Comcast Alternatives?

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    We are completely fed up with Comcast, their customer service, prices, and package entrapments. This is a monopoly in every sense. Is it really true that there aren’t any internet-service alternatives (we’re on Alki). We check faithfully every few months to see if CenturyLink or other providers are available, and there appears to be no other choice. Since we work from home on our computers, we really need a good high-speed connection.

    Our cable box went out the other day, so we drove to Northgate to pickup a new box. When we got home, we couldn’t get the brand-new remote to work with the box (our old one didn’t work either). The customer service was a nightmare, and we are just fed up with their ridiculous prices and general b.s.

    Whew. That felt good. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Are there any other alternatives? Rumblings of other choices?



    Talk to the city office of cable communications. They sign the long term monopoly contracts with Comcast. There is no good alternatives for heavy streaming, working from home on VPN, or gaming. DSL in my area is barely over dial up speed it’s a joke every time I contact Century Link (and after 2 years they can’t seem to see my house exists). Over in Interbay at my coworker’s brand new apartment Century Link has fiber with 1000 Mbps! So. Jealous.



    Sad to say – at the moment Comcast is the only choice. You get what you pay for… and to their credit – they DO deliver.


    My wife and I love it (not them) but someday in the not too distant future, there WILL be choices.


    – consider Comcast a cost of doing business. Think about the gas savings of being able to work from home :)




    We have a family member who works for Comcast, and I have a “We’ll make it right” card from them that you are welcome to use. It is supposed to give you a dedicated team to resolve the issue. Don’t know if it will work for you, but you are welcome to it!



    Thanks so much for the offer, ocean, but we’ve got it covered. I really hope that at some point soon, there will be multiple alternatives to Comcast. If Uber and Lyft can challenge the taxi industry, then we definitely need some competition in this area. I will definitely write to the city about this.

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