It's Back!! It's Back!! "Latest Discussions" is Back!!

Home Forums Open Discussion It's Back!! It's Back!! "Latest Discussions" is Back!!

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  • #834110


    Just noticed this, as it caught my eye when I scrolled down far enough, rather than just clicking on Open Discussion!

    So glad it’s back!

    Thank you for all of your hard work on this, WSB and WSB Tech Team!




    Yes I saw this earlier and I was sooo happy! Thank You Tracy and team for bringing this feature back, I’ve really missed it.






    i woohooed too soon
    i don’t seem to have it yet



    Sweet! Now if I can get email notifications of replies… ;)
    Thanks Tracy and invisible tech elves!



    JoB, it’s not labeled as such. Just select Forums and scroll down past the topic categories. The latest discussion threads appear in order



    Thanks for the alert, Mike. Our tech team has been steadily working through the list for four weeks now and I don’t necessarily get an alert that “X is fixed” … recent fixes also include news-story-comment formatting, and a huge problem that was making it extremely difficult to update calendar entries (everything looked fine to readers but behind the scenes, one crucial feature was missing and took many, many hours for a developer to finally solve).

    If you’re not seeing what Mike mentions – clear your cache or sign out of your browser and back in again. I’m going to have to do that myself because I don’t see it either but Patrick signed into a fresh browser at his desk and sees it.

    Some of the many things that have changed with our overhaul are subtle but important. For example – because of the persistent spam problem with the broken, old site, Google stopped indexing the forum some time back, and that’s why it was unsearchable. (Google doesn’t tell you these things. We just discovered it one day while troubleshooting.) That is no longer an issue. It matters because there are more than a quarter-million posts here from the past eight years and they’re an important part of the WSB archives too. We know people who weren’t able to preserve their entire archive when overhauling their websites, and the folks who worked with us on this went through a lot of weirdness to figure out how to make it work.




    You’re welcome, TR.

    Another thing I’m happy about is the paragraphing issue in main page commenting being fixed. Was having to remember to not attempt paragraph breaks, otherwise, that would just result in what was to be the start of the new paragraph, bunching at the end of the previous one and not leaving even a space between them.

    Also, no more of


    ^that, to create the paragraphs on the main page.




    Another fix just in sometime today – the ticker stop/scroll button is now on the left of the text lines, which means it doesn’t move any more.



    thanks JTB.. i kept looking for a ctegory

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