Consider yourself invited to the 2008 Sanislo Auction

Home Forums Open Discussion Consider yourself invited to the 2008 Sanislo Auction

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    You WSB forum folks seem like a community-minded, generous, and fun loving lot, so I just thought I’d take a chance and throw out an invitation to Sanislo Elementary’s annual auction. This year has a “soul” theme (it is the 2008 “SaniSOUL Train Fundraising Auction” if you want to be official) and a $25 ticket includes passed appetizers, a sit down buffet dinner before the live auction, soul music with our live DJ and a great opportunity to do a little shopping and support local public school kids. Check out the auction web page at Sanislo’s “official unofficial” website: You can buy tickets there or contact us about purchasing in person or over the phone.

    Not all procured items are listed yet, but there are some great opportunities, especially for you foodies out there: a 4-course, gourmet meal prepared by the chef at Vios for you and your friends in your home, a farmers’ market tour with another local chef followed by a meal cooked for you in your home, and more. Lots of generous WS businesses have donated, too.

    So come celebrate their generosity and support our kids with a fun night out!

    Maybe forum buddies would like to come together for a “meet up” at the auction and sit together at one of our tables of 10 or 12? We’ll honor your seating request!

    Of course, if you’d like to donate an item or service for the auction, we welcome your contribution–it is a good way to spread the word about your business. Just download a procurement form at and send it along to the school with “attn AUCTION” on the envelope.

    Thanks for you all you do for the WS community,

    Lisa K



    Lisa K – what a great idea to extend this invitation to the WSB Forum! Wish I thought of it before our school’s auction … :)

    Good luck with the fundraising and I hope you get some takers!

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