DECEASED DOG: In Highland Park – May 12, 2020 11:43 am

From Andrea: “There is a small dead dog on the crosswalk that crosses Holden at 11th ave SW. It’s not easily noticeable by people crossing and it’s possible that it would startle a dog or child.

I’ve submitted a report to animal control but I’m not sure when they will remove the body. The report number is 20-00084603.

I believe it is someone’s pet that may have been hit by a car. I hope that by giving people warning they can avoid that crosswalk or be prepared and walk far around the animal.”

(Editor’s note: If you are missing a dog in that area – here is a photo, NOT close up, that was included.)

1 Reply to "DECEASED DOG: In Highland Park"

  • Tracey May 12, 2020 (3:38 pm)

    This is the second discovery of a deceased pet on Holden near Highland Park Way.  I fear this is going to be the norm as it becomes West Seattle’s new freeway.  So sorry for the owner’s.  Peace.

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