Re: there is a health issue at Nickelsville



Well, well, well.

Perhaps Mr. Morrow’s karma is finally catching up with him after all.

He apparently thought — when he hatched this plan to move a bunch of homeless folks from all different backgrounds onto City land – that he could fling the doors wide open, hand everyone a list of rules (see link below) and rest easy, knowing that he could always intervene directly if things ever got out of hand.

How naïve can you be?

So . . . OK. There’s drugs there. [Surprise!]

Of course there are drugs there.

And violence.

And other bad behaviors.

That stuff has been there all along. But it’s always been manageable, as long as there wasn’t too much of it, and as long as Mr. Morrow’s authority went unchallenged.

But now things are getting out of hand, to the point where even the Great Oz can’t control it anymore.

In other words . . . the inmates are running the asylum.

And you know what? The cops and the City are juuuuuust fine with that. As I’ve been saying for some time now, they’re just looking for an excuse to shut the place down, so they don’t have to be the “heavy” and evict everyone for some less compelling reason. (Like, for instance, someone else buys the property.)

See how that works?

Folks thought they was playahz.

But they ’bout ta get played.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

These are The Rules of which I speak. This document was given to me about a year ago by a person who is closely connected with the camp. The Rules may have changed somewhat since then, but you get the idea . . .

Pay close attention to the parts that say “Zero Tolerance.”