Strong sickly sweet smell similar to burnt antifreeze

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    My roommate confirmed the sickly sweet smell. It’s very strong in Gennessee, what is it? I have smelled it many times at night, I am a delivery driver in WS. It’s awful. Anyone know what it is?



    Somebody e-mailed from Admiral, saying this isn’t the first time. Unfortunately I’m olfactorily challenged and can’t personally follow the trail but one REALLY important thing to do is: File a complaint with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. Odor is one of the categories on this page:



    Somebody e-mailed from Admiral, saying this isn’t the first time. Unfortunately I’m olfactorily challenged and can’t personally follow the trail but one REALLY important thing to do is: File a complaint with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. Odor is one of the categories on this page:



    I thought somebody put some beauty bark down, but when we went down to Georgetown, I could get a faint smell of it there too.

    Last 5 hours of Boeing Field aviation weather shows pretty much calm winds so it can’t be from very far.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by 22blades.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by 22blades.


    I grew up down wind of a paper mill and it reminded me of that smell. It was very strong when I was out late afternoon and evening in Genesee/Admiral area.



    On the West Seattle Bridge after the high rise and on 99 Northbound I often notice the smell of fermenting wort or the smell one gets when brewing beer or malt for whiskey. I am guessing it is the predominance of Whiskey/Beer brewers along 1st Ave north and south of Spokane. Given our wind patterns (N/S/SW) I’d be surprised if it hits Genessee or Admiral but we do get the odd east wind every now and then.

    Perhaps that is the smell people are noticing?



    I am smelling it again right now. I have reported the smell both times. I just want to know what it is, sigh. It’s awful. Both times the wind has been coming from the east.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by habbibte.


    Smells like decomposing bark to me (nearly the smell of manure). Smelled it a couple days ago at 38th and Barton, smelled it tonight coming down 509 into South Park and from there, I smelled it all the way back to 38th and Barton. Not a terrible odor but not a great one either, kinda sweet smelling.



    This smell has been very strong the last few days, all over WS (Walt Hundley all the way to North Admiral). Reminds me of blueberry muffins but not in a good way. I’ve filed a complaint with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency as WSB suggested in this thread ( and encourage others to as well. It might be a sweet smell but I doubt it’s healthy.



    We had an easterly wind on Thursday due to the low pressure off the coast.



    The sickly-sweet beauty bark-like smell is from our South Transfer Station.

    The pungent worty smell West Seattle Bridge/ 99 Northbound is from a pot processing facility.

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