If you are really frustrated with the budget cuts…

Home Forums Politics If you are really frustrated with the budget cuts…

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  • #597320


    make a phone call.

    Call your representatives.

    Call Chris Gregoire.

    Call the American Beverage Association and the Washington Beverage Association and suggest that they chip in. They could afford millions of dollars to stop the tax that pays for education and health care — let them chip in. Maybe they could pick up some of the slack.

    and remember, the majority voted for no taxes — so, no services. Thanks guys.






    and done

    so far i can’t see that my calls, emails and letters have had much effect…

    but if you all join us maybe they will…

    squeaky wheels get the grease..

    which is how we ended up in this mess in the first place…

    they made noise…

    and we thought it didn’t matter.



    And don’t forget School Districts having to much administration and spend far to much on limited resources on a few severely disabled that have no hope to become independent(I am not talking about the student who is simply slow or has downs syndrome or the like that are teachable people).

    regarding the beverage tax I voted to keep it; pop has zero nutritional value and causes weight issues for many resulting in higher health care costs

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