Pickleball for newbies?

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  • #1094227

    WS Res

    I’m looking for information on where I might take my father when he visits in a few weeks – he has bought pickleball gear but is just learning to play, and I’ve never played at all. I’d like to find a location, day, and time recommendation for a place where newbies would be welcomed and allowed to play pick-up games while learning. Neither of us are athletes so we’d hope for a friendly crowd with people willing to teach new folks. West Seattle etc. would be ideal but we’re willing to go other places around Seattle.



    Hi there,

    If you are sticking to West Seattle you would want to go to Delridge Community Center, when they have indoor pickleball. The crowd will be older a little more patient and less likely to get frustrated with a newbie player. M and W 10:15AM to 1:15PM and 12:30-7:30PM on Fridays. Avoid High Point Courts as the players there are more competitive. Delridge is typically slower mid day after 12-1pm if you want to just go mess around but if you show up any day and the paddles are stacked then you are expected to not hold a court and just put your paddles in the mix and play. At Delridge most mornings 9am-12pm if the weather is good there will be quite a few players and the courts might be full. On weekends they will be full most of the day. I would recommend understanding the scoring, serve and stay, where to stand when receiving and the rules about the lines and the kitchen before trying to play.
    This YouTube covers all of that. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vk-c8TdC28

    Hope that helps!


    WS Res

    Thanks for all this great info! Much appreciated.



    I am trying to find someone to play pickleball competitively- single
    I play tennis and most of my strokes are solid so I need someone to hit with….


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