Al Franken Won …

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    HMC Rich

    16 a: Minorities are not to blame. Liberal Democrat social interference in government and an unwillingness to use common sense in lending and securities from the CRA is responsible for some of the housing problems. George Bush brought this up in 2002 or 2003. The NY Times ran a good article on the problems but Democrats would kill any tinkering. Just like I see people pointing to a Gramm bill concerning some other topic, this is the same. For once admit that the Democratic position on this was wrong. The Republicans did not have enough seats to overcome Democratic opposition.

    16b. This country gives the people an equal voice to vote and that is where a lot of equality ends. If humans were equal we would all look and act the same. Not so. Reality bites. Certain groups may be more disadvantaged. Look at Darfur. Look at some of the former Soviet countries compared to others. Look at Iran. Tell me women are better of than they were 30 years ago in Iran. Sarkozy is telling people in France that they will not be allowed to wear burkas because France is a secular nation. He sees what is happening in Holland and other places. Many Muslims are not assimilating in France and you basically have ghettos. Tell me where she is wrong.


    HMC Rich

    16c. She is completely wrong there. It broke out under Ford. Ford ordered everyone in the country to be immunized. The immunizations were started but the “cure” was killing people so they stopped.

    She was wrong.




    let me count the ways….


    HMC Rich

    16d – She is right. An EPA study was held up by the administration in the last few weeks because it showed Global Warming has stopped, the sun is in a low cycle and cooling has started. La Nina and global currents will be involved. CO2 is a negligible gas. Water Vapor makes up most of the greenhouse gases. Also, polar bears are thriving.

    I get attacked for not “believing” in science but the facts are out there. Al Gore is wrong in some if not many areas and his carbon offsets company is just good old capitalism with environmental caring lipstick. Wall Street may love this but we won’t. Lo and behold just before the leftist power grab of cap and trade disguised as energy bill is to be voted on an EPA study with contrary results is…delayed.;mlt_related

    FAQs and Myths

    Why did minors use Canary’s. This little article is very important.

    I’ve got tons more. Climate change is real. We need to be good stewards of our earth but let us not say the sky is falling. We might just need to dress a little warmer in the future.


    HMC Rich

    I’m getting tired. I am up too late. Franken is now in the Senate seat. Time to see what he does. For some reason I thought he was a comedian but it must be some bad joke. I know. Lame joke. Maybe he will give a few standup bits in the Senate. Could be entertaining.



    I wouldn’t classify Sen. Franken as a comedian, he is much more a satirist. Many of our founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution were also humorist and used satire to make their arguments. Does one have to be a professional politician to be respected?




    i think this morning i am just going to shake my head and go spend the day in the sun.


    some intentional humor from our politicians would be a welcome change right now… comic relief for bigotry, stupidity, malfeasance and adultery…

    better to make a joke than be one ;>



    “lending and securities from the CRA is responsible for some of the housing problems. “

    seriously???? (just shakes head)



    Pepublican talking heads motto…

    you can fools some of the people some of the time..

    and you can fools all of the people some of the time..

    they just forgot the last line…

    but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time…

    thank God they are fooling less these days:)


    HMC Rich

    I just submitted and it didn’t take. It must be a conspiracy.

    It was late. Good intentions turned into a nightmare. Giving people with less chance of purchasing a home was a nice idea. Freddie and Fannie, Wall Street, the banking industry and the government mishandled the whole affair. Everyone is guilty. It hurts all of us.

    Oh but JoB, you shouldn’t describe the left in so much detail … bigotry, stupidity …. glad you see it my way!!!!!! Glass houses my friend.

    Now, were those the only points that you take issue with. Please show me your evidence and lets compare.

    Now with Franken in you guys own both houses. You won’t be able to blame the right for everything, but I suspect some of you will.

    Go out and have some fun.




    that we own both houses with Franken’s seating is is another republican talking point that isn’t quite true…

    if independent Joe Lieberman votes with democrats and if the newly acquired (i can’t remember names today so i am not going to try) turncoat democrat become republican become a democrat votes with democrats and if ted Kennedy can make it to the floor for a vote and if the really old guy (again.. same condition) can make it to the floor for a vote and if the blue dogs who call themselves democrats and mostly vote republican all vote straight democratic ticket.. if all that happens at the same time….then we would “own” the senate with 60 votes.

    If pigs could fly pig farms wouldn’t be such an environmental issue either…

    As for bigotry, racism and just plain stupidity…

    i can attest to hearing in person bigoted, racist and incredibly stupid remarks by both Michelle Backman and Norm Coleman while i lived in Minnesota.

    It turned out both of my women’s groups mainly came from the republican strongholds in Minnesota and both republican politicians spoke rather candidly when politicking around our members :(

    What i heard from both of them during the immediate aftermath of Katrina should have turned even republican stomachs.

    Sadly, i was the only one offended enough to leave.

    Perhaps others were too polite to leave or too smart to attend in the first place. i don’t know.

    It was Minnesota. i left quietly.



    HMC Rich

    JoB, I know that. Spector & Byrd I believe. Good thing you left Minnesota. It kind of brings Wisconsin’s value down. They are like the bad cousin. I used to live 70 miles or so from the Twin Cities. I’m a transplanted Cheesehead. Ohh, How are you? FFIIINNE. The movie Fargo was closer to the truth than people know.

    Screw the Vikings! Go Packers!!! All bow down to the memory of Vince Lombardi. Mike Holmgren is a minor diety too.

    You understand that quite a few people in the midwest do not realize what certain racists statements are. Excuse my grammar. Anyway, seems to me the democrats have swung a few Republicans over to their side for some of these “must get it done” votes.


    HMC Rich

    Hello Mom2Soren. I hope you are having a good day or evening.

    I am glad you posted the Bachmann census link. She or any of us could get fined $5,000.00 if you do not fill all of it out. She might just take the fine and in some ways I can’t blame her.

    DO YOU KNOW WHAT QUESTIONS ARE IN THE American Community Survey FROM THE CENSUS BUREAU? Where is the ACLU on this one? All I hear is crickets and thankfully Ron Paul.

    Check out this link:

    Do they really need to know if you have a flush toilet? That is just weird. Wait until you read the personal questions.

    Call me anti-government right wing extremist but I don’t blame her for voicing her opposition. The census should be taken by the US Post Office. Why hire Acorn? Oh wait, now I remember, they want the Census Bureau based out of the White House. Now what is the connection between the Office of the President and Acorn?? HMMMMM?

    Maybe I should call Michael Medved on conspiracy day.

    And being from Minnesota, doesn’t Michele sort of look like Mary Tyler Moore?




    i think even cheeseheads.. and their neighboring cousins can recognize the “n” word as racist.

    and know the difference between a candidate who practices the muslim religion and terrorists…

    Trust me.. they were not the least bit ambiguous with their home crowd.

    “Anyway, seems to me the democrats have swung a few Republicans over to their side for some of these “must get it done” votes. “

    don’t tell anyone.. but some republicans can sometimes recognize a good bill…

    Congress isn’t a sports franchise with two teams battling it out. They are our elected representatives who are supposed to be doing the people’s business…




    hmmm. why employ acorn?

    perhaps because they hire from local communities and send local looking and speaking people into our neighborhoods to take the census…

    that probably doesn’t matter in your neighborhood.. but in some neighborhoods it will make a difference between an accurate count (that’s what a census is.. a head count) and an inaccurate count.

    I can see why the republican party might not want an accurate head count for political reasons (political districts are based on that count)…

    but for the purposes of an accurate head count and assessment of the need for governmental services…. such as plumbing infrastructure… an accurate head count would be useful.

    So.. go ahead and admit that you flush ;>

    Just a question?

    I understand why electing stupid women would appeal to the republican leadership… and how compliant women would fit in with their “christian” stance…

    but this new breed baffles me… stupid and so proud of being stupid that they aren’t willing to listen to their own advisers.

    I think it’s terribly gallant of you to keep defending their idiocy….

    but if Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin were men.. would you still find them so appealing?

    And yes.. i would say the same things about those two female politicians if they were democrats instead of republicans…

    though i really want to believe in my heart of hearts that we would never elect them.

    Women’s lib means equal opportunity… it’s really not like the peter principle at all.



    wow Rich. Those questions are quite bizarre. I don’t recall the 2000 census being so…thorough. Thanks for the link.


    HMC Rich

    JenV, to be honest I know I have used the census for determining questions that I have had in the past. Some of it really makes no sense to me why they really need to know so much.

    I would actually like to get my hands on one of them just to see the full text. Some matters seem private and I really would not care to share it with a bunch of government bureaucrats or private citizens.


    HMC Rich

    JoB, I don’t know about now, but I have met a few people back there who didn’t know or care that the “n” word was racist. I am sure it is better now and Wisconsin is a fairly open minded state (in most areas).

    They still call people from Illinois F.I.B’s so I don’t think they are completely free of prejudices.

    For the uninitiated a F.I.B. is a reference to all the people who come to Wisconsin from Illinois to vacation or steal your car stereos at a concert. It stands for F**K*n Illinois B*st**ds. Sometimes on the weekends there seem to be far more license plates from Illinois than Wisconsin of the Interstates. At least it seems that way. No wonder Bear and Packer Fans don’t always get along.

    Politicians at times do business like my dog. Sometimes it really stinks and we have to clean it up later. Regarding your sports team reference, can you imagine our representatives as athletes? Now that cracks me up. Although Largent was both as a few others have been.

    “Stupid women” oh so little tolerance :) I am appalled at such blatant name calling. Such rancor. How can you put down the female race so casually? Are you feeling alright? Can I help you? :D

    I don’t think the right has the market cornered on “stupid women”. It’s our fault as voters that they get elected regardless of party. One persons truth might be anothers lie.

    I think I do notice female politicians more. I also notice male politicians especially when they don’t vote the way I like. Or when they are just sleazy like Murtha. Right now I’m a little peeved at Reichert but I am not going to sell him down the river. I might want to dump a bucket of water on him for a day or two more.

    Enjoy the 4th.




    I don’t put down women at all… in fact i respect us enough to want to see us well represented.

    i don’t feel like Palin and Michelle Backman represent the female race well.

    I have said all along that i am positive there are smart articulate principled republican women.

    it’s just too bad none of them are chosen for national prominence by their own party.



    What are you saying HMCRich, that JoB is less feminist that you? Please, your fooling nobody with your banter.

    Any political party that hires women by their sex appeal rather than substance should be evaluated and questioned by its selection.

    So tell me, how do you compare Michelle Backman and Sarah Palin outside of the specific duties of their elected seats in support of the job role to our own Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray?


    HMC Rich

    Coup, I can’t help it if some Republicans are better looking than some others. The looks don’t matter. It is their votes and legislation. Are you repeating the tired statement that the right only elects dummies and charlatans and the left elects responsible and intelligent people? OK, I am curious can you name a female Republican you respect?

    I am not a feminist nor do I want to be. JoB wins hands down. I am just having fun. For me everyone is an individual first. I generalize too at times which I shouldn’t. Typed messages are misconstrued at times.

    Comparing the ladies? Well two are Republican and two are Democrats. The silly answer. And for some reason they are all women.

    They do what they think is best for them and their constituents. What do you think? I just align with the two Republicans more. I have no ill will against Mrs. Murray and Cantwell. How about you?

    Just remember, I did not bring Bachmann up. Somebody else did. I just made a statement and it spurred a whole bunch of posts. At a minimum it is allowing a discussion with some debating to happen. At worst we may dislike the opponents party more. I hope not.



    counting coup…

    let’s see … intelligence aside… two are well educated about the issues and articulate.

    two aren’t.


    i don’t follow republican politicians well enough to be able to name two female republican politicians who are well educated about the issues and articulate.

    but i am willing to bet that you can… and you should…

    if it was my party i wouldn’t want those to to be the shining example we set for our daughters.




    I don’t follow Republican politics close enough to know the credible females that make positive impacts with their constituency, there seems to be much credibility with (2) women Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe as they are always elected time after time and I respect that.

    The question posed to me about your party should be answered by you.

    Michelle Bauchman narrowly squeaked out a victory in a district she was heavily favored to win.

    Sarah Palin, is too new in her role as Governor to see if she has any long lasting credibility.

    What has either of these two women done in their elected seat to get the attention and support you are willing to give them?

    Why out of all those supposed credible females in the Republican party, does your party, news media, and you yourself so favorably support these two females if not because of a chauvinistic judgment of their looks? I baffled that you believe either of them are more than mere political celebrities.

    I don’t mean to ruffle your feathers with that question, I am honestly baffled that someone like yourself seemingly intellectual although on the opposite end of the political spectrum from myself, find Bauchman or Palin credible.


    HMC Rich

    OK, It is very simple. They have conservative or right leaning tendencies. I briefly knew about Palin before she was selected by John McCain, and only Bachmann due to various stands on issues that came to light on my reading or viewing. Also when certain news outlets or blogs continually talk or attack certain individuals, I start to check them out.

    For example. A guy I despise. I did not have John Murtha on my radar a few years ago. I started hearing more and more about and from him so it piqued my interest. I just looked up his career and record and found that he was implicated in Abscam but not convicted. He is interesting to say the least and should be more careful about what he says, but he keeps getting elected.

    Bobby Jindahl was not on my radar but then I started hearing about him and post Katrina. I just looked him up.

    Essentially I end up looking at positions that these people have. Who their supporters are. What their voting records are. It’s a good bet if the Daily Kos, NBC, or the NY Times is attacking them, then I am more likely to like them.

    The Republican Party in West Seattle is not huge and is not focused on many of the national issues or personalities. Discussion of other elected officials outside this area is not generally discussed at the few meetings I have attended. Nor can I attend many meetings just due to scheduling conflicts. I like many utilize the net and our media for my information.

    You give me too much credit for my intelligence :) Thank You. I’m just trying to get by as best as I can. You understand that I am in the minority in this area politically. Seattle is a nice area to live but I do not like Jim McDermott as my representative. I think he has not always represented his district as well as he should. I think he cares but many people do. I think there are better democrats that can do better for this community and our country. I would have much rather had Republican Joel Beren elected but McDermott had 84% of the vote. Not likely to see a GOP’er represent this district.

    I am of the belief that eight to 10 years (or two terms for US Senators) should be the limit of any office. I think they get too involved in DC or Olympia and lose perspective. A Palin or Bachmann cannot get elected here. They would be too far politically to the right. The last election is not a good indicator of popularity because it was a referendum of change. Reichert barely won too. Yes, the east side is getting more Progressive but he did win so I cannot really use the last election as a benchmark for political popularity. Nor, do I believe this next one will be either.

    I really do not care how attractive a political person is. It can’t hurt if nature is kind to a person. Athough, I wish I had our President’s physique. Heck I wish my arms were as buff as his wifes! I joke about looks for fun because it is silly.

    JoB. My favorite seemingly right leaning female is Condoleeza Rice. I think she is fabulous. She may not even be a Republican but I truly respect her. She was also a positive person who had backbone. Just because you dislike Mrs. Palin and Mrs. Bachmann does not mean they are stupid. They are however a threat politically to some of the progressive views that urban America loves. Go ahead and attack them on the issues. That is fair game. Pulling David Letterman style type comments is unbecoming. Oh, I know both sides do it. I have been guilty before but usually what is typed here has been cleaned up so to speak. Once in awhile unedited thoughts get through, from both of us.

    You notice that although I disagree with McDermott and Murtha I do not insult their intelligence most times. In my view, that is the difference between myself and others (usually anyway – nobody is perfect). That is why I am proud to be a Conservative first and Republican second.

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