WSB banning without notice

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    looks like I am banned from front page commenting.




    Have you emailed TR to find out what happened? It’s possible that there’s just a problem; I’d think that if you were banned, you’d be banned outright, not just on the front page.



    Excuse me, nobody is banned from front-page commenting. Nobody. Some comments are held for moderation if they have a certain word, or if the IP has not been approved before. (And on occasion, they will be in queue for several hours, if we happen to be away from the computer, although I try to check in on moderation even with the phone while away.)

    If comments are rule violations, they will be DELETED without notice, but not a soul has ever been banned from home-page commenting. There has been one account DELETED from the forum in a particularly notorious case sometime back, and that is the sole history of “banning” on this site.

    I have no comments in queue right now so there’s also a possibility something went to the spam filter if you made a comment and you’re not seeing it.




    Or you hit preview instead of post. I’ve been known to do that.



    When TR brings her pimp hand down she brings it CORRECT!



    lulz at cjboffoli

    TR: I havent been able to make ANY front page postings for about a week. I assumed I was banned by IP as I even tried with a different UN



    vincent did you try to contact WSB before you made this OP?

    Seems you put the cart before the horse on this one.



    Vincent…maybe you just don’t really exist…;-)



    Who are you talking to JanS? ;)



    Said it before and I’ll say it again, if you have a problem, please e-mail. Many do. Sometimes if a comment never shows up, it is because it went into the spam basket (which saves this site from thousands of ugly porn/pharm/etc. comments every week but sometimes grabs people for unfathomable reasons). Sometimes weird things happen like legitimate forum profiles suddenly acquire a snippet of “bozo” code that is what saves us from being spammed by the dozens of bogus registrations that come in every week. And once in a while, yes, it’s a comment that violated a rule (happened with somebody last week) and was deleted, either because I caught it or somebody flagged it and I agreed it was a violation. What is happening when you try to post a comment? Does it look like it goes through, or does something else happen? We are in the process of making some back-end changes but none of them should have affected the live site yet – they are being worked out on a test server – so nothing has changed on our end. However, you may be going directly into the spam filter, and if it happens once and I’m not flagged to catch it and unspam you, then the system doesn’t “learn” that you are not spam. Happened to one regular longtime poster but luckily it was caught after a couple comments failed to show, so I was able to “unspam” him and that “taught” Akismet (the spam-fighting program) to stop flagging him — TR



    Akismet…such a sweet sounding name for a big strong spam fighter…



    lowmanbeach – I can see that you are encouraging members to contact you via email if they experience any problems on your site, but I have to ask: how come you never respond to inquiries when members DO contact you?

    I have emailed you probably 8 times without a single response from you. If you are so adamant that members contact you with any problems, it seems you should be willing to respond to those inquiries.

    Just a question. (Of course, I’m not holding my breath for a response – I’ve learned).



    NR…I have also e-mailed TR and didn’t receive a response. But…I appreciate having this free service made available freely to those who are free to post elsewhere. :)

    I would not want to spend my free time responding to whiny e-mails…



    If I have anything to pass along to WSB, I’ve decided to always include “A RESPONSE IS NOT NECESSARY” in big bold letters – only because I know how much they’re juggling and I don’t want to create the need for them to send another email. I won’t be offended if I don’t hear back, because ultimately, it’s their call as to what they want to do with the information and I’m good with that.

    Vincent, I’m sure TR can help you figure out the posting issue. It may even uncover a problem that others could be having, so that would be helpful in the big picture. The idea of a spam program that “learns” brings thoughts of iRobot and intelligent technology to mind though, lol…Akismit, coming to a theatre near you ;)



    My guess is TR responds to emails that are worthy of a response.



    Funny, a posting I spent 20 minutes typing up on the soup recipe thread never showed up. I later concluded it may have been because I used the words “two big breasts of chicken” (I wonder if this post will now die). I went ahead and reposted the next day and changed the wording.

    My experience of Tracy is that she is uncommonly professional and dedicated to WSB and our community. I can’t imagine sitting through countless design review meetings, HiYu talent shows, school board meetings….yada yada yada. I would go out of my mind. And then have to come back to headquarters and deal with forum hi-jinks, dramas and immaturity…imo, Tracy is a saint!



    Very succinct and well put, JimmyG. My thoughts exactly.



    I’ve always had a a response to any email I’ve sent to TR. And some of the issues weren’t earthshaking, just things I wanted to know. Or perhaps something I questioned. Once my posting didn’t come through, so she took it upon herself to post it for me while she checked out the system. WSB service has always been A-1 in my opinion.



    Nice job being the victim in every thread NR.



    THAT’S what bothers me! THANK YOU, JT for putting a finger on what I’ve been feeling.


    come on guys! its a beutiful fall day! go outside and quit bickering about nothing!!!!



    LOL forewarning – I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, I’m drugged up and I’m bedridden. BEWARE THE CAIT COMMENTS :)

    Any suggestions for things to DO while I’m just laying here I’m dying of boredom.



    Is everyone going to let the fact that katydid is TR’s favorite blog member go unnoticed?



    awww, c’mon, I am NOT her favorite blog person…I’ve had my share of dull threads taken down sooner than I would have liked…



    @bcollins: you’re joking, right?

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