I suspect the word “sustainable” has become the new marketing buzzword, just like “natural” – and equally meaningless, for the most part.
Of course all growing matter decays and slowly releases carbon back into the environment as it does so. The key word is SLOWLY. The effect is clearly different than that of the equivalent of vast forests being decimated overnight on an annual basis.
Two other factors often overlooked are root systems and pesticides/herbicides. The roots of the felled trees hold about 50% of the carbon, which is released into the soil, then the atmosphere. And don’t forget the massive amounts of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides used on tree farms. Few of these operate organically, and most Xmas trees are sprayed heavily before sale. God forbid something living should actually emerge from the “live” tree traditionalist consumers insist on having! In recent years, warnings have been issued in regard to indoor air quality due to these chemicals, and the harmful effects on pets or children who may come in contact with them.