Kitten Rescued On Charlestown, between 45th & 46th

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    My neighbor and I rescued a very scared kitten yesterday afternon,(Saturday, 2/20). She is about 12 – 16 weeks old, very sweet. If you are missing your kitten, please call me at 206-321-4729 and identify her markings/colorings.

    Big thanks to my friend(and neighbor),for spotting her and caring enough to call me for help! She was in a very dangerous, life threatening situation.

    We are hoping that she was not abandoned, but are going to keep an eye out for other kittens…just in case.

    PS: Thanks to WSB for posting her on the pet page last night as I was not near a computer until this morning.



    what wonderful neighbors you all are!



    Thanks silverfox.

    We have not seen anymore kittens, however, have not been contacted by anyone missing a kitten. ;0(

    So…please be on the lookout for abandoned kittens, and if found, please call or email me. 206-321-4729 and Thanks!



    FT, I believe I have a note this morning from the kitten owner. We had the wrong phone number on the Pets page, sorry about that, so she tried calling it and it didn’t work. I’ll send her the correct info now.



    Thank you WSB! Thanks to my friend and neighbor who spotted her! This loveable, sweet kitten will be going home today, to the arms and kisses of a very relieved person!!!

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