Why It’s Critical to Elect Democrats in 2008 (I want my constitution back)

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    bias? what bias?

    oh.. that bias…

    didn’t somebody just write a book about that?



    JT- those 5 minutes that Bush acted in our best interest were as he read “The Pet Goat”.

    The rest of the time, he has done nothing but destroy this country. He will be looked back on as the worst president, and the worst administration ever. Incompetence, arrogance, and unshakable certainty will only get you so far.




    it may surprise you to learn that a Clinton supporter.. us being so much like republicans and all… understands and employs irony…

    media bias is no news to me…

    it shouldn’t have been to you either…



    The Clintons have been whining about every instance of what they call media bias for years. Yup, whining! The media is biased in favor of a good story — of high ratings — of doing something easy. Some, like Faux News, are biased in a political direction.

    A long time ago, JoB, you accused some of us of insulting you — of making it personal. Perhaps it’s time to step back and take a good hard look at what you’re doing. I’m just saying .. it doesn’t really matter to me, but, as I said about Clinton, it is a sad thing to watch.



    earth to … whoever…

    the pro McCain bias has become so blatant that it is now news.

    that bias has nothing to do with Hillary or Bill Clinton… It existed long before either was even a blip on the national political screen.

    but… since everything is her fault.. or his and they are the same.. it must have something to do with all of that whining that has been going on.

    i bet that’s why the war was spun from the beginning too…

    and George Bush… because somehow the media kept ignoring the story Molly Ivens told right up to her last column…

    they shake their heads now.. but ignore the President of the United States publicly admitting that he was aware of the torture memo from the beginning…

    but you must be right… there’s no bias.. it’s all a bunch of Clinton supporter whining.

    Where is your critical thought process?

    I actually give you all more credit for the ability to think critically than you give yourselves… i certainly expect more of you than that…

    I get that it’s anything to make a point… but just what point does this make?

    because it’s one you are going to have to abandon soon if Obama gets our nomination.

    You will be screaming media bias the second the republican machine unleashes it’s attack dogs…



    We all understand the McCain bias — we have discussed it on the McCain thread. In fact, that was the subject of this thread until, in 53, you tossed out yet another nonsequiter. No one was talking about Clinton supporters lacking in irony.

    I will not throw (or catch) bombs based on personal animosity…but I do find it amusing to be accused of lacking in critical thinking in this particular context.

    I believe, just as Bill Clinton has done everything possible to keep his wife from getting the nomination, many Clinton supporters will consciously or unconsciously do everything possible to keep Obama from winning the election. Does that make them Republicans? Well, it sure as hell doesn’t make them Democrats.




    now you have Clinton supporters out gunning for Obama if he gets the nomination?


    it really is all her fault.. no matter what happens… ;->

    i guess that’s one way to answer all critics…

    i hope you are enjoying whatever you are drinking…

    thanks for the laugh…

    and on that note i am turning in…



    yet another reason we need a Dem in office in November…





    One student’s account of John Ashcroft’s recent visit to Knox College. I’m amazed that Mr. Ashcroft was willing to enter the lions den…



    Thanks, WSM — very interesting. Actually, as the tales of the shredding of the constitution keep leaking out, Ashcroft is looking like one of the least horrible guys. Breaks my heart.



    Her ending thought breaks my heart: “My final verdict on Ashcroft: this is what Hannah Arendt meant by “the banality of evil.” He seems like a normal guy (albeit one with some real anger issues), and yet…well, I don’t need to finish that sentence.”



    on a personal note about John Ashcroft…a few years ago when he became ill with pancreatitis, I actually felt for him, as I had the same disease aobut 12 years ago..one of the worse pains and experiences of my life…and I was so disappointed when he was better in two weeks (mine was more like 4 months)…I was sooo disappointed that he didn’t suffer enough…lol…but that’s just a tongue in cheek thing…I wouldn’t want anyone to suffer like that…

    I was told after mine that it involved the chakra that encompasses the pancreas..that it meant “no sweetness in life”..I tended to agree at that time in my life…perhaps it was the same for him…

    I have always wondered how “W” found all of these “evil” persons at the same time…Ashcroft, Rove, Rumsfeld…what kind of world did they come from?




    he didn’t find them.

    they all came from the same think tank and they found him



    can we put them all back in the tank, please?



    with any luck that’s what we will do this fall…

    i am actually encouraged that Gonzales is having a tough time finding another position…

    i don’t think that’s for all the right reasons..

    but i hope it will underscore the lack of loyalty to those who aren’t club members yet choose to swim with those sharks…

    maybe others will think twice..

    you can only hope.



    Bush admits he approved torture






    Helen Thomas is challenging us to speak out:

    “Is there no lawmaker who is appalled about the tarnishing of our image in world opinion? And where are the voices of the other presidential candidates who will inherit the Bush legacy of torture? Why the silence?

    I count on the American people to refuse to be shamed any more.”




    now that’s a good question. why aren’t both of our presidential candidates all over this?

    you can be plenty tough without torture… and this sure should point out one of the major differences between us and them..



    does this belong in this thread? I don’t really know…but…it’s a good read…


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