Dead bumble bees- firework casualties?

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    Ms. Sparkles

    I noticed a lot of dead bumble bees on the sidewalks next to the old Charlestown cafe – where I’m fairly certain people were setting off (illegal, obnoxious) fireworks last night; can the concussive effect on the surrounding air harm bees, bumble bees in particular?

    I googled the effect of fireworks on bees and didn’t find much. Anyone know more? Other theories?



    Ms. S, that’s an interesting observation. I noticed the dead bumblebees as well, here in Arbor Heights. I do know that birds and wildlife are impacted (well, anything with hearing and a central nervous system would be!). Thanks for bringing this up.



    I just asked on the Xerces Society FB page if they’ve ever heard/noticed this … will let you know if they respond.



    I would guess the sulfury smoke could also be a culprit–in places, it can get pretty thick; it will be interesting to hear what the Xerces Society has to say. It could also be coincidence–bees seem to be dealing with a lot of problems lately.


    Nope, not a cause of the fireworks. I know this because I walked down that street a couple days ago (either on July 2nd or 3rd) and the dead bees were already there. All the way down by Belli Capelli salon. Research I did seems to point towards a pesticide as the cause of death.



    The Xerces Society’s reply: “We haven’t heard of or read about noise or firework-associated concussion in bumble bees. Any comment would be total speculation.” Not that they can know everything, of course, but I’d take this as at least an indication that it is not a “known” issue.

    Recent mass killings in Oregon were caused by application of neonicotinoid pesticide on trees to control aphids and their “sap” from dropping on cars.

    And if you really want to get depressed, there’s this:


    Ms. Sparkles

    Thanks for the follow up and info!

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