Rant- parked car lurkers

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    I’m only ranting because this has become a regular occurrence infront of my house. Considering the fact that break-ins, and car prowels are reported on a regular basis around here these days. ,, sitting in your car infront of my house for extended periods of time is CREEPY. Before you start firing back at me about “its a public street- people can park where ever they want”, if thats your logic than I am also free to stand out there with my giant german shepard and stare at your creepy ass until you go away. Sick of lurkers invading my space. If you’ve been sitting out there long enough that I have to interrupt my work day and come outside to see what the hell is going on, then you better move if I tell you to. You may not agree with me but its my rant and a very real issue for my property.



    If you have businesses around your area, you may want to explore the possibilty that these people have arrived early for an appointment and are waiting in their cars for the appointed time. Or that they are meeting someone who lives on your block misjudged the amount of time it would take to arrive.

    Be wary of suspicious behavior, sure. And confront them if you want. But you really should allow for people to live their lives without bugging them if they aren’t seeming to do anything that shady.

    Just this gal’s opinion.



    Thers is no real reason for anyone to stop directly infront of my house for any extended period of time. Nor is it even remotly crowded on my block. infact both sides of the street are wide open on a regular basis because random people parking for appointments doesnt happen here. No one on my block is having a party or yard sale, plenty of parking for every property here. Im not polyanna enough to just think people are so innocent. Like I would have bothered to log in and post a rant about it if I hadnt thougt of every possible reason why strangers would be lurking in their cars infront of my house. If they’re just waiting for something then why not pull up to the COMPLETLY EMPTY 1/2 a block just a few yards up the street. This isnt regular street parking. There are no curbs and no sidewalks. What people are doing is using the ONLY foliage and fence on the entire block to hide behind. So yea, its bugs the crap out of me, is a disruption of my work, and I’m going to go out there and bug people about it if I have to.



    You might need to calm down just a bit. This complaint is ridiculous.



    So then they’d just be parking in front of someone else’s house? I’m sorry but unless they are doing something like taking pictures or looking in cars/windows/etc they have a right to be there undisturbed.



    are they staying for hours? Are they eating? Are they reading something? Are they staring at your house? If you think something is out of sorts, maybe call the non-emergency police #. I see people parked around where I live, in their cars, taking breaks from a job involving car use, eating lunch, reading a book, etc. It may be very innocent. Instead of getting all huffy, you and your “giant german shepard” should maybe go ask if you can assist the guy in any way since you see him out there a lot. Just walk the dog, and say hello, nod in his direction, etc..it may dispel some fears…just a suggestion….



    This happens occasionally at my house, and it can be creepy – especially with all of the casing that goes on around here. I personally saw the getaway car waiting for some Arbor Heights burglars recently, so it is a legitimate concern. The burglars were apprehended, in part due to neighbors noting the standing vehicle.

    Sometimes I’ll just stroll out and politely ask “Is there a problem here? Everything OK?” Usually they leave immediately. If there’s a bad vibe, I make a note of the license number. If the ‘lurking’ is legitimate, it’s a friendly inquiry. If not, it’s a warning that neighbors are aware of what’s going on around them. No harm done.



    We have such active imaginations and creativity it can sometimes lead us down the wrong thought path..

    Awhile back I was meeting a friend for dinner, I arrived at the destination, had to park several blocks away AND I was early.

    I decided to sit in my car and catch up on some entries in my journal.

    A woman comes up to me and knocked on the window, whe wanted to know if I was writing down her license plate and why? Was she parked where she shouldn’t be??? Nope, I’m simply just doing some personal writing..

    I’ve been known to pull over in a quiet area if I’m early and want someplace quiet to hang and maybe make a phone call.

    Like others have said, if they are not exhibiting inappropriate behaviour, its likely a very innocent reason that they have parked for awhile.





    If you are really that concerned about this issue, then go out and take a picture of the driver and their car. You have just as much a right to take a picture of them, as they have a right to park wherever they choose. Get over it!




    What drives me nuts is when they park in front of my house and idle, or when they decide to hang out in their car while blocking my driveway, when there’s plenty of legal parking nearby (RIGHT F$%*in NEXT TO my driveway, for example.)



    I can understand the suspicion. and yes, the idling drives me nuts. I am one of those people that arrives to parties early and I sit in the car to wait..

    this rant reminds me… one Saturday morning we noticed that a guy had been hanging out in his car for a while, in front of our neighbors house. we called our neighbor to see if they knew what was up. “yeah, we saw him, he’s been sitting there all morning- should we find out what he’s up to?”

    come to find out the ‘lurker’s’ daughter was a doula who was assisting in a home birth. and he just sat in the car for half the day. :) you never know what that lurker might be doing.



    Maybe post a neighborhood watch sign on the fence? Just to let people know the neighbors are aware. Personally, I hate streets with no sidewalks because I’m never sure where it’s ok to park. Maybe that spot seems like the most clear, legitimate place to park. I worked in social services for seven years and did a lot of home visits. I never rang a bell more than five minutes early so was often reading a book outside. Seattle traffic is unpredictable and often results in being early.



    I am often parked randomly around the neighborhood reading a book because I have a sleeping kid in the car. I might have picked in front of your house because it had the shade of a nice tree so that he doesn’t get sunburned while he rests. Usually, I am on the beach, but occasionally I’ll be in front of someone’s house.

    Just in case you are worried – I don’t care about you all. You could have your diamonds scotch taped to your windows and I wouldn’t notice. I see lots of other people around in their cars, too – usually at the viewpoints or beach – eating lunch, reading, playing games on their phone. I can think of dozens of reasons why they would be there.

    As a perpetrator of this offense, and therefore an expert, I would like to second the complaint about idling – no one wants to smell that shit.



    If I were the OP I’d be thanking my lucky stars that I lived on a street where people could still find a place to park … an increasingly rare commodity.



    FYI I WAS RIGHT. There was something fishy going on and people were using the front of my house to hide out. . Maybe next time someone bothers to log on and make a complaint you all wont be so dismissive.



    so.. what was going on and how did you resolve the problem?




    A good reminder to give more credence to our intuition. If it feels like something’s not right, it probably isn’t.



    Luckily, the people sitting in front of her house wished her no harm….so, in essence they were safe. Now, the house down the street? No comment…just pay attention. The guy’s out of jail, I believe…



    So the lurkers were undercover police? (What I get from comments on the story about bust at Pegasus.) Or the lurkers were fishy people hiding out? (What I get from #15.)



    I gathered that the people in front of her house were undercover peeps? Anyone, is that true or not?



    Op- I have had this happen as well. It is unnerving. When it happened on my block I called my neighbors to see if they had ever seen the car before. Maybe I had missed it… Nope.. We went outside…. Car drove off.

    I think it is great that you are observant and know what is “normal” for your block. When it doesn’t seem right, it might not be, or….. It might be innocent. Making sure that you make yourself seen (along with neighbors if able) lets bad guys know that you are watching and let’s innocent people wish they lived in your neighborhood.

    Good on you for saying something ! :-)



    this all becomes a moot point if you walk out your door and approach the car

    if the people inside are doing something wrong.. they generally drive away before you reach the car

    if they are just stopped for a short break you have the opportunity for a pleasant exchange with someone you wouldn’t otherwise meet…

    if they are officers of the law they identify themselves as such and you walk back into your house feeling safer

    if you are uncomfortable approaching a car on your own .. ask someone to accompany you..

    if they are there that often you won’t have any trouble recruiting assistance…

    this little old lady regularly interacts with the people who troll her alley and camp on her street..

    “Is there anything i can help you with?”

    opens conversations on a positive note…



    Our neighborhood police have told us to call 911 anytime we see a suspicious vehicle or a vehicle where it shouldn’t be. Maybe they can’t do anything at the time but enough calls on same vehicle or same area will eventually result in results. Always give license # and any other details possible. Would think a person now days shouldn’t approach the people with people shooting over nothing. Never know.


    JoB (#23), I appreciate your optimistic, pragmatic suggestions and wish that I naturally thought that way all the time. (I get suspicious of empty, questionable-looking cars let alone idling ones with potential villains in them!) I think you’ve totally got the right attitude and every neighborhood would be better if people engaged, whether to offer coffee and help to a stranger in need or to shoo sketchy folk away.

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