Some Sundays, we counter-program the Seahawks game with a bird-photo gallery, if stockpiled reader contributions allow. And we have six today, as the team closes out its season …
The first three are from prolific contributor Jerry Simmons, sent in the past month or so. Above, a Steller’s Jay; below, a Golden-crowned Kinglet:
And here’s a Yellow-rumped Warbler:
Christopher Boffoli photographed a Cormorant on a piling near Seacrest:
Rob Christian found a Barred Owl:
And Jon Anderson sent this Hummingbird close-up:
We also publish readers’ bird photos some mornings with our daily event list, so if you’re a bird fan, be sure to check that too. Meantime, though the Seahawks’ season is ending, we’ll publish bird galleries throughout the year as photo supplies allow, so thanks in advance to everyone who continues to share photos – is the best address!