Sidewalk repair?

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    Our sidewalk panels are uneven in front of our house. The previous owner patched these – some with asphault and some with concrete. The concrete ramps have cracked and we want to fix them. I cannot find anyone interested in such a small job. Everyone I call wants to replace all the panels (about four of them) for like 5k! No way. Short of repairing the two ramps ourselves with concrete (which will simply crack again soon), any suggestions? We know sidewalks are owned by city, but our responsibility.



    Did you ask the City if they recommend anyone?

    Pioneer Masonry Restoration may, you might also try someone that was recommended to me by a local realtor. I don’t want to post his number here, I can send to an email address if you like.

    And good for you for getting on that. Just walk anywhere and see all the people who just let it go.



    Use Xypex Mega Mix ll


    Betty T

    I walk a lot and see bad sidewalks everywhere. In High Point they preserve all the old trees which have roots raising havoc with the old sidewalks. I found out that owners are rsponsible several years ago when I tripped and fell on one. I suppose because of cost, no one fixes them til forced. You can get a contact to report bad sidewalks and over growth but it goes right back to the property owner. It was the same where I came from.



    Today while running down on Alki we were on the side of the condos/houses and there was a huge sinkhole in the sidewalk. So big that a beer bottle was down there. It was in front of a house. So it is the homeowners responsibility to fix it?



    Why is sidewalk repair my responsibility?

    Seattle Municipal Code, Title 15.72 requires that property owners keep the sidewalk adjacent to their property fit and safe for the purposes of public travel. As such, property owners must repair cracks and other damage to the sidewalk as well as ensure that snow and ice do not pose a hazard to pedestrians. If the sidewalk is determined to be unfit or unsafe, the Municipal Code requires SDOT to direct the abutting property owner to fix their sidewalk. The property owner of record is notified by the district Street Use inspector of the repairs or action needed. If there is an unsafe condition and you need to repair the sidewalk, apply for a Street Use sidewalk repair permit.

    If a property owner installs a new concrete sidewalk, the owner or the contractor must obtain a Street Use Permit to make sure the walkway meets the City’s current standards, including wheelchair ramps at street corners and proper drainage of the street area.



    A sledge hammer and a $13 bag of asphalt cold patch from Home Depot did the trick in front of my office. I used the extra to fill in a pothole in the street!

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