looking for rental home near junction!

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    Hi all! I’m new here. My husband and 7 month old are looking for a home to rent in West Seattle, preferably near the junction. We are looking for a 3 bedroom under $1900 and would appreciate any leads. We have excellent references and credit and are excited about joining the community! Feel free to email me at Woodruff.jnna@gmail.com thank you!



    We just reneted our townhome out through Julie Barber @ Avenue 1. We charged a bit more but she knows the area. Try there :)



    You might also check padmapper.com – you can click on filters and say how many bedrooms, price range, and whether you want a house, townhome, apartment, etc. Didn’t see anything near the junction though, but there were some elsewhere in West Seattle. A lot of people recommend driving around and looking for signs. Might be hard to find a house that big at that price near the Junction though, as apartments are getting kinda crazy for rent – some of them are going for $1700 for 1-2 bedrooms now, and that’s not even a house. Good luck finding something!



    Thank you both! Looking into those suggestions.



    Jenn: There is a cute house on 48th Avenue SW between Raymond and Graham (so south of the Junction a bit) listed by McPherson’s. I will try to get the number the next time I drive by.



    Running errands up and down California today, I’m recalling 7 or 8 For Rent signs on side streets a block off that arterial, say 9 or 10 blocks north or south at the farthest. Might try some drive-bys. It worked for me at my last rental. GL!



    Having just gone through this last summer and with prices still rising, i shall wish you luck and keep an eye out



    Thanks all! I don’t know how to reply to a comment but jissy did you find out the info on that house? We will be driving through to scope things out this eeek. We live in Redmond currently so it’s a trek. Thank you!



    I will say this about renting houses in this market, always keep a cushion in case you need to move on short notice. Some of my friends just got 30 days notice their duplex they have been living in for 8-9 years is going up for sale next month. It’s a 1960s throwback that needs $80k of renovations so I suspect they’ll be kicked out by the new owner for a tear down like all the other rental houses on their street. Going to be hard for these guys to scrounge up the cash to move so quickly and find comparable space for less than $1500 a month.



    Sorry for the delay, Jenn… here’s the info.

    “Call Lee 206-368-5735” and it’s MacPherson’s Property Management.



    Thanks jissy. I called and it’s a 2 bdrm So too small. Thank you so much for keeping a look out!



    Oh man! We are still looking! If anyone has any leads please send them our way! My little family has to be out of our place on 4/1 And praying and hoping for a home to open up soon! Thank you :)



    I would suggest looking farther east or south of the junction. I don’t think you’ll have much luck finding a 3 bedroom for under $1900 near the junction. Good luck!



    Jenn, I don’t know if this is still available, but I found the link on hotpads.com:




    Jenn: out driving today, I saw 2 homes “For Lease” on the same block on 35th Ave SW, 1 block north of The Mount, think the 4700 block. I believe both the signs were Windermere.



    Thank you! Calling now! Ugh this is so tough I really appreciate it!



    Unfortunately, the rent is a lot higher in the area you are looking so as fatkitty stated you may want to look in other areas.

    We were just in this same boat and ended up having to pay $2,500/month for a house. We could find apartments but not houses under $2,000.

    W.S. is a hot market for both buying and renting. We are still renting after trying to buy a house for the last 2 years.

    Good luck!

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