2018 from 50th Ave SW and SW Graham St
Indoor Cat all his life
Andrea / 808-646-1930

4 Replies to "LOST CAT: Where's Budungus?"

  • Marianne February 11, 2018 (7:16 pm)

    He is probably hiding in your yard.  Try leaving the door open that he escaped from.  Happy to loan you a humane trap.  (206) 719-4864

  • Nancy Heller February 14, 2018 (2:19 pm)

    The person who said he’s probably hiding in your yard is close to the truth. Most indoor only cats that get out are found within a 3 house radius. They hunker down somewhere like under your deck and cats have a “shut down mode” they can go into for a couple of weeks. Won’t make a sound and can survive on little food and water. Search with a high power flash light that will pick up his eyes if he’s in a dark hiding spot. I hope he’s home soon!

  • MaryV February 14, 2018 (2:29 pm)

    Yes as Marianne and Nancy states…our indoor only cat got out once  and was right under our front porch which only had a 2 to 3 inch crawlspace you’d never think anything could get under it.   

  • Terri February 17, 2018 (6:14 pm)

    According to the PawBoost post, Budungus has been found and reunited. (There can’t possibly be two Bugunduses in West Seattle, can there?) https://www.facebook.com/LostFoundPetsSeattleWA/photos/a.1980402182183732.1073741828.1800627346827884/2112772198946729/?type=3&theater

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