Taro Yogurt in Seattle?

Home Forums West Seattle Food Taro Yogurt in Seattle?

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    My girlfriend was raving about Taro yogurt after a visit to Hong Kong. She is away on a trip so I wanted to get some for her as a surprise on her return. After calling Unwajimaya, Asian Market, and Ranch 99 I cannot find any. Does the forum have any knowledge of where I can get some. Bonus points if I only have to drive to White Center.



    It probably would have been a frozen yogurt. It can be found in Hawaii as poi frozen yogurt. I believe there are hard-frozen versions like ice cream, but I don’t know if Uwajimaya carries them.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by JTB.


    Thanks…If I can find some I will be a hero even if it takes a while.



    Not sure for the taro flavor but you may check out a few Fro-yo shops

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