Sometimes you do have to look at who is doing the complaining. I worked in a restaurant where one terrible employee was always being reprimanded and written up. She was absolutely positive it was because she was gay and the boss was homophobic. The problem with this, there were 6 other gay people who were treated exceptionally.
As a manager myself in a downtown business, I had a employee I had to let go for bad performance. He threatened to sue me because I hate blacks. I looked at him and looked at my staff. 90 percent were black and I hired them and thought they were great employees. He still reported me and created an investigation which went nowhere.
My point is, there is very real discrimination, and there is discrimination in the eye of the beholder. As NR said, how do you know a male wouldn’t have been treated the same way approaching the job the same way.
And as BDG has said, she asked and demanded a certain level of pay and position. One of my jobs where I got paid less was that example. The male after me would not work for what I had been being paid and said so. I had never said anything. Just assumed a good performance would be rewarded.