Question for the Snow Lovers

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    Whenever there’s snow in the forecast, there will be a handful of people (like me) who live in dread and profess their ultimate snow hatred, and then there are the people who are jumping up and down like a kid on a snow day, excited about the snow.

    I’m curious: for the people who get excited about it, do you all work from home (or not at all) and don’t have to be anywhere? Do you have companies that close down at the slightest snow so you don’t have to commute? (My company wouldn’t close unless the building fell down, so I always have to be there (unless I call in sick).)

    It just seems to me that with snow (of whatever amount) come the bus troubles, the road and commute is a mess, the roads get icy/slick for walkers, and don’t even get me started on the hills. I’m not saying anybody’s right or wrong here, and don’t want to get into any fights about snow vs. no snow – I’m just curious how so many could love the city snow so much if they actually had to commute in it. Thoughts?



    i am one of the lucky ones whose employer closes down for “snow days”. but even if that wasn’t the case i’d still love snow.

    i grew up in a continental climate zone where we always had cold winters and snow, and distinctly remember sitting in school, hearing the call “IT’S SNOWING!!!” and running to the windows along with all my classmates (and the teacher!) to gaze upon the first flakes of the season.

    i don’t think i’ll ever lose that emotional connection, that feeling of child-like wonder and awe at powers outside of our control. i wouldn’t want to, frankly. :)



    SoCal girl here – love the snow. But when I’m forced to drive in it I’m less than proficient. Luckily I’m able to telecommute so it’s not a problem getting work done should I need to stay home.



    I’ll admit, I have been very fortunate that during my working life I have always had winter work that allowed me to either work for home or enjoy a day or two off when the snow flies.

    It happens I live near the water, so even when it snows those members of my household who need to get downtown for work can usually do so by driving/taking the bus following the flat shoreline roads.

    Growing up here but not being part of a family that ever took trips to the mountains for winter sports, snow days always feel like holidays to me.


    p. t.

    I like the snow and the routine “shake up” for a day or two…if I can’t/don’t go into work downtown I just have to ” cash in” a sick day or a vacation day. I live up on the highest hill in Highland Park so I do get stuck up here when it snows I like to watch the snow come down although it took me 6 1/2 hours to get home from Belltown last snow storm.



    I grew up in a very snowy climate and have a vehicle with 4WD so the snow doesn’t bother me much.

    And once in a while it’s nice to take the day off for weather-related reasons (plus I’m the one who decides if we close for snow days).




    As a child my favorite time of year was winter. At the first sign of snowflakes, my little heart would be bursting with joy. I’d run straight for the door and pound on it as hard as I could, shouting, Let me in . . . Let me IN !!!

    —Emo Philips

    (Dedicated to RarelyEver.)



    I love the beauty of the snow blanketing my lawn and trees, and the hush in the air, and appreciate it more here because of how fleeting it *usually* is (last November excepted).



    Grew up in Seattle and love the snow. We would go out an sled for hours ‘n’ hours! My mom and I were always left with the worst sled, but we made the best of it and would laugh everytime we crashed. Got to miss school (even though we had to make it up in June, we didn’t care). Snow Angels. Snow ball fights. Building snow igloos. Catching snowflakes on our tongues. Making milkshakes from snowflakes–they weren’t great, but we loved them.

    Snow is beautiful to watch. It slows us down…which is not a bad thing. And it rarely lasts more than a couple of days. Have you ever been to the Beveridge Place Pub on a snow day? It’s mood is even better than ever; cross county skis are outside by the door; everyone is bundled up; chatty; happy.

    Oh…and yes, I still drive to work as I have an all wheel drive, 5-speed vehicle that putters on down the road.



    Sue…you know I work at home…so the biggest detriment that the snow is to me is that a client may not get here, and I wouldn’t make any money (no client, no pay). I get to stay home and just watch it. And I can walk to a store, etc., for anything I need. But…given the choice, I like the long, warm daylight hours of summer :)



    I am a transplant from Detroit. We had all 4 seasons. The Snow… brings out the kid in me. Always reminds me of a picture of me and my BFF standing at the fence in front of Keeler Elem. I still have the Strawberry Shortcake Scarf….MY daughter wears it now. :) I want to run outside, twirl in circles and jump up and down when I see the snow flakes falling. It’s magical, peaceful and SO MUCH FUN! Currently, I do work for a company that I get vacation and personal days. Plus with all the fancy technology stuff, I am now able to “dial in” to my work computer from home. So if it snows I don’t HAVE to go. During Snowpocolyps I braved the bus with the rest of WS. I was stuck downtown until midnight duing the last “Big” snow and then it took me 2 hours to get home! It was an adventure. A not to often occurence. Makes for a great story. Snow is part of life and we just have to embrace and deal with it. You only get one shot at this life.



    I love it when it snows; when I worked, I would always make it to my job (14 miles away) by walking and taking the bus. It took more time and planning but I would make it in. I’d carry extra clothes, food, and a book and planned on leaving early, working later, or staying at a bar for a couple hours to enjoy happy hour while waiting for the commute to die down. I have a Subaru and lots of practice driving in the snow but only drive in the city when necessary- I’m confident about my driving abilities but don’t want someone else to hit me so I stay off the roads if possible.

    On another note, I love the peace and quiet that occurs when the snow accumulates overnight. I just love waking up to that; no road noise, no hustle and bustle. And my daughter loves to go play outside in it; she’s only 2 so she doesn’t even know the joy yet of having school cancelled for snow days!


    Genesee Hill

    I really love the snow now that I am retired. I always sort of liked the snow, even when I had to commute in it. When I had to commute in it, usual precautions: chains in the trunk; studded snow tires at the ready, anti-freeze up to snuff.

    One difference: Back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, before the “whining forum” the internet provides, people DID NOT jump all over local government. They just dealt with the snow. Of course, traffic was much less back then.

    I never missed a day of work because of snow, except one day after the huge snowstorm just after Christmas of 1996.

    Now, I look forward to snow, mainly to hear the whining about the deficiencies of SDOT and WSDOT.

    Before complaining, people should first address the person staring back at them in the mirror.



    I am of two minds — I attended UW-Madison and the light that snow makes is special–it is of a peculiar and singular kind. I like seeing the Alki Alps draped in white.

    I dislike the unreliable Metro Mystery Bus Challenge and the idea I may have to walk home six miles from work. I don’t like snow-clogged roof gutters that will flood the basement temporarily (1996). I don’t like taking vacation days because of these two things. So I generally growl “Effing Snow!” and try and enjoy the light since I have no choice.



    For me and my household, snow is typically a relished event! So northwest, but we love it for a few days and wait for it to actually mean we have to (get to!) stay home for a day. Not unlike being a kid to see if school would be late or shut down. We should enjoy that same anticipation if possible.

    I have to get to the Eastside early tomorrow, so I’m hoping for BIG snow tonight so clients call early to cancel (before I hit the road please!). Otherwise, I’ll be getting up extra-early and hitting the road 2 hours in advance (the very thought of that will make me do the naked-snow-dance tonight!).

    In the meantime, I will also hope to wake up sometime tonight after dark and be able to go outside quietly with my pups and hear that wonderful sound of snow falling, no traffic, no urban noise…and then maybe enjoy seeing the kids out playing happily in the neighborhood with school shut down tomorrow, play in the snow with the pups and get funny messages from friends all day about snow in their neck of the wood…and enjoy a day at home.


    Genesee Hill

    As some of you have mentioned: yes, the quiet of the snow. The absorption of most noise, the incredible quiet, is something to relish!



    I love anything that upsets the humdrum. Snow is beautiful and it makes us pay attention. I think that’s a good thing. I thoroughly enjoy having to walk everywhere in it.

    Flexibility around work here as well.



    It’s a little bit of magic, to me, to walk at night with everything blanketed in snow, or open the blinds in the morning to an all white world from a cozy warm home. Simple pleasures that are infrequent, really.

    I know it can be a legitimate hassle after a couple of days for some folks, but I think it’d be a pity to not take some enjoyment from it. It can be challenging to deal with over extended periods, but I kind of like having to buck up to such challenges periodically. Keeps me on my toes. Stretches me. But, I know that it’s easy for me to say, perhaps, because I don’t have to commute. But I use to. I just think it’s really pretty and a gift that is usually fleeting.



    You know what I hate? Being promised snow and NOT GETTING IT. Last night Jeff Renner even pronounced that it would be “yellow jacket weather.” What do I wake up to this morning? NOTHING! It’s not even cold enough for snow! Bah humbug.

    Hi, I’m from the Midwest, and I miss having snow once in a while. (Although I don’t miss needing to shovel out my sidewalk and driveway from two feet of snow…)



    I enjoy the empty roads. I drive a wrangler and pretty much am never stuck at home. The roads are usually filled with people who only need to be driving or have 4WD. It’s a pleasure getting around Seattle in the snow… Sometimes a little more challenging, but still a pleasure.



    I love snow! But I’m from Montana. What I don’t love and don’t miss, the week of -40°. So happy we don’t have that here.



    Hopey totally agree with you,plus I’m from IL and I sure don’t miss the shoveling of snow!

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