Heartland Cafe hiring graveyard cooks..

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    The Heartland Cafe in the Admiral district will be opening in a few weeks and we are hiring for graveyard cooks…yes folks, breakfast will be served 11pm to 3:30am Friday and Saturday nights!

    interested parties should email their resumes to sstaples@Q.com , subject line “graveyard cooks”.

    please have breakfast/brunch experience!



    That ought to attract a lively crowd, post 2 A.M.

    Good luck! Looking forward to it!



    Late night breakfasts! Just like in the big city ;)

    Is there a menu posted anywhere yet?

    I can hardly wait.


    menu coming soon! we are really excited about this opening!

    i have the good fortune of being hired as the dining room/ floor manager and am super impressed with the care the owners are taking in making sure this cafe is really what west seattle wants and needs!

    i am using an amazing amount of exclmation points, but i stand by them!!!!



    Finally a place where we can go and eat when we are coming home from the clubs! I don’t go out that often but when I do sometimes it will be nice to have a place to go for a nosh.



    I have been waiting for this opportunity to arise. The day a cafe would open their doors to the night owls. Just so happens Breakfast is my specialty as a cook. But my fave all time item..is Joe’s Special..to EAT!!!!



    I am sorry I should clarify: the day that WEST SEATTLE would open their doors to the night owl’s!!



    Yes, we are desperately short on night owl non-bar opportunities around here. I say that not because I have anything against bars … I am hopeful the late-night service at Heartland will be all-ages, because The Teenager and I stay up really really really really late and sometimes wish there was someplace to go. And Mr. Matthew, will you have espresso there, perchance?



    I’m very excited about late-night dining. I occasionally am in need of a late-night meal, and would love an alternative to driving to Denny’s or a similar type of place.



    Oh, I hope it is all ages and hope for espresso.


    no espresso folks, sorry. but we will feature several different coffee companies to choose from with our french press service…. we welcom you and the teen ms.blog!!



    i might even be in on those sleepless nights



    Mr. Darling…glad that you’re back working in the ‘hood. I live 1/2 block from Heartland…I’m sure I’ll be there often…looking forward to it :)

    Question..you’ll be doing late night breakfast…will you be doing daytime breakfast during the week? Or just weekend breakfast/brunch stuff?


    hey janS! we will start off with friday breakfast and saturday and sunday brunch…if the need for more weekday breakfast becomes apparent, we will respond!

    i am really happy to be back in the ‘hood as well!



    Resurrecting the Benbow *and* late night eats? WIN-WIN!



    Hrm, late night snackage in west seattle possible alternative to certain establishment near boeing field during the first half the the week ?

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