Lightning Strike in W.S. or Highland Park?

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    I was down in Georgetown just south of Michigan St. and saw a bolt of lightning hit somewhere on the hill, just west of us. could have been Highland Park area. Maybe around 7pm-is.



    Right around that time I heard a very loud clap of thunder, but wasn’t near a window to see any lightning. I’m not far from the Alaska Junction.



    Hey –

    I’m in Highland Park and there were some low thunder rumbles coming in, I’m guessing, from the foothills a couple of hours ago. Seems to have stopped now. But, I didn’t notice any lightening at all. Just a little bit of very warm rain.

    So. That’s the weather report from HP. Back to you Todd and Sue. ;).



    Here’s a map that shows lightning strikes in the last hour:



    I love you Karen.



    We saw what LOOKED like a close lightning strike while heading west on Roxbury around 7:30, 8 pm, but the sound of thunder did not follow it closely, so we knew it wasn’t as close as it looked .. TR



    From my porch looking East, it really looks like it’s near Bellevue/Issaquah area. Have not seen this much consistent lightening in a long time. Far, but not too far. My husband grabbed the camera and headed to Highland Park for a better view!



    I thought it was fireworks, but couldn’t hear any pops. This is really consistent and off to the east. The flashes are flooding my windows even with the blinds closed.

    34th and Roxbury.



    Definitely more lightning and thunder again now – we can hear the thunder through our open windows. Rainy, if your husband gets anything good, we invite you to send ’em to us for home-page posting … we were lucky enough to receive some decent shots of the last round of lightning a couple nights ago …




    I’m not sure if it’s the clouds or what, but I’ve seen some really brightly colored bolts come down in orange and yellow.

    Is it wrong that I’d wish it would get closer to WS? :)



    Ok…NOOOOWWW I see it!

    Had to go outside though – I’m kind of in a trough here




    raining now where we are …



    After one of the lightning bolts I counted off the seconds until I heard the thunder. Thirteen seconds, so at 4.6 seconds per mile it was 2.8 miles away.

    For any junior high students out there, see if you can figure out where the lightning bolt hit. When you see the flash, say “One thousand one, one thousand two…” out loud, and look at your watch if you have one while timing it.

    If you can, write down the time of the flash. Then mark down the place on the horizon where you saw the lower end of it strike. Tree left of Smith’s.

    Later you can take a compass reading to each spot you noted, and compute the number of miles away.

    Then draw a line on a map at that angle, X miles long, starting at your house. That’s roughly the spot where the lightning hit.

    For kicks, draw boxes showing the ranges of error in your angle and distance measurements.

    Comparing maps with a friend a few miles away should be interesting.


    ok bob, w-a-y 2 much time on your hands!!! :) just kidding!!! that is actually really cool!! my dogs woke me up around 3 am terrifed of the thunder!! it was like huge claps shaking the house!!!



    Lightning pix in from Jill in Arbor Heights. Posted one along with her Flickr link in this post:

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