a new battery shouldn’t be freezing up… so if you have a newer battery causing you those kinds of problems, it’s probably a good idea to have the charging system checked out.
unless. of course.. you left a light on:)
i had a car with an engine warmer when i was in minnesota. bought it in bimidji where they are standard:)
as for ice crystals in the gas… i just fill with premium if i know the weather is going to be really cold since the higher octane usually takes care of the problem.
remember when we had carburetors and you kept a can of high octane in the trunk to spray in the carburetor to start it? now that was fun…
The kid’s father dangled his cigarette too close once.. luckily all he got was good fright (i was happily married to him at the time) but it was a pretty spectacular fireball ;~>
Engines arent’ the same any more… Now i look under the hood and wonder where i check the oil:)