Our conversation with JanS has ended

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    Last night my friend Jan Seeley lost her very public battle with a constellation of health problems that would have daunted the best of us. She died of complications..her body simply gave out.

    Jan and I met here and for the last decade and more we have shared ideas and projects and experiences with each other .. and often with you.

    She was outspoken and on occasssion a bit curmudgeonly but her comments were most often backed by kindness and concern for others. It seemed to some that our voices were so similar that we must be the same person but I could tell of many an offblog battle that proved no two liberals dance to the sane tune. She once unfriended me on facebook.. over Bernie… and my respect for Hillary caused some raucous battles between her and CharlaB and i that even resonated here. They are both gone now and I have moved to a little art town in Arizona. We three are but an echo here..a memory.

    I so hope someone has taken our place. I miss the lively conversation and strong sense of community that exists here… with or without us.

    Goodbye Jan. I shall so miss you.



    I am so very sorry to hear this news, JoB. I didn’t know Jan personally but I admired her spirit and I feel for your loss. Best wishes to you in your new home.



    I met Jan along with JoB for coffee few years back. Jan was a wonderful person she would never hesitated to say what was on her mind. Some in this blog didn’t care for her thoughts on issues she never faulted them she would just try and make them understand hers….. farewell Jan.. for I shall smile and say you where a friend of mine.. Rest in Peace…



    Jan was well-loved, well-respected, and will be missed…



    I am sorry to hear this.



    OH NO!!! I am deeply deeply saddened to hear this; thank you so much JoB for letting us know. I am grateful to have spent several hours with Jan at her new apt at Island View a few months ago, but damn, we have looked forward to being neighbors at Island View for years. Please let us know about any memorials. Jan has been such a HUGE part of our WS community. Jan is the most heroic, resilient person I’ve ever known in WS, and always with enormous sense of humor; now I need to go cry for the loss of our amazing friend



    RIP, Jan S. I enjoyed your posts and hearing your story. Although we never met in person, I shall miss you.



    This is such sad news. I met Jan S. only briefly, but I always appreciated her intelligent, well-reasoned, progressive comments on the Blog. We’ll miss her. Thank you for posting this, JoB. And I hope you’re enjoying life in Arizona. They need voices like yours!



    :( Jan was awesome and will be missed. While I never had the opportunity to meet her in person, many fun conversations over the years made her feel like a friend and now and her loss will be felt for a long time to come.

    Thank you for letting everyone know JoB.


    So sorry to hear about Jan. I always enjoyed her intelligent, thoughtful comments—it was obvious she cared very much.



    I’m so sorry to hear this. RIP Jan.



    I am so sad to hear of her passing. I did not get the privilege of meeting her but I did find myself agreeing with her so often. I was sad to hear of her and her housing issue and I thought, she doesn’t realize how many people would not let her be homeless or at least we would try! It’s very hard to read about housing struggles and hers was real but she was so well liked in this community. Thank you JoB for letting us know.



    Sad to hear the passing of Jan S she was a hoot! Does anyone know if there’s going to be a Memorial or???



    There will be a memorial in March on her birthday. Please send an email to mlle.audreyhorne@gmail.com if you want to be included in the future invite.



    sea383, Jan’s daughter posted on Facebook that there will be a memorial on March 4th, which would’ve been Jan’s 73rd birthday. She will give more details as it gets closer.



    I will really miss Jan. She and I met here on WSB and became good friends. I enjoyed visiting with her over the years and lamenting our chronic illnesses. :) She was tough and a fighter, but also tired of it. So many years of seemingly back-to-back serious health crises take their toll after a while. I’m really sorry I hadn’t seen her in the last few months. Either one of us was sick and wanted to protect the other one, or life just got busy. I am glad I knew her.

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