Move the Statues?

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    In the comments section of the story on theft of “Walking on Logs” statue, someone suggested moving them to a “more appropriate” location. I sort of like this idea, maybe a focal point on Fauntleroy, between 35th and Alaska, as part of all the new development. That way they would still be a “welcome” to West Seattle, easier to access for dressing, and more visible, maybe even safer.

    Personally, I’ve never liked these statues (our family calls them the Martian children), but I don’t like seeing them languishing either. I do understand that other people love them, but could they be just as loved — or more — in a different location?



    I think for the first several weeks after I moved in, and in several visits to go Bowling or visit friends who used to live near the Junction, I was always spooked thinking kids were running into the road. Especially when they wear the shirts. I think I even swerved once. Could be a danger with as many non-regular visitors we have for out various attractions.



    Yes, those statues terrify me. I have nightmares about expressionless child-zombies in T-shirts coming to life and sloowwwwwwwy marching across the road, heralding the zombie apocalypse (or zombie apocalypso, if they’re dancing across the road).

    I’ve heard countless stories of accidents caused by these statues. How many more can we allow to happen before something is done?

    P.S. While we’re at it, we really need to do something about that seal statue at Alki; it’s scaring the daylights out of the penguins.



    I love the statues where they are. It’s one of the things I remembered on my first visit, then enjoyed on subsequent visits before moving up here.

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