Nasty Election already starting

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    Romney: “You don’t change your positions to try and win states or certain sub-groups of Americans”

    translation – I stand behind my bigotry.



    Last week it was etch a sketch… now that Obama has done it… flippity floppity… it’s the moral high ground? He has evolved to a higher order plane of thinking? Gimme a break!.. ” I now believe in gay marriage, but leave it to the states” translation… “damnit Joe, now I have to appease my activist base and come out in the open, I can’t hide from the issue and paint it over with bumper sticker slogans”. Oh, well one has to do what one has to do for campaign dollars… evolution complete.



    But this is the one that has us rolling on the floor… Meet one Keith Judd.. running in the WV Democratic primary, while in a Texas prison serving time.. against an unopposed incumbent President Obama … and he gets 40.3 per cent of the votes!!???? I am betting Obama doesn’t have to spend much money in WV…. I present for you enjoyment… Mr. Judd. C’mon even Democrats can have a laugh on this one.



    hey…disparaging others, well, is sometimes not the best thing to do…but this is West Virginia you’re talking about…always a crackpot nut out there somewhere..and people who will vote for them..



    Yea but 40% of them? And he gets a delegate to the floor of the nomination. I wonder if he releases his delegate to make it unanimous? Don’t disparage WV now… Democratic Senator and Governor… it is funny…and serious..if BHO is that detested that 40% will vote for an incarcerated, Rastafarian Christian, in Texas prison, A moderate Mormon might look pretty good… and crossing the aisle and becoming a Republican Senator would be an easy pick up on the way to a filibuster proof Senate majority.


    HMC Rich

    I see the intent of my post has diverged.

    First I see attacking of the messenger and not the message. Newsmax, WSJ, Media Matters, Think Progress do many of the same things.

    Second to answer you Redblack. In the past right side voters do not go to peoples private homes like the left does to show their indignation. I love it (NOT) when SEIU buses people in to protest at a private persons residence. Private citizens do deserve some privacy from being harassed even if they have given to a campaign. And I would expect anti-abortion people to NOT protest at a doctors home.

    In the name of transparency, I think donors names to campaigns must be made available, but there should also be a line regarding their privacy at home.

    This is campaign season and we know the tactic of Axelrod and friends is to divide and demonize the opposition. Alinsky would be proud. It’s the Chicago way.

    Only this time, unfortunately, Romney will call this tactic and I bet up the ante. We will see.



    yeah, Kootch, as we saw the other day, it’s the Repubs doing the filibustering…



    HMCRich…the problem is…the right wing anti-abortionists have already used that tactic…going to a doc’s home. Yes, we would all agree that going to someone’s home is not kosher…but..hey…people are sometimes not smart, and do it anyway…it’s called zealotry. I am not condoning it…just realize that we don’t live in a perfect world.



    New shiny things, baubles, promises, freebies, children are so easy to distract…. whatever you do… distract them from the reason they are crying…. they last 3 1/2 years… wadda a record to to run on. It’s all fringe and culture issues… Boy, Obamacare has sure gone into deep freeze.


    HMC Rich

    Amazing Kootch, and Obama got what he wanted. And they still blame the Republicans. What a demagogue. Forward and Divide.



    so favor us with your erudite republican leadership and skills and tell us how a republican president would have handled the (republican) economic collapse, recession, and recovery.

    and “not what obama did” is not an answer.

    how would a republican have addressed the fact that health care is 1/6 of GDP?

    (because my guess is that republicans would have let it become 1/5 of GDP.)

    obamacare? man, you guys are still swinging that dead cat around? well, go ahead. tell us again how it’s a government takeover over the medical and insurance industries and how legislation that regulates insurance companies is going to bleed the economy dry.

    it still won’t make it true.

    nasty election? look in the mirror. you guys are making stuff up out of whole cloth and offering no solutions.



    Still swinging it aorund? It defined our national effort for two years, created as much toxicity in a shorter period of time than anything I have ever seen on the agenda. It became the center of rewards and bribes, diverting stimulus not to the most productive but to the most connected. It revived a dead republican party, humiliated into submission by the profligate spending of George Bush. In less than two years… to the incredulity of all… they republicans again became the majority party of the people… relevant again, and likely to take the presidency and senate…. it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Don’t you wish it was a dead cat? Five states went right to work. 36 states are now so conservative and right leaning it’s an anything but Obama year… hell we don’t even need a plan… anything, will do, just not this one! I can tell you this… my friend. Until the crisis was over… and calm restored, we would never have scared the hell out of the private sector and watched private investment dry up until the ill winds blow over. No EPA run amok… no Presiential statements.. like “we will bankrupt any new coal plants”.. in an industry the provides 1.9 million jobs, (union ones redblack) 44% of our total energy needs, LNG is next but is 4X expensive even at these record low prices… refused to give us energy indpendence when our wars are wars to preserve reliance on foreign energy, we would not be dreaming up multi billion dollar tax schemes and gimmicks… we would have lowered the tax rates, expanded the base, and we are going to get a fair, predictable, flat corporate tax rate … that make us competitive. We are not going to war with class envy for the 1% who pay over 34 per cent of the income with 17 per cent of the revenue. We are going to insure that we stop cowering in fear and become a goal and achievment oriented culture again… and we will drag the sheep with us…even the most timid. We will open the insurance markets… and restore free market principals. One thing for sure … we will trash the law that makes it illegal for a health care provider to provide a service for a lesser price than Medicaire… as long as you pay cash. It’s the clerical overhead to document and report that makes Medicare, ripe for fraud and expensive to provide. The list is long. Funny the fastest rates or growth in cost are all in industries the federal govenrment controls… cost of government, college education, and healthcare. 68 per cent of all medical transactions are billed to the federal government. For starters. Gotta get that ragin’ river called an expansive democratic socialism back in it’s constitutional banks. We damn sure are not going to bail out private companies that over promised wages and benefits to a work force and don’t have the revenue to keep them. We aren’t going to ask private citizens to cover the costs of contracts between private parties that are mutual suicide pacts. We are not going to allow civil servants to hold government services hostage and pay and retirement benefits that dwarf what is available to the ones that pick up the tab. For starters.



    Now Santorum wants Romney to kick up dirt on the same sex marriage and adoption issues…what ever they can do to distract form the issues. They have no clue on and that’s the economy…. now its tea party motto its our way or no way can’t compromise and no give or take. They say history never try’s to repeat itself…. hmmmmmm 1917 to 1932 comes to mind prohibition roaring 20’s then the great depression…. who was in charge those yrs? Yep the GOP and the religous right banks ran wild stocks soared just on speculations and the rich got richer on the backs of the middle class and poor… this is what the tea party wants complete control of your wallets and the Christian right wants you to pray for their forgiveness …hard not to back that ideologic concept just to line the pockets of the few…..



    We damn sure are not going to bail out private companies that over promised wages and benefits to a work force and don’t have the revenue to keep them.

    you’re talking about TARP and the banks, right?

    thanks for the screed, kootch. it’s good to see republicans are leading us into the 20th century.



    and woman got the vote too….waynster. Who was in charge those years? 1913 to 1921.. Woodrow Wilson, Democrate. thats 4 the waynster time line.. Also Andrew Mellon was the Sec of Treas where in that time he reduced the federal deficit… y’know the one who capped taxes on the wealthy, coined the famous term.. “taxes which are excessive are avoided”. Harding died in office after 2 years, Coolidge built the American middle class.. without argument gave rise to the greatest period of prosperity.. President from 23 to 29… that;s 6 year… and the next ten years were FDR… so the count is… 14 years for Democrats in your time scale.. and 8 years for Republicans. Thanks for making the point. Those stock manipulators? One of the very biggest was one Joseph Kennedy… it was how the family fortune was made….. you are too too funny. It took WW2 to drag us out of depression… and it was worldwide… in large measure because of countervailing tariifs and trade barriers ..Socialist Europe then as know…was the catalyst…. as messer redblack has espoused as a way back to prosperity… then, as now, the USA was then the worlds largest single exporter… yep.. still true today.. we export more than China…not by much but we squeekd by them again. But Obama wants us to stop exporting coal, refined oil products..etc. Let’s have those flat or even no corporate taxes and a flat tax on personal income.. a two page tax code…. resurrect the wisdom of the smartest financier the US has ever known… And as you well know… as a result Glass Steagall was implemented… and we cruised along pretty good until …. that Democrate William Jefferson Clinton repealed it.



    You forgot one thing kootch it was GW jr that started borrowing from china to fund the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and yes women’s suffrage movement come of age in that time frame and they got the right to vote and now the right says its time to end that

    …and yes we should stop exporting oil and gas and other natural resources isn’t that what the right is saying….US top exporter to china?? coal and jets maybe… no its importer from china we import more then export to them… funny thing is we export more refined fuel then import hmmm its always a kennedy that makes more on everything never anyone else? Wilson was a consevative democrate more right should of been a republican and Clinton part of a compromise with the GOP controlled house and senate …..FDR’s new deal started to lead us out of the mess and the gop they screamed stay out of the war.. neutralists they were called..





    Well here we are redblack…. with four banks who are more liquid and control more financial assets than the federal government… after TARP… the are larger, more consolidated and in truth hold more sway over national policy then pre-TARP. But they are are so much smarter then you give them credit for. They bought the White House for Obama… c’mon man.. look at the Senators in the big two financial centers at the time.. Clinton and Shumer in NY, and Obama in Chicago. … with that goofball Dick Durbin. The banks knew the house of cards was falling… they took the most amateur of the four, threw 100 million at his campaign, got the entire top tier of partners in Covington and Burling installed in the Department of Justice as payback.. and let er rip. Not a single fraud or conspiracy trial from DOJ… and The Messiah got to play “super liberal” and gave out the perks like the product of Chicago ward politics..only on a national scale. The USA became Cook County on a continental scale….. but Wall Street was smarter and co-opted the Justice Department. They bought and paid for their cover and protection… and came out of it even bigger and more powerful. Holder takes his victory lap and leaves DOJ and he will rake in hundreds of millions. Name ONE Wall Street banker indictment.. just one… that came from the client list of Covington and Burling. I suspect Hilary was perceived as too smart and too savvy … so they went with Senator “not present” as their foil. Obama is a hired hand of the 1%.



    Oh yes they did Jan… look at the 2008 republican campaign donations and republican voter turnout. Thats why your Messiah is in office. Funny though.. the only victory lap Obama can take is the victories from the Bush arms programs … the Predator drone strikes, the Gitmo interrogations, the stealth SEAL team assets…. the only thing that has worked for Obama are the Bush assets he left in place. He ain’t thumping his chest on Obamacare, nary a world on his “investments” in green energy companies, not a word on his comprehensive immigration reforms, Afghanistan now has cost us more than Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years… and he just signed an agreement for 2 billion in aid to a narco state for 10 years… he’s a good one… lowest level of labor and employment in the last two decades… less people working today than the lowest point in Bush the Elder recession…. and if the rate of his spending continues.. he is going to pop 22 trillion… but the credit markets will crush us before then. Sorta tough to meet the safety net costs …. when the largest budget item in the federal budget is going to be interest on debt….. what shiny things will he dangle this week? One a day until election? Are you using Democratic math again? There was NO surplus before, during, or after Clinton… can you read a simple bar graph? For a brief period in time… total federal revenues exceeded total federal expenditures… that’s like say for three years you mad more than the minimum payment on your credit card… but you never cleaned up your debt.

    When you carry a debt ,,, you don’t have a surplus. A surplus means you have no debt…. and that hasn’t happened since WW1. No surplus.



    *Waiting for kootch to call JaN a name, while feebly attempting to challenge her latest posts.*




    that’s right. they shouldn’t be bigger than the government. i say break them up.

    and while obama won’t do that, he’s more likely to sign off on tougher regulations for wall street and consumer protections than romney, in my opinion. he’s a hired hand of the .1%.

    but this is contingent on a congress that isn’t bought and paid for banks, as well.

    you know who’d make a great AG in that regard?

    elliot spitzer.



    He’s not smart enough. We need a bigger gun. He’s only one hooker away from blackmail… but they do need to be brought to heel.. I agree on that for sure! Trouble is…we just bent the community banks over with Dodd Frank…and it is months behind schedule… just dust off Glass Steagall and reauthroize it… all 37 pages, Dodd Frank might be written by 2017…might, It’s that far behind schedule. Y know redblack… the TEA Party was against TARP… miws… I know you and JaN don’t like facts … they are too feeble… doctrinaire, superstitions, and unicorns have more sway. Read the links… those are US Treasury graphs. I guess your loyalty is admirable. Just type in “ditto”



    Here ya go miws… US Treasury data from 1940 til now…either one of you show one year we we were in surplus…. any year.

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