Bike stolen from Mayor McGinn!!!

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    I buried it under the viaduct. If he wants it back he better get a shovel. Ha ha ha ha

    But I want to add that I do not (usually) approve of bike theft



    The comments on that article are really quite funny. :)



    I did a “Freedom of Information Act” (FOIA) request on Mayor McGinn’s school records and found some very curious stuff there.

    On his high school aptitude test, McGinn’s “best fit” jobs were listed as follows:

    â–  Warehouse

    â–  Unskilled assembly

    â–  Personal motivation trainer

    It didn’t say anything about politics.

    There must have been a terrible mix-up somewhere. Ya know, I betcha there’s some middle-aged guy at UPS who should be in the Mayor’s office right now.






    sue: yeah, i like “cliff hanger,” who can’t use an apostrophe – except where it doesn’t belong.

    and did they borrow our smitty, or do they have one of their own?

    otherwise they’re just a bunch of axe-grinders, and the only thing that i found funny is their inability to spell.



    redblack: People are just having a little fun with the Mayor. He should welcome it, actually, since he deserves much worse.

    I voted for McGinn because I thought he was going to be a fresh alternative to the “mayor-for-life” attitude of Greg Nickels. Now I regret that decision, and I’m not even talking about the tunnel! I’m talking about McGinn’s whole operating style.

    He’s against lots of stuff; that much we know. But what’s he for? What’s his vision? Is he good at winning over his detractors? Can he build coalitions? Does he propose workable, timely alternatives to the projects he doesn’t like?

    Nope. All he does is throw monkeywrenches and monkeywrenches and more monkeywrenches.

    I think McGinn embraces his role as an obstructionist, counts it as a positive thing. And that’s what troubles me most of all about the guy. Talk about axe grinding! As soon as McGinn’s out of office, which will be soon, he is sure to be installed in the Axe Grinders Hall of Fame.


    I sent my legions of Chupachabras to steal his bike. We melted it down and had it made into a hood ornament for a Hummer H2.



    DP: embraces his role as obstructionist? more like embraces his role as not-a-politician.

    at the risk of sounding like a cheerleader, mcginn is for city-wide broadband and running link light rail to the neighborhoods. those two things alone are highly valuable to the city – if they can be implemented.

    and frankly, anyone who’s at odds with or stands in the way of the big landowners downtown is okay with me. because they’re going to stand in the way of implementing city-wide, city-owned anything.

    people pile on him for every little thing – from the speed limit on admiral way to icy roads to some dumbass west seattleite dropping city-owned trees onto city property. “sharrows” weren’t his idea, and road diets started long before mcginn was elected. the petty, petulant, misdirected, and uninformed ire gets boring pretty quickly is all i’m saying.

    but if you have a legitimate complaint about his policies or lack thereof, great! let’s hear it.

    for example, he and city council doubled parking rates downtown. is there suddenly a surplus of parking, since all of his detractors said it would drive business away?

    so far, 15 months in, he hasn’t done – or not done – much. you claim he’s obstructed a lot. so what has he obstructed? it sounds like you have a laundry list.



    (r/b): Well-argued points, my friend.

    True, other than the tunnel, and the 520-rebuild, McGinn hasn’t obstructed that much. I’ll credit him with shepherding the city through a hard year of budget cutting, of hiring a new police chief without too much controversy.

    But when you think of all time wasted on the tunnel squabble alone, it’s still a pretty big deal, don’t you think?


    Pee-wee: “This box contains over 217 bits and pieces of information, evidence. Exhibit A: A photograph of the victims, my bike and me.”



    DP: it’s funny that people accuse mcginn of obstructing the tunnel. all they guy did was look at WSDOT’s budget for the AWV replacement and point out that

    1. the numbers don’t add up
    2. the state’s contingency fund is only 15%
    3. seattle taxpayers are on the hook for cost overruns

    since when did demanding accountability become obstruction? i’m not the only one in the city who applauds hizzoner for asking questions.

    if WSDOT and the tunnel proponents can’t or won’t address those questions, it’s not the mayor’s fault, nor is it obstructionism.

    but feel free to “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!“.

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