FOUND CAT: Orange tabby – March 4, 2018 4:36 pm

Very very friendly. Too good of shape to not belong to someone. 32nd/Thistle. 2068535929

5 Replies to "FOUND CAT: Orange tabby"

  • Beckyjo March 4, 2018 (9:43 pm)

    Where did you find this cat? My neighbor has cat’s that look similar. 

    • WSB March 4, 2018 (10:07 pm)

      32nd/Thistle. Asked that on a followup & got the reply, adding above too.

  • Beckyjo March 5, 2018 (3:54 am)

    Thanks. Too far to be my neighbors cat. Hope this kitty makes it home soon!

  • Matt March 7, 2018 (10:21 pm)

    That looks like my very very friendly missing tabby “Buddy”!  Does he by any chance have a crook in his tail??!!!  Thank you!  (425)791-1525.

  • Jeff March 10, 2018 (12:54 pm)

    This cat has been living on and off with me since Jan 13th of this year.  He has not been fixed which is an easy identifier. I’m over by 34th and Thistle. If he is yours, or want more info on him, please call Jeff at 206-679-1063. Thanks!

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