Strange old man near Starbucks/Met Market pestering young women

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    so this guy has made a few women uncomfortable…

    old men making inappropriate comments generally do make young women uncomfortable

    what makes me uncomfortable is the personal comments made to those who don’t agree that becoming uncomfortable is not cause for alarm.



    I haven’t run into him, JanS, but if I did, that’s what I’d say.

    Jiggers, I’m really not sure how to put this, but to be honest, this particular woman does NOT wish to be approached more in this city. Particularly not by people who think it’s appropriate to ask highly personal questions of people they haven’t even met yet. It beats guys (and it always was guys) yelling things out of cars, which was a major feature of my life from about age 12 onward, but that’s a pretty low bar to pass. No thanks.

    From the descriptions, it does sound like he has some sort of issue; approaching everyone the same way, using the exact same words, is kind of an indicator. To be clear, to be approached this way would make me very uncomfortable. That said, I don’t see where he’s done anything to be arrested for.




    datamuse is right.

    male attention is not always welcome

    and is seldom a compliment

    when it is

    it’s generally appreciated




    Follow the link to the first story and read some of the comments from women who have interacted with this guy over the past 3 months – he’s not some sweet misguided old man – really creepy behavior if you ask me – approaching high school students and younger women – one poster said he made explicit suggestions to her and he’s doing it every week.


    I know you are friendly with Jiggers (and I usually smirk at most of his posts) but the “tang” comment and sarcasm over what is distressing to some younger women is really uncalled for – IMHO this is not a situation to be made light of.



    Well JoB maybe he hasn’t met you yet…. you might just stun him back to reality… such are your powers.



    Hmmm – where to draw the line on ‘appropriate’ behavior… Duane Starkenburg thought it was OK to do a faceplant in a woman’s buttocks to say “Hello”… now it turns out he’s being investigated for child rape. Before getting to the point of doing faceplants did Duane try approaching women and making overly personal comments, invading personal space? We don’t know.

    I’m not sure if all the women this old guy is approaching told him his behavior was inappropriate or just shrugged it off, but anyone that feels that uncomfortable should do more than shrug it off. There’s a trend, the police should at least know that much – who knows what he might try next – flashing, touching, getting off in his car (maybe he already does that EEEEEEWWWW!)

    Abuse or bullying or inappropriate behavior does not always have to be physical to be wrong, or cause to report to the authorities, and in some cases it might prevent more detrimental behavior later on.

    I’m _not_ saying the police need to haul this guy away, but they might at least like to talk to him about what he’s doing.



    Thank you MargL – you are the voice of reason – he may have mental health issues etc but for the love of God he is disturbing a majority of women in the Admiral area (just look at the posts/comments) so yes he needs to be watched/talked to – perhaps by the SPD (and this does not mean taken into custody)



    not long ago one Larry King was shot and killed by Brandon McInerney because of alleged unwanted sexual advances ( What would the world come to if women turned around and did the same thing every time some guy made comments to her? Probably be a lot more peaceful for us. Just sayin’. Next time you are alone, at night, fellas, wonder what it might be like for a gaggle of jerks to haggle you sexually. How would you like the thought of being violated where and when you don’t want to be?




    yes,i do like jiggers…

    but then, i have met him

    and know that sometimes he is just running off his mouth to see if he gets a reaction.

    i am sure the intent of “tang” was to get a reaction..

    but i don’t think it was meant to be quite the insult that you heard

    at least, i hope not.


    really .. do you really think i can set people straight with nothing more than the power of my presence?




    Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could, JoB? ;)

    The thing is, somebody’s behavior can make you uncomfortable and you can tell them to stop it. Doesn’t mean they will. Doesn’t mean they won’t hassle somebody else. If you think about what a tiny percentage of the population of West Seattle is actually active on this forum, and the number of complaints among that tiny percentage about this one guy…odds are against his being genuinely unaware that a significant number of women find his behavior disturbing. Which means he either likes making women uncomfortable, or he can’t help it. I’m leaning toward the latter, but not having encountered this guy I’m not really qualified to judge.

    Not having met Jiggers, I’m not really qualified to judge him, either, but dude, I’m not terribly impressed by what you’ve said here. If you wanted a reaction, yay, you got one. Congratulations.



    Even in this day and age, women are brainwashed to always be “nice”, even when confronted with outrageous or inappropriate behavior. We need to learn to trust our gut. Many studies have proven that “creepy feelings” in such cases are usually justified. Unfortunately, many such studies were based on actual criminal cases involving sexual predation and violence. I’d probably tell the guy to bugger off, then call the cops – and let him know I was doing so.



    Has anyone who has actually seen this guy checked the Sex Offender Registry?



    No wonder why I don’t see guys getting up and giving up their seats on the bus to the ladies or opening up their car doors anymore. Let them stand all the way back on their own two feet to West Seattle. I used to see guys give their seats up when I was in school, but not today. Go figure.



    Jiggers, women have inserted themselves into combat arms int he military, they carry weapons as police, they are firefighters, workd construction jobs, attend colleges at higher rates then men, make more money in the engineering fields.. dainty flowers they aren’t. Why would I insert myself in a one on one? They’ve come a long way baby…. now a mom with a couple of kids in tow, geriatric, handicapped.. sure, I will render aid.



    Maude? You think there are any straight males here that have not been the object of interest of other males? Blood is not running down the streets.. 99 per cent of the time we state our non interest and that ends that. We don’t shoot and most men are not “homophobic”. Ah the culture vs nature debate. Are men more aggressive? yep… as is virtually every single male mammal. Funny how ya go to the personals… and the the reverse is..they want a tall, masculine type…c’mon we have a natural program that culture can temper but not eliminate.



    yeah..kootch. The women’s right to equality movement certainly has changed men’s attitudes about them in a lot of ways. I ride the bus quite a bit, and if I see an elderly lady that would benefit a seat more than I, I would gladly give it up in which I have before. Now only if we could get them to buy us more dinners at a nice restaraunt, that would be some trick. It’s not like I’m asking to marry you. Some good food, wine and conversation never hurt. Oh oh… did I put my foot in my mouth again? Hello))))))))))) knock knock! But ladies, flattery comes in a lot of different forms, and it also doesn’t happen everyday to you. But I guess the poor elderly man may have been strange but.. do you think he really had bad intentions?



    jiggers..give it up. You’re not going to win on this one. He may be a harmless old man, but maybe he’s not. If he did this once or twice, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. But if it happens over and over again, the guy has a problem….or at least seems to have. We just need to pay attention..a lot.



    I guess I’m a baaaaad man, immature, what else do you ladies want to label me as…oh mysogonistic now? Yeah I better give it up. Kind of like a pack of wolves ganging up on a wounded antelope. Ok I won’t post on this thread anymore.




    Even if that comment was tongue in cheek

    It deserves a big fat Grow up

    Get a grip dude



    Jiggers… I believe you won on this one.



    Well..I’m still trying to dry my socks after last night’s downpour.I’m a bit punchy.



    Dang. West Seattle Blog is off the hook. I’m still trying to figure out if Jiggers and kootchman are the same person, or if they’re both just half as smart as a regular human being. Or, somehow, both. Anyway, it’s good to know that more people are now aware of this old creep and his bothersome antics.




    I believe Jiggers and kootchman are twin brothers from different mothers separated at birth and brought together by the power of the WS Blog.




    Lol.. having met both I can tell you there is more truth to that than you know




    How did you know my REAL middle initial (true story)???? (which I never use for obvious reasons – LOL)



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