What a deal

My personal pick for Best Cocktail in West Seattle is the mai tai at West 5. Discovered tonight that you can get it during “Happy Hour” for an amazing price — four bucks. Even at that price, I couldn’t handle more than one, much as I wanted to. (Happy Hour btw is 4-6 pm daily.)

More on the new park

May 5, 2006 3:08 am
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 |   Environment | Transportation | West Seattle news

Here’s the story in today’s P-I. I wouldn’t exactly call the pub move “a block” … details, details. As for possible names, Monorail Memorial Park really rings my bell. Perhaps some folks on the non-o-rail board can rustle around in the storeroom and find some decorations from items bought but unreturnable …

Station out, park in

May 4, 2006 5:44 pm
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 |   WS breaking news

The fate of the Morgan Junction non-o-rail property is decided. It’ll be partly a park. I remember reading what the other part will be — the part that involves the “partnership with Beveridge” (owner of the neighboring pub) — but can’t find a link to refresh my memory. Anyway, more parks are always a good thing, IMO …

Meteorologically mean

May 4, 2006 5:38 am
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 |   Environment

It is just plain vicious that today will be spectacular and Saturday, when many of us are released from our cages offices to frolic at events such as Maritime Day, it’s supposed to be standard-issue soggy. If you can skip work today, go right ahead, and take an extra lap around Alki for me. I unfortunately was born with a weird gene that will cause me to drop dead on the spot if I ever call in sick when I don’t happen to be. So as Snow White’s mini-men once sang, hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go …

Mystery flyer

May 3, 2006 8:56 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle restaurants

On the bulletin board near the restrooms at the Thriftway, a hand-lettered flyer is up with the following:


5947 41st AVE SW, MAY 5-6-7 (IN ALLEY)

Went over to the Cat’s Eye Cafe (whose address bears no resemblance to that) and no evidence of anything except the same flyer tacked up to its sadly deteriorating sign.

Will have to send a scout over to the sale on Friday to get the scoop, unless anyone out there knows … is this the end for the months-shuttered CEC? Or a fundraiser?

Howling at the m … enu

May 3, 2006 6:33 pm
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 |   West Seattle restaurants

Envelope o’coupons came in the mail today. Among them, one for Coyotes on Alki (as mentioned here just last night), touting itself as “Alki’s Greatest Attraction! Authentic Mexican Grill” and promising “specialty margaritas, salsa dancing Fri/Sat, outdoor dining, mariachi players, daily happy hour 3-6 pm, reservations recommended.” Did it open since we drove by last night? We suppose we should gather our snooping companion and go down to have a look. A Cinco de Mayo grand opening would be appropriate.

On the east side of the West Side

May 3, 2006 5:38 am
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 |   Delridge | WS culture/arts

Cool story about what’s up at the re-invented Cooper School on Delridge.

I’m waiting to see somebody write about what’s up at the ActivSpace building on Harbor Ave just past the bridge. Some weeks back, somebody hung a sign on the Fauntleroy overpass offering “readings” there, among other things, and I believe they meant what we used to call “fortune-telling” as opposed to oh, say, poetry readings. (Actually looks like a lot of alternative practitioners, when you peruse the ActivSpace “customer” list.)

OK, we DID find some news

May 2, 2006 8:59 pm
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 |   WS breaking news

… and all it took was a drive along Alki. Not only are the “Cactus Restaurant” coming-attraction-type signs posted in the windows of the old Alki Market, a name is also up now for the old Point Grill/Lighthouse Grill/Chez Million space a bit to the east — “Coyotes on Alki.” Corona Beer banners are already dangling festively over the railing of the streetside outdoor table space there. (Just Googled the name and it does look like somebody beat me to the news …)

Heading out in search of news

May 2, 2006 6:34 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Going to have to go look for something to report. Wanted to tell you about the banner from the Fauntleroy pedestrian overpass that’s in some language I don’t even recognize … but I didn’t get a chance to write it down. So that can wait till tomorrow. The sun’s too high in the sky right now to let me stay inside!

Sounds, or grounds, of silence

May 1, 2006 8:49 pm
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 |   Gatewood | WS miscellaneous

Dropped by Caffe Ladro this chilly May Day Night. Busy but eerily quiet. A couple on laptops, a guy making some kind of print art, people at several other tables … yet no one talking. My companion and I chatted, yet felt somehow guilty about it. Is this the new coffeehouse etiquette? Or should we have just gone down to Starbucks and left Ladro in library-style quiet?

Another restaurant?

Started wondering again about what was up with the vastly empty Alki Market space. I hadn’t previously spotted the online minutes of the Alki Community Council with scuttlebutt that a restaurant was heading that way; the city permit site seems to bear that out, with a construction permit accepted recently. Can’t find any online evidence that the specific brand of restaurant mentioned by the ACC is the one that’s nabbed the space, but I probably just haven’t looked in ALL the right places yet …

Semi-sighting of WS’s most famous politician

April 30, 2006 6:16 pm
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 |   Seen around town

Hizzoner was at the track today. I suppose in honor of the marquee race of the day, the “Seattle Handicap” — had to have some authentic Seattle-ness on hand, since the track itself is in Auburn. We heard him announced but didn’t personally see him; we did, however, actually see a local TV celebrity (Dan Lewis from channel 4) hanging out with some horse owners in the area where they show off the contenders before each race. First time we’d been to the track in a couple years; didn’t win a dime, but it was good times hanging out in the fresh air and trying to pretend we have a clue about the difference between a “trifecta” and an “exacta.”

Sunday midday miscellany

April 30, 2006 11:30 am
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 |   WS miscellaneous

-First day of the new season of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market. I won’t make it there this week but if you see this before 2 pm, there’s still time for you to check it out!

-The Water Taxi hits the bay tomorrow. The official celebration’s not till next Sunday, but the WSB clan can’t wait to climb on board for the Maritime Festival next Saturday (which includes great freebie secrets that few people seem to catch on to, including free harbor cruises and free admission to the underattended Odyssey Maritime Museum).

-This one is West Seattle-related only because every Starbucks in the country, WS and elsewhere, has been promoting it: Akeelah and the Bee is actually a very good movie. Wonderful cast. No matter how cold-hearted and cynical you are, it will grab you. (Local aside, looks like our regional spelling bee was just a month ago. The champ came from the Eastside. I can’t find any evidence we’ve ever had one from our side of the pond.)

Adults only?

A WSB reader just left a comment here saying the new Junction joint Talarico’s is 21-and-up only. If that’s indeed so, it’s unfortunate. I believe that’s also the case with Matador — at least as far as I could tell from one walk-by. West 5 manages to have a vibrant bar and all-ages restaurant co-exist in close quarters; why lock out families unless you’re truly doing something adults-only in your place, such as, oh, say, stripping? A lot of kids I know are better diners than a fair amount of immature adults. I’ve got nothing against 21-and-over taverns, but if you’re going to bill yourself as a restaurant, it doesn’t make sense to me to shut out the kids. Seattle already has a pathetically low percentage of households with kids — and this won’t help. (rant off)

Driving around, looking for a parking space

April 29, 2006 8:41 am
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 |   Transportation

Interesting story this morning with some West Seattle stats — a city scheme to allow more development with less parking. Very nice of them to do that after our big chance at rapid non-bus transit died a miserable death.

What no one seems to ever realize about all this is that it’s not a matter of people being lazy — it’s a matter of time. Workdays now run way past 8 hours. Kids’ activities are now intensely scheduled. We all spend time hurtling frantically between all the places we “have to be,” trying to make the times we “have to” be there.

The world HQ of WSB, for example, is in a pure residential neighborhood without a single business within a mile in ANY direction. I enjoy walking to some of those businesses — WHEN THERE’S TIME. When there’s not, the closest bus runs on a very inconvenient schedule, never more than once every half-hour. All this means — gotta use the car whether I really WANT to walk, or not. Do these new policies mean I’m supposed to sell the house and move into a business-close condo? Or that I have to tell my bosses I CAN’T work a 10-hour day, I need those two extra hours to walk back and forth to the store? Or will Ron Sims’ “buses every 10 minutes everywhere” plan really come to MY neighborhood?
What’s your take on all this?

Death at the beach

April 28, 2006 7:05 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

Sounds like an ugly crash late last night, the one along Alki that killed two people. I love going to the beach at night and looking out at the lights across the bay … but especially as the weather warms up, things do get a little out of hand. Sad way to start the warm-weather season.

But they didn’t mention Ben & Jerry’s

If I’d written this story about Husky Deli ice cream, I would have highlighted the fact they managed to survive a challenge from Ben & Jerry’s. You can’t tell me the folks at Husky haven’t high-fived each other a time or two over that whole situation.

A penny saved is a penny earned

April 27, 2006 5:08 am
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 |   Transportation

If you feel that way about gas, be sure you keep an eye on this site. Maybe you can even send in a tip about your favorite stop. They seem to be a little short on WS respondents.

That was fast

Drove thru the Junction tonight — looks like the new Talarico’s pizza joint in the old New Luck Toy space (sign flashes PIZZA/LOUNGE/PIZZA/LOUNGE) is open already! Just a few hours earlier, someone had passed by and reported to us that “someone was in there stocking the bar …” wow. Don’t know if this was opening night or not; gonna have to check it out posthaste and report to y’all.

The ‘third option’ lives!

April 26, 2006 6:48 pm
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 |   Transportation

Don’t have a link yet but I hear the Seattle City Council is going to take a grudging look at whether the third option — tear down the viaduct and do NOT build a new one OR a tunnel — might fly.

C’mon and take a …

April 25, 2006 6:51 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Transportation

… free ride … as that ’70s band once sang … You all know what water taxi nuts we are. Postcard just came today from Councilguy Dow — the big season-starting celebration is Sunday 5/7, with FREE RIDES ALL DAY!

Wrecking ball strikes again

April 24, 2006 10:08 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Some days back, WSB visitor Kathleen enlightened us as to the fate of the woman I remembered as “the bird lady of Beach Drive.” Now I’ve finally figured out what happened to a woman I could correspondingly call “the travel lady of California Avenue” — She runs a business called Cruises by Kay, which until a few years ago was housed in a house on the east side of Cali Ave, just south of the Morgan Junction biz district. Then she moved to a smaller house on the other side of Cali Ave; the previous house went down, condos went up. Now the house that used to bear her signs is also targeted for the wrecking ball (backhoe), and the building permit site says townhouses are going up. Rooting around a Web site for her agency, I found an address that suggests she moved to Bremerton. I hear that’s a hot neighborhood for real-estate gentrification too …

Trying again

April 24, 2006 5:27 am
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Looks like the folks behind Seattle Music Fest at Alki are going to try again this year. (If you’d forgotten, last year’s effort resulted in a last-minute cancellation.)

I’m not deeply into live music, so all I can say is, just don’t ever try mixing the music festival with the Fourth of July again … that happened at least once in the late ’90s, and I remember being at the beach and trying to reconcile the splendor of the fireworks with the grungy dirge of the 10 pm stage act … yii.