home addition

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    Hello –

    We are debating buying/selling or remodeling our current home and adding more space. Any recommendations for someone to give us an assessment of what is possible on our current home (going up or out) and an approximation of cost/time.

    Thanks in advance for your recommendations/thoughts.



    Can’t help you with most of your questions, but we went to the Home Show on Sunday and one builder that we liked said they’re booking about six weeks out for cost estimation and five months out for start of construction; that’s with us having completed plans in hand, so your experience would be different.
    If you’re planning to stay in WS, my guess is you’d be better off remodeling/adding considering that teardowns are going for over $350K these days.
    Home Show is still going on and if you pick the brain of just a couple of builders there it would be admission money well spent. Be aware that we’ve noticed that the Home Show doesn’t have near as many builder’s booths since the building boom commenced.


    tom kelley

    My neighbors were in the same position as you two years ago and really did a great deal of research going to open houses, analyzing the market and weighing costs of short term housing as well as emotional cost of disrupting the family. In the end they opted for extensive remodeling practically taking their house down to the foundation. I suggested they talk to local architect Keith Howell, who has extensive experience in the kind of project you are considering. At the end of the project they heaped praise on Keith and thanked me for the recommendation. They used local contractor Chris Sagmon who did a great job. I just called my neighbor and asked if you could contact him to get his insights as to what you might be facing if you opt for remodel. He gave me the OK to post his e-mail address if you would like to contact him. abbiedog@comcast.net
    Keith Howell: 206 356 6457



    A few years back, I went through same decision. I had lived in my small home for almost 15 years. After putting my home on the market for 3 months, I ended up deciding to remodel because I loved my neighborhood and the potential of my home. I worked with Leo Smith, a local West Seattle architect. I added a second floor, new kitchen, bathrooms, wiring, plumbing, windows, siding, deck and roof. I had a very positive experience with Leo. Everyday I feel blessed with the simple things that Leo designed – wonderful light shining through windows positioned just right for our northwest sun, a lovely fireplace that warms my home on a winter evening, and a gentle breeze that flows just right on a hot suumer day. Though I still have a relatively small and modest home, it was the right decision for my family. Not only has the investment made a substantial impact on the value and equity in my home, it’s made us happy because of neighbors, location near stores, restaurants, library, and bus line. So, bottom line — does your current home location have the potential to be a good financial investment and make your family happy?



    Thanks very much for the ideas and recommendations.

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