Rant : Stellar Pizza

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    Below is a copy of an e-mail I have sent Stellar Pizza in Georgetown. We have waited over 5 days for a response.

    I think the rant is fairly well expressed in the email.

    I am posting this mostly to find out if others have had the same experience we have.

    “Dear Stellar,

    We love your pizza. It is probably the best pizza in Seattle. We came there almost weekly for it.

    In the last few years we have been there about half the time we have had some glitch in the service. Something small like wrong salad dressing to major flubs like forgot to put our order in. I dont know if you have ever gone out to dinner with a small child and had to wait an extra 30-40 minutes because a waitress “forgot” to put our order in, but it sucks. Other times we have watched other parties get their pizza before us, even though they came in later. The explanation “another waitress grabbed your pie and gave it to them because they ordered the same thing”

    The last few times we have dined there we have had a running joke BEFORE we go about what we will get comped this time or what will get forgotten. Granted, when brought to the attention of the staff, they have always been very apologetic and comped us beers, or brought something to tide over the appetite of the 5 y.o.

    Sorry to say that we wont be eating there anymore and we will be telling our friends, well they already know, they have been in the joke for a long time too.”

    Love the pies, hate the service.



    Todd, I have noticed the same thing on occasion. I loved going there for lunch during work but had to stop do to the “slow” service. I was quite sad myself, but lucky for me still occasionly enjoy it after work. :)



    Same exact experience here. I used to enjoy getting a pint and a slice at stellar when I’d be in Georgetown but the service is so consistently atrocious that I just don’t bother anymore, and won’t in the future.



    Your complaint that the service is slow or wrong when they are really busy, so you aren’t going anymore?

    I am really curious what type of response your expecting? Sounds like a win win for them, they get to stay quirky and screw up occasionally, and the customers that want chain restaurant service every time get to stop going.



    Vincent, your post makes no sense.



    Seriously, wtf Vincent.



    Vincent brings up a good point. People may not like CHAIN restaurants but those places have perfected processes for getting you the right food on time. I wonder why more mom and pop/ indie restaurants can’t get it together like them?


    Well, since I never said anything about goin in while its was busy….

    ..in fact, we go there earlier in the evening to avoid any of the dinner rush.

    We have been seated in the “family area” and FORGOTTEN! We were the only family seated there. The girl walked off back to the 21 over section, we waited, and waited, and waited, until I had to go look for her.

    We are pretty forgiving folks since my wife has worked in the service industry in the past. We understand how things can get during a rush. But most of the things that have happened to us there are unexcusable.

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