Anyone know where I can buy a couple flats of primroses and get a discount for this? HD’s $1.29 each plant is way too much money for the volume I need. Thanks!
Primrose tend to be pricey. I’ve never seen them in the little multi-packs, they usually sold in the 4″ container, and frankly $1.29 isn’t a bad price.
For cool season ‘annual’ flowers however, I prefer pansies. Better colors, better flower output, and they last longer into the warm season.
Do you know anyone in the landscaping design/maintenance biz? Maybe see if they’d be willing to pick up a couple of flats for you the next time they go to the wholesale nursery.
Hey homer – Call Melody at West Seattle Thriftway, she works wonders – quickly too! Yes I do work there, but I have too many positive feedback emails about her working miracles to not recommend her. (206)937-0245
Oooooh, wonder if the QFC in the junction has the same deal!? That’s not a terrible price. Thanks for the heads up HunterG, I will see what she can do….ya never know.
I was thinking about calling Holy Rosary since they always seem to plant a ton of these in the spring…dunno