Airbnb: Just wondering how it's going in your neighborhood?

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    The house behind me recently sold and was immediately turned into an Airbnb rental. We share a fence, and generally the partying’s been low-key (and I met a really nice family!). Any feelings/stories/etc? I will say it’s booked steadily. We had a great Airbnb rental experience in Portland recently–I hope the neighbors thought so too.



    No experience in our neighborhood, but we recently rented a vacation property in Montana, near Yellowstone via airbnb and had an amazing experience. Because Airbnb is more social network driven in regards to feedback, I think most renters will be pretty positive and respectful. I spoke with the owner of the property we rented and they have rented to 50+ people so far and never had a very negative experience or had any rude/property damaging tenants. I think it is a great site with a lot of potential. Can’t wait to book our next airbnb vacation.



    My next-door neighbor was out of town last week and offered his house on Airbnb for the first time. The guests who came were so quiet I never heard them, only saw them once when they were walking their dog.



    Also an easy system for higher-end prostitution.



    I know this is slightly off topic, but I just had 5 nights in a London flat through airbnb. It was awful in so many ways. Will never use airbnb again.



    And I had 5 nights in a Paris flat through airbnb that was absolutely perfect in so many ways!! Leaving for another trip and another airbnb rental tomorrow to the Jersey Shore. I’m counting on it being another good experience, have already had good communication with owner.



    We regularly rent through airbnb or vbro and have had some wonderful experiences. In fact I am sitting in a rental found through them right now listening to the surf break.

    We rent so are unable to list our home in West Seattle.. But I think I would be tempted if I could.

    I have friends who cover their vacations costs that way.



    librarian: I’d love to hear what made your airbnb experience in London so bad!


    Just completed my second Airbnb stay with great results both times – so far I’m on the “it’s great!” list.



    We’ve rented our basement via airbnb a number of times (about 10 times a year the last couple years) and have had no major issues (a malfunctioning toilet and a guest who was sick and asked my wife to get some OTC cold medication are about as bad as it’s gotten).

    We are a bit selective about who we let stay (e.g. generally stays of no longer than 5 days (there is no kitchen and our laundry room is in the basement), and we avoid people who have not done much research about the area (so we won’t have to answer a lot of questions) or people who want to show up at midnight, etc.) so we don’t have much interaction with them while they are staying (the basement has a separate entrance too). The perfect guests have been new grandparents whose kids don’t have enough room for visitors, so they sleep and shower at our house then are gone all day (the first people we hosted were in this situation and their daughter turned out to live across the street from us). None of our neighbors have had any problems with the situation; the folks on either side of us know we do it and have never had issues with guests either.

    A friend who was less selective had some major problems (drunk and fighting guests that had to be evicted, possessions stolen, people using the kitchen without permission, and a guest who after booking said they were going to have their bachelorette party there); airbnb was very helpful in those cases and also gave her a week-long stay at any location in the world, so they try to make things right if things go wrong.

    We have also had good experiences renting via both airbnb and vrbo; we are going to Montana next month and have a place in Bozeman reserved for a week.

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