Wasting your tax dollars ?

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    Alki Warrior

    Why do you keep giving more of your tax dollars to an inefficient government like Metro which is out of control agency? It’s mind boggling. But they know you’ll keep giving them more of it if they ask for it. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Taxes are going to get worse in a very short time here. You’ll feel it if you aren’t already.



    Don’t bother with citations, facts, or even thought processes. Your carefully crafted statement is very convincing as is.


    Or, to be less snarky, rants without at least some thoughtful analysis don’t get very far.


    Heaven Sent

    I always vote yes for transit.



    “Don’t bother with citations, facts, or even thought processes. Your carefully crafted statement is very convincing as is.”

    Sometimes the “cake is baked”.

    Anyone who needs documentation that metro is screwed up will probably never be convinced anyway.

    Fight the power Alki!



    so, everything that you pay for has stayed static for the last 20 or so years? groceries, gasoline, electric, cable, insurance, any bill you might have. It’s all stayed static…right? So no need for making more than you were then…right?

    Oh..no? Then why would you expect it to stay the same for anything in government. I wonder how much bitching will go on when we lose the services…oh…we ARE going to lose some services…and we’ve already heard the bitching, haven’t we? Someone has to pay for those things…we all know that. As long as it’s not coming from your pockets…right?



    Thanks Jan, well said :-)



    “so, everything that you pay for has stayed static for the last 20 or so years? “

    Metro funding has been static for 20 years?

    Amalia and I think you need to provide “citations and facts”.



    tonight hubby and i had a serious talk over dinner about whether we want to live in these United States any more.

    I don’t think we do.

    to be honest i am sick of the it’s all about me mentality that has invaded not only our political discourse but our public behavior.

    No folks, it’s not all about you.

    if you want to have infrastructure that works and hiway systems that work and public transit systems that work and hospitals that work and fire departments that work and police protection and …

    you have to pay taxes.

    funny thing.. you get what you pay for.

    you pay less.. you get less.. it really is that simple.


    Alki Warrior

    Metro’s costs have rose so much faster than inflation. Over the past 12 plus years, Metro bus operating costs have gone up 81 percent. Inflation in that period has gone up 33 percent. This is an out of control agency and they’re going to take more money from us?



    alki warrior…

    your example assumes service remained static over the last 12 years. Is that the case?



    Sarcasm, Smitty, sarcasm…….Smitty…it was a question…of which the answer is no. You didn’t read it right ( or my meaning didn’t come across correctly). No costs have remained static for the last 20 years…everything has gone up, including Metro…and the percentages are different for each of them, Alki Warrior! Yet people don’t want to pay more for the services that they want to stay the best..well, sorry folks, it just doesn’t work that way…



    Avg. cost gallon gas 2002: $1.40

    Avg. cost gallon gas 2014: $3.50

    Real inflation rate over past 12 years = 150%




    sadly, Erik, my car will only take premium…the other night , overnite, the price of a gallon increased 14 cents a gallon….spring break must be coming…sigh



    Dam Job I couldn’t of said any better then you did how right you are……. :o)

    so best put an alert on…lol





    it doesn’t make me happy to say it..

    it makes me even less happy to think it :(

    and i didn’t even get started on the waste of our taxpayer dollars in political grandstanding :(

    politics is not a sport folks

    it’s the process that decides what is and isn’t possible in your life

    isn’t it about time we started taking it seriously?

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